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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Well with these and the angel birds probably soon afterwards, I guess next year we can expect the bombardment of Low-Vis, Stealths, Camo, maybe Minmay guards...
  2. Thanx for putting up the pictures!!! No boobies on Millia again. Oh well, don't really care when looking at all these pictures!
  3. WOOOOHOOOOOOO I am now happy regarding this line! Does anyone have anymore Jpg images to post? I hope Millia has them boobies this time.
  4. With the Virgin Road confirmed on it's way (appears like a dark blue 1D in the tiny pic in the scoopa thread) what remains to know is will it came with the missle pods and clusters, will it come with a gun pod, and will it have additional fodder pilots? I really do hope it has additional fodder pilots and a gun pod to convince me. Displaying it with the couple on the way to the wedding is not my thing.
  5. Link please?
  6. sure. As long as they do first Max & Millia's 1J's, a VF-0D, VF-2S, a VF-4, VF-14, VF-17, VF-3000, VF-5000, VF-9, VA-3, Monster, v.2 Q-Rau, Glaug, Regult, Gnerl, Variable Glaug, SDP-1, Orguss Valkyrie, VERF-1, Feios Valkyrie, SW-XAII Schneegans, 1/2000 scale factory satellite... I dunno about these. I like the heads, but that nose cone is scary and ugly. As for the SDP-1, it's too Gundumb for me.
  7. They already had pics of Alto's along with the other Gundam Robots last year, when introducing the line. 3 Vfs? Well it's cost effective to use the same mold and run on the Frontier novelty. Alto's, Ozma's and Michael's.
  8. I've noticed various sites like Hobby Search are offering the Hiki 1J with SP as a re-release for July. Can anyone confirm if this will have the shoulder's fixed, as well the new crouch section?
  9. There are BMW's, Mercs, Alfa's and even Porsches out of the box that break down within weeks. Nothing is perfect. Yamato is constantly working on their products, and considering how they reissues re-releases with the problems fixed, is a sign that they are trying. Yes it's frustrating considering the amount of money we pay. And the same thing happens with Xbox's that over heat. I'm sure Yamato is well aware of their QC issues, cause at the end it's costing them money. But sometimes, the smallest things just slip, especially when products have to shipped to pay salaries. Hey, who remembers the Merc A1, that damn thing kept flipping in the air in corners. They had to call them all back, and after 4 years they figured out the problem!
  10. I still can't find the reasons why the changes of Valks from TV to DYRL. I would of loved it if the 1A's were 1J's instead. Which reminds me, does anyone here have a link to give the reasoning for the chanegs in DYRL, like Max joining Millia instead the other way round and etc. OT - Damn, does anyone have an official back story as to how Max was accepted by the Meltran women? And why he choose them instead of returning to the SDF? (I've doing a search on the anime section, but get hundreds of threads unrelated.) OK, back to topic. The only reason why a DYRL 1J would get my interest it's cause of the greyish plastic instead of that bright white.
  11. With this Valk a certain probability. All that remains is which version will Yamato initially make? The differences. DYRL. Border around the visor is a dark gray. The white will most likely be that greyish white of the other DYRL Valks. Hands are mechanical. Pilot most will probably be fodder. The armour's colour will be that of the DYRL Strike packs. TV series. Visor's border is white like the rest of the head. The white will likely once more be that stormtrooper white. Hands are gloved. Pilot is our favourite Hikaru in his iconic red and blue striped suit. The armour's colour will be that of the TV fast packs.
  12. Fair enough, been there many times. And it will be even harder next year when they'll probably have VE, VT, M-M, non canon, fodders, and much more for sale...
