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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. That's alot considering they're made there and don't have any major shipping fees and customs... The VF-25S with shipping and customs to South Africa, I paid 200US, which is 1500HKD. The toy world makes no sense. I'm curious now to know how much did people in Europe pay?
  2. I don't get the breaking of die-cast? It has to be faulty from the factory, or the the valk's durability is tested from the balcony.
  3. So that guy in the video with horrible music, is the first to report a broken VF-17? If so that's a damn good record for Yamato?
  4. Is that more than the usual price in HK?
  5. So where do I get smurfs to paint them? But yeah, lol. Anyway, is there enough detail to allow for a very thin wash of dark grey?
  6. So is it official that they won't sell them seperate? Also with these re-released versions, does this mean they're going to release the super and strike packs again? Missed on them as I didn't expect them to out of production after a couple of years...
  7. Not only does Transformers make stupid amounts of dollars at the movies, it's also the after sales of DVD's, toys, games, and the kid's shows that makes them the big cash... Just proves as the majority of the population MOD EDIT - NO POLITICS ON MW!, they still watch Transformers and believe in it.
  8. We're going in circles and always will on this topic. It's all good, Kieth. Returning to topic, probably the worst dubbing... erh, or should I say worst voice over, was that of of Darth Vader and Boba Fett in the re-re-released special edition of Empire Strikes Back .
  9. The Transformer films like the Twilight saga do provide some good. It allows the Rifftrax team to go all out and turn them into the comedies they beg to be.
  10. Bud, rather rent it or borrow someone else's copy. Naughty Dog probably decided to quickly release this game to pay the salaries while developing their new flagship "The Last of us".
  11. A superior alien life form made of iron and bolts, takes on as an alternative shape that of a car. This franchised should have remained as the intended kid show it was originally.
  12. It's awesome. Yamato should release variants like these instead of cupcake specials.
  13. Much appreaciated for the feedback. Just one more question. Will I be able to create my own character in ME3? Like pick gender and etc? Or am I required to play with the main characters?
  14. Finished Uncharted 3. Very disappointed. For me the second game is still the ultimate in action platform. Here's a brief summary of my view. I'll still play the next one, though I'm glad I first read reviews and then borrowed a friend's copy to test it, but then ended up quickly finishing it. This game just doesn't have that wow and mind blowing craftness of Uncharted 1 and 2.
  15. Very much doubt that. Looked into a Japanese basic course, and considering all the diffirent pronunciations for a single word, it's highly unlikely. Maybe one word liners, like "Nani." A friend of mine use to believe he could understand Japanese from years of watching subbed anime. Years later into his Japanese course he admitted it was all fanboy wishful thinking. Again, what is the point of watching something subbed where the meaning of the words lose expression in written translation? No it's not. It's pretty much pointing out how your point regarding original work translated by someone else, loses it's intended feel. And with such a statement, it is also applicable with all other media forms. I know. And in the 9 years on this forum, I've got nothing against him. It's a topic that I also poke my hardcore subbing friends with. I was brought up in a Italian home, then had to learn Dutch, but when English became my first language, I since find it difficult to watch anything that is not English spoken. (Eventhough I'm fluent in Italian and not too be bad in Dutch, read and write as well.) My view is that if you enjoy watching Anime subbed, that greats. It's freedom to enjoy whatever you prefer and I encourage it. But to say you prefer subbed over most dubbings, cause the English translation is weak, and you're comparing it to a langauge you don't can't speak with, is just pretty biased devotion towards the original creators. And I feel these people are actually missing out on a lot of great dubbs, which would allow them to enjoy the full visual content without concertrating at the bottom of the screen. With that said, the Millinium Trilogy is probably the only subbed series I enjoyed. And instead of an American remake by Sony, I would have re-watched a dubbed version of the original. But that's just me. Peace.
  16. Pretty much doubt you can spot the errors in the subs by hearing a language you don't understand. Especially when it's complex language like Japanese. Oh, I'm use to the many langauges, but don't have the time to learn more than the three I already know. I live in a world of modern technology, and that includes dubbing translation. Oh well, each to his own I guess. BTW, for your last point, then I guess we shouldn't read books originally written in another langauge. Cause it is someone else's literary version... which is much the same with the subbing. It's been proven that verbal translations loose alot of expression from the original langauge.
  17. I don't understand the logic of preferring subs over dubs if you don't understand Japanese. When I tried subs all I hear is scooters and motorbikes screaming past. As well when watching something with indepth dialogue like GITS, you're forced to pause the screen to read the paragraph sentence. Sure not all the English voice acting is Oscar material. Then again I knew a Japanese guy that disliked watching Anime in Japanese as he found the voice acting overdone.
  18. The episode was slow. Though I enjoyed finally seeing Rick growing some balls. Just hope Lori's accident doesn't mean more time on Hershel's farm.
  19. Got a couple of questions. I've never played ME 1 and 2, though I'm thinking of this third installment on the PS3. Anyway, can I create my character to use for single player mode? Is the gameplay freeroam, and not strickly linear? How long is the gameplay with 1 and 2? Thanks
  20. I started with one Figma four years ago. Now I'm up to 19, including two exclusives. The Ganz and the Aegis with armour. They're addictive. Fortunately the continous run of girls in school uniforms or summer walk wear doesn't appeal to me, or else there would be more. The Robocop and Berserk are stunning. Cannot wait for the Griffin. Still my favorite remains the Black Rock Shooter 2 from the game.
  21. Alot of the times the dubbing isn't due to the voice actor. It's also with the script is not properly translated, is the story lacks emotion, and if the voice director is not properly explaining the actors the required tone. Anyway, here's my selection. Best Rebuild of Evangelion 2.22 (And the first film) The Ghost in the shell, Stand Alone Saga series, including the films. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood (Truly brilliant) Canaan Gurren Lagann Last Exile Summer Wars Elfen Lied The Sky Crawlers Kenshin Average Claymore Macross Plus High School of the dead Code Geas Mai Hime Worst Full Metal Panic (All of it) DYRL Final Fantasy Advent Children (Mainly to blame was the horrible script) Gundam Seed Love Hina
  22. This worries me. As it feels this industry is hanging onto it's established collectors, and fialing to bring in younger collectors to the hobby... Could be wrong, but that's how it feels from here, to Lego to die-cast collectors.
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