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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Yip. Such a pity cause in the comics she's cool, collective, never whined, and actually leads the team when Rick's not around.
  2. I'm taking it that it can lead to many diverse directions. Like the whole harvesting humans for planets, or maybe teaming up with other aliens. Also with the father in that position, it could explain some frightening revelations that set out the next season's next plot. It's ended with the humans having zero hope, just like it started, and thus bridge into the next story arc...
  3. I actually fell asleep in the last episode. I dunno, 6 episodes and it really hasn't gotten anywhere. They've moved from the highway to a farm, and that's it. Everyone is still alive, and the same minor and obvious revelations isn't enough for 6 six episodes. More happened in season 1 which was 6 episodes itself. Really slow... Rick is fading horribly into the background with his repeating preaching. Only Shane and Darryl have really evolved, and are probably the only ones holding the show's interest. Anyway, when looking at the cast list, I'm hoping to see the arrival of the comic's bigger and tougher leading characters after the break... Then hopefully the fun begins? Who knows, maybe they're doing the Breaking Bad thing of slowing it down completely before things become an endless gaunlet of tension and action? Thankfully Terra Nova is moving at a faster pace at this stage...
  4. At the Imax version of this, they'll also be showing the first 6 minutes of The Dark Knight Rises.
  5. I generally have it at my desk at home and work. Use it to clean the screen from dust, or to wipe my hands after holding the student's clay models that haven't been baked yet. As well aids me during colds and snacks... Why is it so odd to you???
  6. I love Tron Legacy. So hypnotized by them neon lights. But if Stewart stars in it, then I'll only watch it if there's the outside of her taking off her top... Other than that she can't do much else in a film... BTW, is this still a Di Caprio production?
  7. Regardless that the F117 was designed with the specific stealth purpose, it looks like a piranha from the side... Really don't like it, especially how it's flat underneath. There's nothing sexy about it as it's like a skinny supermodel with no t*** and a**.
  8. Well, Gundam issues a new series every time the weather drifts, and most of the Mechs in them are fairly... stupid looking in design. Not all of them... but most. Like this new Gundam Age. So cheap and boring... Is there something in Japanese water that programs it's nation to buy Gundam? Oh well... Not really a big deal considering the amout of Macross toys ten years ago...
  9. I don't get why Bandai can't see that if they release second issues of a popular figure a bit later, they'll actually make more money due to it's grown popularity. It's like the Wild Tiger figure from Tiger and Bunny, already sold out three times at pre-orders!!!
  10. The Merle character was recently at one of the big comic-cons promoting the show, so we probably can expect his comeback to be the critical turn in this season.
  11. It's fantastic. But expect limited production and lot of Dollaz for shipping! Still hoping Bandai Tamashi or Riobot will still do one at a more reasonable price and scale... Well then again since Square did do the mechs of Peace Walker along with it's characters, expect the Rex to soon follow as they are releasing the MGS1 figures...
  12. If Hikaru, Shin and Isamu are douchebags in your world, then I really don't want to meet you. Basara can't be put with them, because he is just an unrealistic and uncreative piece of writing. He's like a karaoke booth, lots of repetitive noise that requires vast amounts of drinking to endure as nothing is real.
  13. Of course she's pregnant with Shane's kid. She's been barely reunited with Rick for a few weeks.
  14. Dislike this arrogant cardboard character with a passion. So one way one and unrealistic.
  15. Would it have been possible if they made the yellow and red bits respectively for Ozma and Alta, interchangeble?
  16. Is this group thing for members in a certain part of the world???
  17. Looks like Graham has put the Jedi mind trick on you. Although I will admit, I do prefer the longer nose cone version in Frontier.
  18. The Nightmare isn't such a hot seller because it's missing the Frontier logo on the box. But seriously, it's probably because it's challenging for anyone new to Macross, to watch Macross 7 these days... Got a friend that I introduced to Macross a while back. Loved Zero Loved Frontier , but couldn't watch more than a couple of episodes of the original , and Macross 7 didn't go beyond a few minutes. And I feel the same about Macross 7 as I only first attempted to watch it a few years back, and still can't finish it. Yet, the original is precious as I grew up with it. And that probably answers if a Fronteir Vf-171 by Bandai will do better in sales...
  19. Never got the v1 valks to begin with. So didn't know that... But still... it's so lame.
  20. Why are they exclusives... ... Moments like these I say F*** you Japan!
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