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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Thanks charger69!!! And yeah, I'll rather have that over the blue VF-25G!!! It's like the Ferrari of the 25 series!!!
  2. Anyone please got a picture of Klan's red VF-25S???
  3. It's up to issue 90 presently. That's how far I am.
  4. Still wondering where Sophie is... If she carried on walking, by now she's across the country.
  5. I'm two ways with this. I agree, but since the Nightmare doesn't appeal to me, probably a lit up cockpit and engines would have convinced me more. And i don't regard a stand a gimmick. I feel it should be a standard with these type of high end collectables.
  6. His death wasn't needed. He was a solid and focused character, unlike that confused moron of Alto. And yeah, his Valk is awesomo! Wonder if it will come with a Klan Klan pilot as well???
  7. I've done the waiting list thing before with them. It means if they get excess stock, you'll be notified by e-mail that you can place your order if and when they do. This doesn't reserve the item for you, nor it guarantees they will be getting excess stock. Out of the several items I did, only a couple didn't come through for me. But you have to be quick with the order... I lost out by checking my e-mail a day late...
  8. All good. Yeah, this figure is awesome. Didn't get it as I'm holding out for the Ozma, which I did manage to pre-order from Hobbysearch at their dicount. And yeah, people are strange with toys and prices, and even more when the 2 are together...
  9. Yes I would buy it!!! Though it must be the 1J!!! Not the 1S and not the 1A. As well I would also go for the 1A low vis!!! Yamato???
  10. Never said it was for this item. (Read please.) 90% of the figures they allow 3 per order. Like Figmas and Revoltechs. You also cannot order more than the allowed amount on the screen, the ordered doesn't proceed to the check out screen. They just didn't like it when 3 of every item (When accessible) was ordered, and sent him an e-mail that his account was suspended. And it got suspended/banned again for cancelling a pre-order, after he's spent thousands of dollars with them just this year alone... I can agree with your theory about ordering 1 per person. Then again as shipping is insane, they must understand that most people outside of Japan want to save costs on shipping. Example, 1 figma on it's own is $20 Dollars for us. For three it's just under $40. And no they are losing it. We got this year from them a huge box for 3 Shunya Ghostbusters where another 4 could have been packed in. Whilst my expensive Alter Kosmos was packed in the tighest box possible, and had to carefully cut the shipping box to get it out. And of course there was a bump on the shipping box's corner, and the figure's original box inside was damaged. And yen 20 discount??? LOL
  11. Amiami is losing. They banned my friend first for always ordering 3 of every item (He orders for me and another friend). After they allowed him back on, they banned him again for cancelling a pre-order. Aside the stupid large boxes, or the overly tight boxes where the goods inside get damaged, I think they can't handle the volumne of clients. And yes, 20 Yen discount??? WTF...
  12. Well at least it gives hope that the VF-25S will be restocked as well after release...
  13. Didn't this die??? Can you direct me to a link please.
  14. Can we please have our 1J stealth 1/60 stealth first...
  15. Pure Valk P0rn! Love it!!!
  16. I'll wait to see when the series reaches a certain place, and the characters go up against their biggest threat. If the series cannot pull off that pivotal part, then it will be total fail compared to the comic book.
  17. There's an Ozma YF-29???
  18. You've perfectly reviewed the whole series with just that one line.
  19. Yeah, totally about Shane. Of course I prefer the comic book. The characters in the series are predictable to me because they're very generic from other generic series. Rick in the comic book is more real as he makes mistakes and isn't a clear cut angelic good guy. That's an example of many. They're leaving all the questionable actions of the characters. Again, I feel it's pointless taking a story that is a success, and recreating it just for the sake of TV, and denying new fans the true pleasure of the true WD story. As well since the story in series has reached Herschel farm, at that stage of the comic book so much excited stuff had already happened, which really evolved the characters in solid directions. Either way no point counter arguing on this further. I remain that the comic book is a far superior and more original script that this imitation of a series.
  20. Being up to date with the comic, I will say that the show is a becoming a horrible reflection. Aside that the story is deviating in character paths, season 2 is boring. What made the comic so great was the unexpected twists in character's personalities, and had constant human needs, both righteous and selfish. In the show the characters are too predictably linear and refuse to evolve. I'm tired of seeing Andrea constantly freeze up and cry. Just like Rick's endless monologues, and everyone's obvious philosophy. (Major spoilers from the comic here!) Walking Dead comic is about surviving human interaction in a doomed world. The show is about surviving the producers' uncreative forced vision. And yeah, Game of Thrones is the fact that direct conversions work.
  21. Nope. I said mainly. But there have been plenty of blue Lego going yellow, then again this is what happens when a kid constantly plays with them without ever washing their hands. LOL, then create a diaroma with it like it just crash landed.
  22. I gather as this is the YF-29, and since I've yet to watch the Frontier films, is there a VF-29??? Yeah, really hopeful this gets remade in a military scheme...
  23. Yip, mine in plane mode pretty much yellowish all round. Looks slighty like a desert camo. Though didn't transform it before selling it to see if it effected closed areas. The v2 DYRL are a broken grey white, and so far with mine no yellowing on them. I've come across it mainly effects pure white plastics, or very soft plastics like those of model kits, but also PVC, especially transparent PVC... But I've also read it's diffirent with each diverse climate around the world...
  24. This is why I avoided this VF-25F, and waited for the Ozma. I avoid expensive toys made of pure white plastic. Especially after my 1/48 Vf-1J went yellow, and was always in the box and stored in a cool area.
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