  13. These days I ask myself if I can survive without multiples of the same toy? And where else can I put this money? I was in a similar position in collecting toys, and up until last year I use to purchase 15 to 30 high end figures a year, and sometimes multiples of the same toy. This year thus far, one Valk and one $12 MGS figure. These days I rather tend to help the cat and dog orphanages, and spread awareness to stop the cruel killing of animals worldwide with the access money I have, instead of toys. But this is just me, and in no way am I condemning any collector as theirs & my purchases are helping people keep their jobs. As for my Valk collection aside from Revotechs and Hase kits? Flogged the 1/48’s and V1’s since the announcement of the V2 1/60. Even my 1J Hiki recently, and only kept a 1J Hiki V1 1/60. At the moment waiting for the Hiki 1S V2 1/60 to be shipped, and after getting the M-M 1J’s, the Focker Low Vis, and the 0D whenever it’s made, I’m probably done collecting Yamatos. Probably will only succumb for a Low-vis or stealth 1J 1/60, along with a V2 Lum and obviously a Regult. And I’ll be satisfied with just those. OK, depending on the price of the 1J with armour and if ever a 1/60 SDF bridge is made, maybe those can be added to the list, if not, I can still live without them. But damn, $2900 is almost half of what I spent on my rally sport last year. If I had that access cash I’ll rather go on a trip to Europe or Japan which is an experience filled with so many memories. Or if you haven’t already, then go to an air show and a buy a flight in a jet fighter. But whatever fills your life, and if it doesn’t harm anyone, then it’s all good. Still if you’ve created this thread, then you might be feeling uneasy in spending these amounts for toys? If so then maybe try to be selective on your choices? What I do to avoid compulsive buying I examine the toys’ pros and cons, and if I still really want it after a couple weeks, then I buy it. Usually that novelty must have sensation wares out after a few days, meaning I really didn’t want that figure. By doing this over the last year I’ve realized how many toys I didn’t really like 100%, and have no regrets in not getting them. At the end, we won’t be able to take these toys with us when we die, so why have multiples of the same? In the world of Shikibane Hime, collectors die with regret from obsession (OCD, lol), and their dead bodies turn into a monstrous corpses that chow other people. (Yes, I love that anime series.)
  14. BEAUTIFUL!!! Love every picture of it! It reminds me so much of the German WW2 fighter planes. Though can already see the TV-1J also becoming a dark gray low-vis. That would so cool! But no on-line store has it for pre-order yet... So totally agree with you on this one. On the other hand if the Low-vis was a 1J or even a 1S, it would be tuff choice for me.
  15. Like the tinted blue one, but the bright nose cone on all of them, still puts me off to commit myself if they were made as 1/60.
  16. True, it's a business. But in my field we have to look at everything as a art scholar or academic viewpoint, to get the maximun out of the artists involved. Lets look at Batman. It's Batman, it's a franschise, originally made for kids like Transformers, and it's a business. Yet Nolan managed to turn it into a quality, mature storytelling and as art in the film sense, without any of the lame comical features in Transformers.
  17. I think that's a movie most people are trying to forget.
  18. Agreed. And if they go for the pilot to be the size of a valk 1/60, the regult will tower the destroid. I still think it will sell well anyway. Aside from the Macross fans, the design is unique and diffirent to whats out in the market presently, and would bring in new fans and collectors.
  19. It's been quiet with announcements by Yamato lately? Dunno, the 22's would probably be limited run then?
  20. My review of this Transformers’ movie. Please note that I do lecture design for 3D animation, and story boarding and etc, so I’m going to try to be technical as possible, without sounding too technical. LOL Spoiler alert.
  21. I think one of the issues of it's design delay might be in keeping the Regult to stand up. Either a stand could be use, but then would ruin the visual of it. Or they would have to use those type of Lego ratchet joints. Guess all depends on the weight of the pod and pilot? Also I too would like Queadlunn Rau V2, as well the pink/purple versions from DYRL.
  22. I'll take your word for it. I've only spoken to Scott via E-mail when an order didn't ship (Was actually postal hold in Japan), and does seem to be a very helpful guy. Though I also think his business is huge these, and probably to busy to monitor the technicalities of it. Do you think it's possible you can ask him to implement Hobby Search's website system, which works out the EMS shipping before purchasing?
  23. Well, it's not my fault that at times there are glitches in all the little things that link the internet on a global scale. Though for a Moderator instead of politely asking why this happened and deleting the additional posts, you certainly lined yourself up for the cock of the year award.
  24. I really like. But still gonna wait for the Focker Low-vis and the MwM Valks first. Though I do have question. Is the white that stormtrooper white, or the 1S greyish white?
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