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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. It's very difficult, as the areas will scrap together of when you split open the body. My Millia is already scarred!
  2. Considering the loyalty this forum has for Yamato, the members here should be offered an exclusive from Yamato? Graham?
  3. The price of this Valk will scare most of us. If it's anything like the Metal Unicorn Gundam, then expect to pay $150 with shipping...
  4. Agent-GHQ. I actually have piano hands. (IE, slender hands) LOL Well what I meant by the clip, is that the raised ring piece beneath the wing, where you clip the missiles on. I slid the missile on, there was a bit of struggle, and the groove on that clip just brittled off. Now missiles can't attach. It just droops down and pops off. When I'll get a chance I'll take pics... EXO, thanx, but I'm still waiting for OD to reply to me. It's pity that Yamato can't service it's loyal customers outside of Japan...
  5. While placing the missile cluster, one of the wing's clips went. First time ever, and I have 4 1/60 v2. Need a wing replacement, but most stores want $50 due to the fact that I'm in South Africa. A friend of mine in the past, had a similar experience, when a Revoltech's superpack was missing, and got charged that much from HLJ for it... So I want to ask Yamato directly... My Japanese is at Zero, so I can't make out much on their website...
  6. Take it, auction it off, and give the money to charity if you're feeling guilty about it?
  7. If it was black or grey, then I would buy one.
  8. Can someone please try to post pictures of the VF-1s Low-vis but with the VE parts. And then a VE with super packs? Please?
  9. Here in South Africa. Mcdees Combo is R40.00 (Rand). My recent Low-Vis/prototype Focker VF-1S 1/60 v2, with shipping and customs was R1100,00. So that's 26 Mcdees Combos for one Valk. For me the trick in this hobby has always been to be selective if you're not planning to damage your kid's college fund. Or have a rich girlfriend or boyfriend that really loves you. Or don't have one as dating is fairly expensive.
  10. Probably then... How are your wings?
  11. Well, I finally got mine. It's truely awesome, I love it. Although I have encountered a couple of issues... First, why is there knurling on the pins of the arms hinges? There already was one stress mark clearly visible as I lifted the legs to transform it for the first time. I haven't removed the pins, but that slightly knurling gap is present... Secondly, the wings in plane mode don't slightly halt at that slight angle when opening them. They seem slightly loose. Still, I adore it.
  12. I still doubt this sudden popularity of the VF-2ss? And I do hope Graham is able to check that sudden "new members" from the moment of posting thread didn't vote. Or at least their votes won't be taken into consideration. Although, I still pretty much believe Yamato will not base their decision on 300 votes... ? Still, I like the Vf-2ss and will buy one... BUT only after the VF-0D!!!
  13. Looks awesome in Battroid! Question, is the colour of the plastic beige white, or is it the lighting? Still it's not enough to convince me the price tag...
  14. Your avatar looks fake... Forgiveness, I browsing on my cell phone then and the smaller pics on the small screen looked somewhat less 'Fake'.
  15. There are pics floating of the prototype packaging. And yes, the Tie Defender will be grey and black. It will include a Tie pilot, and to what appears to be either a Stormtrooper or a Biker scout. The Snowtrooper BP will have a white speederbike, 2 snow troopers, 1 AT AT Driver, and 1 AT AT commander...
  16. It's pretty in plane mode, but that is a mess for a battroid. The design shouts Transformers. And what's with the nose cone and the fridge behind it? Dunno, not for me. VF-0D. Then the Vf-2SS...
  17. You forgot the Angel birds and the Alaskan base 1A.
  18. After obtaining the VF Master file book, I'm really hoping for some of the camo schemes in it. Though hopefully, the Stealth will be next.
  19. Those F-19 pics look fake...
  20. The were recently released with the issues corrected.
  21. As much as I like the VF-2ss and would purchase one. It's still no where near the aggressive sleek beauty of the VF-0D. PS Graham, I hope you can check that the votes are not accounted from "sudden new members" after this thread went up.
  22. Can anyone help out with the following please. Recently got the game, but want to play it on the PC. Where is a good emulator to download? And is there a manual of the menus translated in English? Thanx
  23. Question. Where exactly do Klan Klan's legs slot into the Q-Rea?
  24. I'll say Tampo all, EXCEPT for the pilots names... Dreading the name Warmaker on a CF valk!
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