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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Is this company called Inflames legit with legit licenses? Never heard of them, and can't find their official site? Anyone have info on them? Here's a link to a MGS Boss figure of theres. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Inflames-12-Metal-Boss-Battle-Armor-Version-Metal-Gear-Solid-Snake-/230740277913?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35b9313a99&ssPageName=RSS:B:SHOP:US:101
  2. If there's going to be another cliche stars and strips cheesy victory, I will be disappointed. It's over kill. Wanting this film to have something diffirent... like maybe the Nazi's win, or perhaps a country like Ghana or Belgium save the planet. That would make this film a bit more original.
  3. LOL! Best description of the first versions to date!
  4. Probably why I'm going to avoid the books. Already bent by the diffirences in Walking Dead... And I'm still not over the Spawn film.
  5. Dude, I just questioned, and presented the possibility which is presently effecting many toy companies. I still find it odd that after setting the standard of printing, it was omitted. In my view, it comes across that "probably" it was to save costs as this is already an expensive Valk, and Yamato didn't want the fans to spend more than what they can afford? Yes, I agree, it does look better without the markings, but the printing would have looked far superior than the included decals. I didn't hit any panic, nor bash Yamato. You're over analyzing sh!t. At the end if you press someone's button when they're expressing their point of view, expect him or her to press yours. My attempt at humour? Yes, unlike you, I'm finding this funny, cause I'm sure if you heard the tone of my voice while writing my initial comments, which unfortunately you can't via the forum, you would have realized I wasn't panicking about the printing and etc. But just typing my view from what I gathered. As well, no one else really went all panicking. There was just a bit or pro and con for the printing. Anyway, it's past 01:00am on this side of the world, have a pleasant night. And I sincerely mean it.
  6. LOL Oh really, your reply answer after mine is pretty visibly a response, you then even qouted me, and then labelled the people questioning the tampo printing as the group acting up. Anyway, whatever, and peace. Back on topic, I'm really curious to see if covers and the suggestions by Graham will be implemented? Though after a lot of thinking, I'm probably gonna give this one a miss unless it goes on sale.
  7. LOL, that was a brilliant moment of mine! I replied while downloading pics of the VF-171, and got confused with the earlier post between the RVF-25 with the VF25G. K, meant the VF-25G is next if by the release pattern of the v1.
  8. Hopefully won't be an exclusive, but doubt it since the VF-25F and VF-25S have sold out. But isn't the VF-171 next?
  9. Oh my f***ing word. LOL Stop watching Dr Phil and ASSUMING you know what is in people's minds. Dude, I just expressed a possibility. Do you want the meaning to the word "possibility"? Really, you're the one acting up on some defence while placing fellow board members in some invented circle. Internet arguements are never going to be won by anyone. If you want to talk to me about valks, cool, I'll talk. But if you have a need to falsely tag me to defend whatever opinion you feel strongly about, then you won't get another further reply.
  10. WTF??? No one assumed anything. There were questions as to why, and concerns if it will continue.
  11. As collector of many things, I've seen too often such trends like these continue when implemented. Companies these days do the most for that extra bit of profit, from packaging, the amount of accessories, to size. I very much doubt the excuse of the lead designer due to his personal preference over a set standard. It might very well be to save money, or not to make it too expensive for the fans. (Editted, as I clumsily left out not in the last line.)
  12. Is it sad that I'm able to identify most of the figures from such a small pic... LOL
  13. Thanks, I missed it part by Graham. So the lead designer prefered it plain, or just didn't like the end result of printing? At that price along with the standard set with the V2 VF1, the Kites are expected to be printed. So does this mean it's going to be the new standard of no more printing on future Valks?
  14. Is there any reason why the kites at least weren't tampo printed on the valk?
  15. Thanks for these awesome pics. Must admit, that VF-17 is really growing on me. It's size is epic. Probably wait till it goes on sale. BTW, is that yellowing on the Vf-0S, or was it that tone originally?
  16. Got it today, and love it! So glad Figma have returned to their awesome quality. My Mari and Asuka were off in paint and assembly. But this BRS, is probably my favorite along with the orginal BRS, Aegis full armour and the Sigma.
  17. That much an Episode for Tera Nova? Wow! I enjoyed the show. Won't watch it again, and It was held by Stephan Lang. But honestly can't see that type of money in it! Then again Game of Thrones was 60 for the entire season. Whilst Falling Skies around 2.5 an episode. Both of those are presently in production for their next seasons.
  18. Yip, it is. Though really does look like a skull, but I guess with the ship's organic design is carried over to the pilot's suits. In the trailer it looks slightly diffirent.
  19. Well, they are giants compared to us. (But not Zentradi size.) Expect the Atlantis / Macross / Protoculture theme here.
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