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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Pleasure. How were the prices compared to online?
  2. If it's all going to be acted with green screens, then it will work and be cheap. Lucasfilm is now known to have CG and effects done quick and effective.
  3. "Rick has big hopes and plans for the show likeing it to The Godfather." http://moviepilot.com/335280-the-live-action-star-wars-tv-show-is-called-underworld-no-lycans-involved
  4. Sideshows official site. Official distributor of Hottoys. On a side note, the Toynami Batmobile, is $1999! http://www.sideshowtoy.com/?page_id=4489&sku=900915&__utma=85222214.292254159.1326284971.1326284971.1326284971.1&__utmb=85222214.2.10.1326284971&__utmc=85222214&__utmx=-&__utmz=85222214.1326284971.1.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=%28organic%29|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=sideshow%20collectibles&__utmv=-&__utmk=172952554
  5. Without a doubt. But for me Soul Calibur is more appealing, and after Tekken and MK, it's there worldwide as a fighting game. I prefer the whole magical/fantasy set up, than a bunch of immortal supermodels that can't dress and don't know what to do with their money. But also Namco doesn't really market SC like Tekken...
  6. A pity they weren't full figures. Still awesome to have. Nice collection there.
  7. They could of used the production for a Soul Calibur film instead of more Tekken.
  8. Yeah, though luckily I got the 6inch statue figs from Medicom. Really don't understand why they didn't make more after the Raiden and Naked Snake set. They sold out instantly. Logic would say make the rest of the MGS crew. Still for now, eventhough they're zero on articulation, they're awesome pieces. Never liked that Alto figure. If it was Ozma or Sheryl, then maybe it would have tempted me. I am excited for the bike. Hoping the steering will work on it. Freeing has released some amazing high quality extras at affordable prices. Hopefully the release date will be announced at Wonderfeast in Feb. And obviously there they will also unveil the figmas for the year. Really worried on budget. As if with the third Eva film and the expected merchandise for it, I'm going to have to be really picky with buying figures this year. Yeah, Evangelion and MGS take priority in my collection... They're pretty muched tied with Macross. Going back to the MGS Kai, I'm expecting a Rex from them. They made for the Mechas for Peace Walker, so obviously they'll do the same with the MGS line, which already consists of Snake, Fox, Meryl and Pyscho Mantis.
  9. Agree. Though I would like Appleseed to be based off the last movie, and GITS from Stand Alone Complex. They are making a Metroid Prime figure, so most likely the gaming area is going to expand. Would love though Claymore and MGS figmas!!! And why not, the Macross pilots.
  10. This Kosmos. From the Al-Mecha line by Alter. It's now at 50% sale!!! I'm upset! It's the price of the figma Kosmos now!!! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/review?scode=FIG-MOE-2570&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dxenosaga%24pagemax%3D100%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 Anyway, the figure is basically identical to the prototype in the pictures. I couldn't recommend a greater high-end articulated figure. It's the gem in my collection. I guess with Figma releasing their Kosmos 3 before Alter, not many people want to double dip. Yeah, that's the picture. I dunno, it looks like the light is projecting from the inside. But I agree with the price factor, so most likely it's Photoshop. Would have ordered it if that was an actual LED.
  11. In regards to the upcoming Kai MGS. I saw the one pic at Hobby Search shows the Ninja with the helmet's red eye lit up? But no where does it say that the figure will have a LED? Anyone with info on this?
  12. I thought the first season was great until the last episode. But yeah, the comic does have that extra Zombie edge. Hopefully the rest of season 2 will return closer to it's origins at a faster pace. Well they have to if they're going to arrive at the
  13. Love my Kosmos figma. Then it went back in the box after I got Alter's Kosmos. Yes, expensive, doesn't have the full attractiveness of the Figma's face, but just a real masterpiece of engineering and art combined. I ordered BRS 2035. But on SAL to save shipping costs, so hoping it will be here soon... What I find interesting is that the people who buy her work, are probably the first ones to judge collectors from comicbook and anime stores.
  14. LOL, I've got quite a few of the figures she's used. Absolutely genius though! At least now we know our naughty figures can be freely displayed as art. And sold at the same price.
  15. Please do. I've only managed to get myself the Black Rock. Probably the best Figma ever considering the amount of extras, and the awesome OVA DVD it came with it. I had the Big Boss Kai Snake. And wasn't impressed by it's quality. So I sold it. And eventhough I'm a MGS nut, I most probably avoid the Grey Fox Ninja figure! And yeah, figmas presently are far better when you consider their qaulity and extras.
  16. It looks stunning. His view in the cockpit will be obstructing by the flashes from the guns shooting?
  17. True. Forgot about that. Actaully wasn't the MGS4 engine. Was a new one but still using the same lighting and render. But yeah, obviously Platinum used there's.
  18. Yeah, but Sunny is her real name. She would get a code name like Snake, Boss, Raiden... Hopefully not Big Mama! LOL, that was a bleak moment in MGS4.
  19. LOL. Meant that if they make Clu or Quora, I fearfully will be too tempted. Loved everything about that movie. Would have loved for her daughter to be the new Ninja in a future MGS... But alas, we're stuck with Rising for now.
  20. Even the Olga Ninja from MGS2 is delicious. (Sorry, could only find fan art!) Glad other MGS fans feel the same.
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