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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Next we'll probably read of Kevin Smith's involvement? Or that Christain Bale has landed the lead role.
  2. Laughing Octopus and the Frog soldiers from MGS4. Damn they were hot. Though I won't resist either a Naked Snake or Big Boss versions.
  3. LOL, will this F-22 replacement really happen with the present state of the world? Think about it? A third world war is going to halt it's development. The economy isn't going to improve until a new system replaces the present failed monetary structure. As well, petrol based engines will not be cost effective in such jet fighters? If anything they'll move forward with the drone project. It's cheaper to produce, easier to execute missions with, and training also won't cost as much. Sadly the era of the ace pilot is coming to a end. No Macross here.
  4. I'm still so miff the figures released with the film were... well I can't even decribe how bad they were. So tragic.
  5. The ED will be expensive, still mighty piece on any shelf. Though I've never gotten into collecting 1/6. I get all excited with the pictures, read the reviews, research, but then as soon I see them in person, I'm just put off by the large doll size. Don't know why, they freak me out. With the Stormtroopers and etc I'm cool, but anything with a face and fabric in 1/6 just creeps me. And it's an a nagging issue as HT got the MGS license. Really don't know what to do with that one. And dreading it if HT release a Clu or Quora figures from Tron Legacy...
  6. Ah, ok. Agreed, by China won't give a F**k as they still do with a whole bunch of other non-existing laws in their country. They still make fake Ferraris roadcars, regardless of how the official brand is pumped there. Though they did close down the fake i-Store... As well Hot-Toys is distributed by Sideshow, so I gather whatever they make is licensed.
  7. Liked Resolute. Only thing I can't get past with this franchise are the cereal box endings spilling with a bit to much patriotism. For once, I would like a dark ending, where Cobra wins, game over. Duke get's killed by a 50 calibur down his throat. Scarlett is given a slave Liea and is leashed as Cobra's new pet. And hell, they blow up the white house and Oprah Winfrey!
  8. Tried Appleseed XIII. Just can't get past the first episode. Gonna start with Fate Zero tomorrow.
  9. It's already happening, and started with McFarlane Toys first T-800 for their Movie Maniacs line, back in early 2000. They had to last minute change the figure so it couldn't be recognized as Arnie. Many figures will never be released due to the actors holding onto their likeness.
  10. LOL Did you even notice I used the words "Rumoured" and "Possible"? And did you even read what your posted links say? Look dude, just like most MGS fans that have been following Kojima for a long time, have learned one thing about his long career, and that is he hints alot between alot of blank sentences.
  11. Project ogre is not his next one, it even says there on those articles qoute - "Project Ogre will not be completed for some time, and Kojima will continue to produce other games, he said." He also said the same thing of not being involved with MGS4... and what happened? Anyway, here's more updated news on the possible MGS5. http://www.insidegamingdaily.com/2011/12/13/metal-gear-solid-5-setting-discussed-by-kojima/
  12. The next MGS which is 5, is strongely rumoured to be unvealed soon. Obviously with just some teasers and etc. The story will either be based as a direct continuation to MGS4, but more into the future. Or on the original Boss and her team during WW2. Without a doubt for Kojima letting go full of dedication with Rising, means he's already working on the next PROPER MGS.
  13. I enjoyed the movie. Better than the last two. Though nothing memorable to deserve a blu-ray purchase.
  14. I loved the last two 3D movies. But here the simplier style of converting the original Manga into 3D is not working. As well the animation has a unrealistic sense of weight and movement. The human's body langauge floats and is very soft. I don't know if I'll manage an entire season. Looks very cheap, especially the flat surroundings during the battles.
  15. No release date yet. I just don't enjoy hacking and slashing games. I get bored. Nothing against them. Just not my thing. Still prefer the original concept and engine of Rising, Cut what you will, and the rendering looked more realistic and crisper. Pity they used Platinum Game's already existing engine instead of Kojima's one.
  16. Graham, isn't there a way to suggest to Yamato the possibility for the members to purchase the exclusives directly from them? Like an English page with world wide shipping? Please? Considering the price of the Regult kit, then how much would this be as surely it will have more parts? Not a fan of this valk, but understand the disappointment of the fans that wanted it.
  17. Not my type of game anymore. As it was best decribed on Facebook, it's like Tekken on acid.
  18. By the looks of it, this film is anything but knightfall. Might probably slightly be closer to the game, Arkham city. Here's probably why... (Based mainly on rumours) Well, there's my view which could be completely wrong as it's based of the internet and watching the trailer too many times.
  19. It would be strange watching Prometheus with tech like touch screens and etc, and then the original Alien with keyboards and christmas tree lights. Also the franchise overall lacked the movie effects of today, and evantually relied too much on Ripley's survival instead of the mythos of the aliens. From the third film it became hard to distenguish the monster between Ripley and the xenomorphs. I'm still thinking this film will be more of the atlantis theme of finding the giants that once lived on Earth? As well the guy there when the jockey's controls lift might very well be one of the giants? Strange though as intial rumour had that xenomorph would appear in Prometheus? Maybe just the face huggers? Also, would anyone know what happened to this crew by the time the saga reaches Alien?
  20. Rate most are dead, and some have escaped in diffirent directions.
  21. Thanks for the pic reeoyuy. Wow, the Revoltech is that small... Glad to see the new Damashi is more accurate in lineart when compared to the first version. And here are some awesome pics of Alter's RX-7. So beautiful... http://www.flickr.com/photos/bat_/sets/72157621216052917/ The Savages.
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