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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Thought I was gonna get a warning after my topless image here yesterday. LOL Like many of you, only the Robotech site banned me as I too got bored one day and founded entertainment in taking on the Robotechies. Was initially warned when I opened a thread about Yamato Valks there. Their excuse, no talking about products not licensed in the US. But I was in Holland at the time... LOL
  2. When watching all the series, especially Frontier, there was more "risque" intent with pre-teen Klan in the series than that image I posted of her in her dressing room. I put it up cause I thought it was A) Well drawn. B) Funny when you notice the little character's expression on the bed. There was no need to underline an assumption considering Klan as a pre-teen had more "risque" intent about her in the actual series. Secondly the Sheryl topless image had a warning, and it was a link. The mod said it was still no no after I posted the link, but his first answer was very vague? (One minute yes if innocent, then no, and then justifies "Alpo"?) And his decision was respected, and didn't post anymore images like that. But the need for another mod to come and share techniques in downloading porn for so little, if not zero drama at all, was totally WTF? Finally, the title of this thread is "Appreciation" Art. I teach concept design for 3D animation, and with nude models running around in the class for the endless hours of anatomy drawing, a body drawn in a non vulgar position is seen in my field as "Appreciation" Art. I thought this thread's purpose was to share and discuss various images of Macross that can be appreciated as art? And what's wrong if some jokes are snugged about the character's features? And sorry, I'm sure most here have never heard of this Danburo site whatever it is. If a topless drawing is offensive around here and can't be seen for the art that it is, then fine. Say NO FORM OF FORBIDDEN NUDY BITS. Don't say it depends on how it can be seen. And please, don't label people cause of a topless image, as this forum is based on a saga that had more risque intention than a topless image. And PS, the comment about "Alpo" and the carrot is golden beauty as a signature. That's it. Peace
  3. Watching Shikibane Hime. Loving it.
  4. I was wondering the same thing with "Alpo" being molested by his co-pilots.
  5. Can anyone please extract the images into Jpgs?
  6. I want! Hoping HLJ or Hobby Search will carry this!
  7. Should the DYRL version have black stripes on the Valk's arms and legs beneath the armour, then I'm all for the DYRL. As well it would be that awesome grey white colour. Although the TV version doesn't really have the black border around the visor, as the TV 1J was always white. Then again in the one Episode that the GBP was used, that border changed colour several times in the first few seconds. LOL
  8. That's the DX... And the why I'll rather hold out for when Yamato makes the VF-25 in 1/60...
  9. They look like separate interchangeable pieces...
  10. Ditto. And some even accuse Yamato of Milking it. LOL
  11. Anyone have a link to view the other toys there? Please... On google all I can find is the map and etc of the event...
  12. 9 Hours of walking and then dropping a ring...
  13. Oops. My mistake. I got confused with another image of Sheryl's also labelled Topless, but tagged Tony Taka. I'll PM you the link of the image, cause it's more than topless.
  14. I actually really like that metallic colour, especially on the VF-25G
  15. Love the metallic blue tint on that VF-25G!!!
  16. Cow girls Soccer Girls High quality More Sheryl More of Sheryl & Ranka Biatch
  17. Mod Speak: Not a seriously bad picture but it wasn't some official Macross picture. You didn't have permission either. If I believed members here had taste and self control it would be no big deal. Don't want to have a as risque as you can get arms races. Omegablue: I understand, hence why I posted only the link, and also the more risque one I only PM.
  18. It's Sheryl suntanning, officially licensed and done by the artist Tony Taka? And nope, Alpo is bio. Proof is that he couldn't decide between the two. LOL
  19. Quick question. Just roughly how much would it cost to buy from these Robo**** the rights of Macross outside of Japan? Surely it can't be much considering they're aren't making any money off it? Also, usually licenses expire? I guess it's an infinity one here?
  20. PS, am I allowed to post topless one of Sheryl?
  21. Original big size over here... 1.2 MG
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