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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Eye glasses cleaners. And an airbrush is the best to clean the seams of dust.
  2. Nice pics... I'm still furious with mine as to how the white paint scratched off during transformation...
  3. Could be prototypes for a line that never got released?
  4. Really hoping for the other pilots and Sheryl in this line...
  5. That 27 is now tempting me too...
  6. Well, with those comparison Batroid pics, guess we can discard the Photoshop rumour?
  7. Faces no, heads yes.
  8. Wonder if Bengal is going to make an appearance... And really hope they make a Chetarah for the classic line!
  9. Quick questions. I haven't seen the film, and I'm wondering if there are other versions of this YF-29? Or possibly a VF-29? (Would like a YF-29 in a more military scheme?) Also don't get why they went backwards with the cockpit layout, as the 27 was concealed and had that whole inner display?
  10. Thanx UN Spacy. I'm sold, and does look a whole lot more larger in size. Is it a true 1/60? As the pilot seems a bit small, but then again the helmet is also smaller...
  11. I remember when last year the Kai Solid Snake came out, I had this friend who has a friend that is well connected to the toy world, and he had already seen the Raiden for Rising of this line... Yawn... I really would like to meet some day these friends of friends always connected to every toy company... No disrepect Renato, I've always valued your views. But is this friend of yours really in with Bandai? I'm just really surprised someone in Bandai would leak such scandalous info. And it does contrast with the near accuracy of the YF-29.
  12. Can anyone please take pictures of it alongside a Yamato Vf-1 v2, both in Batroid and fighter modes please? Would like to see size comparisons... Thanx
  13. What are die-cast parts? And does it overall compare to the Vf-1 v2 by Yamato in quality?
  14. Shoulders still too high and wide apart. Arms are skinny. Backpack is too low. ...
  15. Hey guys, I would like to have any suggestions of the best places to purchases high collectors stuff exclusive in Japan. I know about Tokyo Hunter, but he only deals with toys. Or there any places that deals with cels, prints and autographed items? Thanks and hope to get feedback. (PS to the mods, I've placed this here as it's not strictly for Macross items.)
  16. Hi guys, Would you know of any stores and people in Japan that sells cels online to overseas? Or where would be the best place to get cels. I'm desperately looking for Macross and especially studio Ghibli ones. Thanks
  17. It's being filmed and made here in South Africa. Wonder if District 9 inspired that.
  18. Ironman is next... http://img213.imageshack.us/f/ap20101202111127448.jpg/
  19. Meh... What a disappointment... I suppose Cameron Diaz will be Elena... (Where's a vomit Emoticon?)
  20. Maserati MC Stradale for me, thank you. A real coupe and muscle car combined with the style and tech of a modern Gt.
  21. Omegablue

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    Meh, where are the 1J stealths...
  22. You need a .45 when up against Zombies. Wonna make sure that the brain goes. Then again DE would do a better job.
  23. Insheeption was like 3 weeks ago. They're now on the Coon-2 Saga...
  24. Actually scientifically zombies are very possible. This is from the little medical and natural science knowledge I have. It’s a bacterium that feeds off the bonding structure of the white blood cells, and perfectly lives within the fluids that compound within the nervous system to the brain. However as it converts blood, the human heart rejects it, and stops beating, thus the person dies. Although the bacteria still lives on and manages to have control of the brain’s motor, albeit slow as the blood circulation has halted into a thicker substance, so gone are those quick and calculative reflexes. (Sort of like when someone gets high, as the dope slows down the blood circulation, it increases the person’s stupidity.) Sight in Zombies is limited due to dehydration, thus strengthening hearing and scent senses to seek fresh un-mutated blood that the bacteria hungers. And apparently various bacteria can live in open air as long as their within the slightest moisture, so it doesn’t matter if the body is decaying. And finally, a bullet to the brain amputates the bacteria’s control to the whole body. This could very well be the bacteria’s own next step in evolution.
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