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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. They're actually wearing different shoes and clothes... Dejavu could be something that Nolan wanted to throw in here at the end. You know like when you dream something, but then experience it when awake... Also there's the ring factor, and never once does he mention the spintop is his totem...
  2. Didn't she do a couple of topless scenes during her day? Edit: I googled it. Yeah, she did. LOL
  3. LOL, I don't regard Hot toys as figures or toys, but more like high end expensive dolls. I'm talking about the general commercial stuff of T4.
  4. Not going to argue there. It's like they just repainted them. Though I think no film figures are as bad as the last Terminator Salvation attempts. Meh, for kids that is great, but for most collectors I dunno? I was really hoping for some well sculpted figures of the female characters...
  5. And in true Hollywood Merchandising tradition, the toys of this Film are sculpted and engineered by a donkey.
  6. So Gabriela Cedillo family is going for legal action. Gabriela Cedillo's family have filed a legal case in Chicago, claiming Paramount and the film's location managers breached a duty of care. The 24-year-old was left partially paralyzed and unable to speak when a thick slab of metal became dislodged from a stunt car and struck her head. Rest of the story. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11485712 And. http://thecount.com/2010/10/05/injured-transformers-3-indiana-extra-gabriela-cedillo-sues-paramount-for-accident/ They're suing for $50,000, which is nothing considering to the permanent damage.
  7. I friend of mine recently returned from Denver, and managed to get himself one of these Regults. I mean no offense to anyone that has one, but when first looking at it I was reminded of those old vinyl toys from the 90's. Just doesn't look like to have any of that crisp hard edge tech development of recent toys from Japan. With that said I would still probably buy one.
  8. Omegablue


    In my view, Bandai seems to make only the official Cannon Valks of the pilots or cannon fodder these days. If it happens, it will end up being an exclusive to Japan, which seems to be the trend these days.
  9. But it still sells like a Korean car. LOL (And I'm no Korean car fan, just your description brought into mind Kia and all that cr@p.)
  10. Omegablue


    This thread... hurt me... For years I've been visiting here every week with the top hope of reading an update for the 0D... Well, I certainly did read it today...
  11. Well if the Cameron film of battle angel goes through, then I'm certain you'll be flooded with many to pick from. Giving my Revo Rei as a gift to a friend after seeing this one. Revoltechs are awesome with their Mechs though, like I prefer their Evas of Yamaguchi over Damashi Bandai Evas.
  12. Got My BRS last weekend. And yeah, best Figma to date, though followed closely by the Gantz one. Really would like some Appleseed, GITS and Macross Figmas. A bit disappointed in all the school girl treatments they've been giving lately... But yeah, bring on those Evangelion Figmas, and hopefully a Misato with them.
  13. This movie is made for desperate housewives... Manganism!
  14. Been watching Evangelion 2.22 almost everyday since getting it recently... Love it!
  15. In what part of the trailer does it indicate that it's a dream? It simply looks like an alternative realm with steampunk mixed with anceint asia, season with Fantasy and topped with with some Nazi's. Seems like a fresh idea,and hopefully will do better than those cliche caped hero films.
  16. I feel the only way a Regult Yamato toy would ever sale massive qauntities, is if the original series was remade giving the Regult fresh coverage to younger generations. With that said, I would pay $100 for Regult toy from Yamato, even without the figure. VF-1's need them.
  17. I would like to see anything on a VF-1J Stealth 1/60 v2...
  18. This is awesome stuff! Gonna print them on plastic boards! PS, would you please have the translations for the others?
  19. Well that's a bit lame naming this Hi-Metal series. LOL Was hoping for Chogokin type of Valk...
  20. Question. Just which parts are Die-Cast? (I get the impression that Hi Metal means majority in Die-Cast) Looks nice for the scale of it. Might consider a the possible Millia 1J or 1S Focker (If it's grey, and not white) Though as much as I love the VF-1... They could of given us something a bit different, like a VF-0...
  21. Meh... Nothing new...
  22. Slightly off topic. At the show, was there any word on a possible V2 Low Vis or Stealth?
  23. No remorse here. Sold my 1/60 v1 and 1/48 for the v2. Only a bit of frustration in the sub-par quality of my Vf-1 V2 Max and Miriya.
  24. The finishing is rather rough and cheap...
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