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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Hince why I used the word example. To show it's not only Yamato. People here use the USD price, as most of us deal in that currency, and that's the knock in our wallets. Oops, meant how they've increased in price during their own timeline. Sorry for not being more specific there. However when you compare the 1/48, to then the 1/60v2 bundled, then to the new VF-22, and now to the VF-17, the increase is vast when considering they're from the same company and most likely have the same amount of plastic. This is where the oil increase is in yen. Let aside the exchange rate. And again here. I don't fully agree with everything there. Sure Bandai DX VF-25 v2 is not as great and solid as a new VF-19. However it still has die-cast and more tampo printing, and it cost me in yen retail without shipping, what my 1/48 in 2004 cost me without shipping. Of which that 1/48 was Yamato's second attempt on a tried design (VF-01 v1), which is pretty much what the VF-25 v2 is. At the end it's dependant to numerous denominators across the many toy companies. However fact is each of them have increased the costs or shrunk their quality due to inflation. Ok, so you're mentioning bananas, I mentioned apples, but we're both talking about fruit here, bud.
  2. Arghhhhhhhhh!!!! The cupcake valk gets instant attention and reply by Yamato! Where's the v2 Stealth and Low Vis? *Runs in circles in bedroom while whining to the roof* This is torture! Is this how baby valks are made?
  3. Been ordering figures for some stores in South Africa, and dealt with wholesellers in Japan when buying bulk for over ten years now. Especially at the moment as I'm aiding a friend set up his on-line store here. And the Japanese retail price in yen has risen drastically in Japan, especially over the last few years. My few contacts in Japan continously complain about this. Example, the 2nd editions of Evangelion figures by Kaiyodo in 2003, which were 8inch and came in big packaging were 1800yen retail. Now the tiny Revoltech Evas also by Kaiyodo but are 4inch and come in smaller packaging, start at 2400yen retail. And might I add that the first Revo Eva in 2007 was at 1600yen. This is cause the figures are made in China, and there already are added the initial transport costs. Yes it was, which is why the increase from 2005 to 2008 in figures wasn't felt badly by us in the USA and Europe. At that time the figures started to get expensive in Japan, but the YEN and Dollar exchange played to our advantage, as then both economies were stable, and the new shipping taxes to air frights were not fully implemented. That includes from the Chinese factories to the Japanese wholesellers. Another example, just compare the yen prices of the 1/48 from 2003, to the yen price of the 1/60 v2 from their intial release. Well this has more to do with the sad fact that the owners of the companies and their share holders, all want to see an increased profit with each year. With the production costs rising each qaurter due to inflation, their only option is to save on the materials producing the products. Thus making smaller figures, or more expensive figures if kept at the same size. Simple as that. It's a vicious circle that always eats more out of the tail that is us - the customers.
  4. Surprised none of you hit on the actual reason. It's not only Valks. I use to pay $30 for a Figma three years ago with Shipping to South Africa, and now I'm paying $50 and above. When researching that, the problem actually lies in the price of oil. No jokes. The companies that transport the materials to the factories hiked up their prices for transport. Then the factories transporting the produced figures to the wholesellers hiked up their prices for transport. The shipping to your home, where ever it is, hiked up their transport fare. By the time it reaches us, we're paying a percentage for every bit of increased transport cost involed in that specific figure. Another example, Alter's standard 8inch PVC statues back in 2006 were 30$ to 40$ retail. Now they're 70$ and above without shipping. Who's to blame... the corporate f@ckers and bankers endlessly increasing taxes to fill that bottomless worldwide debt they created.
  5. I will not take anything away from the actual toy on qaulity. Only read endless praise for it. However I not only collect valks from Macross, and I don't have access to Bill Gate's vault. So I'm very selective in purchases which must convince me 100% in both qaulity and visual appeal! Yes, the VF-17 is without a doubt the new benchmark of Valks. But I'll rather hold out for something else that I really, really like. As well, I don't like Macross 7, couldn't get past the first 10 or so episodes on a couple of attempts. With that said if the first VF-17 was going for 150$, I would probably purchase it. But I stay in South Africa, so with customs and shipping, 500$ for a plastic toy is way too much. It's basically the yearly toy budget of most people on this forum.
  6. I agree. With those strips and red dot it looks like a clown or a cup-cake.
  7. Enigma, Moon and Paris, but did they appear in the show? But please, first the Stealth, Low Vis and Woodland camo. Thanks.
  8. Let's try this again. On the text of this poster, it says GA Graphic beneath the price. Does this mean it's going to be an exclusive through them?
  9. So technically these are version v2.5 of the VF-1 1/60 valks?
  10. The poster says GA Graphic, so is it going to be a exclusive from them?
  11. LOL. I'm actually one of those that's been whining for the military scheme v2 since the first v2. Besides the Stealth, Low Vis and Woodland camo sold out quicker than the few obscure 1/48 TV fillers.
  12. Omegablue

    SCOOP thread!

    So the option parts are not going to be sold seperately?
  13. This thing before a Stealth, Low Vis, and woodland camo v2... Not that I have anything against it, and probably will get it.
  14. Wonderfest Winter started today in Japan. Which showcases most of the figures and collectables on offer for the year by all the Japanese toy companies. So hopefully soon there will be pics of Yamato's and Bandai's stand. You're torturing me with the v2 Stealth and Low Vis...
  15. Never thought of that. Thanks for pointing out that fact. But also the materials Bandai uses feel very standard. The more I look at my 25S on my desk, the more it feels like a mass retail toy. Whilst my Vf-01S low vis Focker next to it, feels like a professional model compared to it. Though since Bandai will most likely hold onto the Frontier license for good, I guess this 25S does the job. Just hope they won't come with the stupid idea of a V3!
  16. Awesome for the feedback guys. You've also done a successful job in tempting me to buy a 19... I wonder why the 25F came out better than the 25S. Usually it's the other way round with productions runs. Really wish the 25S was as solid as the Yamato...
  17. With Zelda then surely other game licenses could happen? Though now along with Metroid it's two nintendo licenses by Figma.
  18. Thanks, bud. Chronocidal, I took your advice very carefully, and managed to solve most of the issue. Though there's still a 1mm gap. Overall I love this Valk in design. But I'm not impressed by the non solid transformation. Lots of squeezing and adjustment when putting it back into plane mode. And there too many gaps, especially on the nose cone segment and the part behind the cockpit. Aside from the loose joints, no real regrets. Sits wonderfully next to my Focker Low-vis 1/60. Though I don't think I'll be buying anymore of these Bandai Valks. Sticking to Yamato. I find my 1/60 v2 more crisp and solid in transformation. And with that said, I would like know how does this compare to Yamato's recent VF-17 and the VF-19?
  19. Thanks, where about did you trim exactly? Did you use a file or a knife? Also got two more problems. Left aerial completely loose. Just hangs. Right shoulder ball joint also loose, sways down when holding the gun. How would I fix that??? And anyone else also get their hands stabbed several times while transforming it?
  20. My friend has my digital cam, will do when I'll get it back on my Monday. Yeah, I'll be needing all the help I can get. Thanx
  21. Got a faulty one. So livid and depressed. Paid so much for it. So yeah, my VF-25S finally arrived today. The right wing doesn't fold down in plane mode, nor click like the left one, and there's this 3mm gap over the intake area. It just doesn't want to slot in! My friend's one, ordered with mine, doesn't have this flaw and both wings perfectly fold and click down into position. I just want to F***ing scream.
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