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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. How much real combat has this F-22 seen?
  2. Surely Subs will be out earlier than that? I got Eva 2.0 a month later subbed... Yes dubbed, will be sometime next year.
  3. I'm really struggling to watch this show. Feels too crumped and like student work.
  4. Not just with this show, but with every Zombie concept. Well I've seen real street fights, and unlike Van Damme specials, last a couple of seconds, and then there's our obsession with contact sports, so in a Zombie world it might make sense that entertainment is about avoiding the danger of that time, and it was also staged like most of our entertainment. LOL And yeah, the Romans did it for thousands of years, as has every culture at it's peak of civilization and boredom.
  5. If a Zombie outbreak happens, just stay indoors for a week. The calcium and blood will dry up in the corpses and they won't be able to move anymore... unlike how Tv wants us to believe.
  6. So you roll down grassy hills with them and slice their apples with the force?
  7. That's my fear. It feels it's dragging a bit since introducing the Pirates.
  8. StarWars isn't about making people feel awkward, there's plenty of Nicole Kidman films that already do that.
  9. This makes me smile!
  10. Volumne 36 was translated about a few months back. I've recently started on 37. I thought they were planning like 7 films?
  11. Now let's all be good fellow Macross friends and share tabs on the first rip with subs!
  12. I so regret not getting a Deunan when she went on special on HLJ. Then again read the rubber suit is deterioating rapidly.
  13. Oops, meant arb, slang here for weird, and yes it's directed at her original armour that we both hate.
  14. Yes it is. A year has passed since the outbreak. They've lived the worse, and now are trying to embrace the little normality they knew. I remember the world during the 911 shockwave, and soon afterwards mostly everyone returned to their everyday lives. It's human nature to move on.
  15. Mark's career is taking a bit of a dive. First Ted, now this.
  16. Guess I'm the only one excited for super strong zombies...
  17. Busy with the second season of Fate Zero. Pure eye candy.
  18. Great opportunity for Boba's son to appear and follow the tradition of lame Fett deaths.
  19. I'm still in two minds. Got a feeling it's going to be re-released in a diffirent colour.
  20. And Hayden will be hired back as the clone of Anni.
  21. World War Z is an upcoming post-apocalyptic horror film directed by Marc Forster and written by Matthew Michael Carnahan. It is based on the novel of the same name by Max Brooks. Brad Pitt stars as Gerry Lane, a worker at the United Nations, as he searches the globe for information that can stop the zombie outbreak that is bringing down nations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_Z_%28film%29 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=HcwTxRuq-uk For those wanting better quality trailer. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/paramount/worldwarz/
  22. Or it's like all those unbelieveble rumours early on to most films. - The Joker will not even be mentioned in the new Batman film. - Loki will be the villain in Avengers. - Spiderman is going to be rebooted and feature the Lizard. - There will be a Transformer 4. - Lucas will never sell StarWars, he's going to give it to his kids. You guys get the idea.
  23. It's around 15cm tall without it's cannon thing.
  24. Well then the emperor should of cloned armies of Darth Maul in the prequels, instead of Jango, and he would have never lost. But yeah, I know, he used the Republics money and etc...
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