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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Is this series any good? Just worried it's another redone Gundam story, and don't want to waste my time. I kind of enjoyed Seed. Characters were a bit flat, but the story had it's epic moments. But rapidedly lost interest in zero.
  2. Black Rock Shooter! Help here. I've watched the original OVA that came with my Figma. Loved it, especially it's style. Now I've started with the Anime which is as impressive in animation and story. Though I'm still uncertain about the otherworld with the megafighting. Is it a place between life and the afterlife? And it acts on the choices of the living? Only watched the first episode, but got a friend to download the rest.
  3. Thanks for the find. Though that's rather weak making up the rules along the way... Which contradicts the established rules from the comicbook.
  4. I found this interesting. It's a character present status for both the series and comics. Spoilers alert. Series. http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/TV_Series_Characters Comicbook. http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Comic_Series_Characters
  5. I think you instantly turn into a Zombie when dead. However the change takes longer when just bitten or scratched but still living. Remember, everyone has the virus, so I figure once the brain disconnects and the heart stops pumping blood, it allows the virus to instantly take over the nervous system. Then again it does contradict with Andrea's sister in season one.
  6. Nope, in the comics she's just a pure hacker and slasher.
  7. Had a horrible thought where Thundercats becomes Bay's next film, and they'd be renamed Lighting-Aliens and have always lived in the Pyramids, until Shia trips over a rock that frees them. And there would be plenty of monkey scenes and cars exploding while they fight their arch enemy, the robot lizards that have hid on Jupiter waiting for this fight in the streets of New York. Hope Bay doesn't read this forum, cause I think I gave him an idea there...
  8. Bud, give her a chance. If anything her brief appearance savaged a lot for this series. She is utterly kick ass in the comics, and glad her creepiness has been kept . Although in the comic, she appears well after the establishment of the prison, which is about the whole of winter. And there are reasons why she has a sword and the pets. You also have to look at it like this. After a week of surviving zombies, it will become second nature as soon as you accept that this is the world. And some people, will instantly use it to exploit every heroic fantasy since childhood. And this might include walking about with a sword while leashing pets just to prove how hard ass they are. As well her introduction does give hope that the villain of the prison story, remains unchanged!
  9. As much as I'm a fan of Nolan's Trilogy, I totally agree.
  10. You could very well be right. The movie as much as it was grand, compare to others in it's field, lacked alot of merchandising to sell the tickets. Not only toys, but like the usual comic books (Unless I missed them), games, and adverts on junk food. Then again the title is horrible. So miss leading. And the poster weren't much better. Is it another film about Greek myths, is a Sherlock Holmes spinned with sci-fi, Should of kept the name Mars in it. As well these days most people watch movies if a director's or actor's name is marketed above the film's title. Which this film didn't have, and it's a real pity that people base there views on just a known name.
  11. Dude, women. There's a time of the month where everything is dangerous and should die for them. And yeah, the prison hopefully will deliever as in the comics...
  12. That's cause of blue sex.
  13. A lot of great stuff isn't popular. While a lot of idiotic films are popular... like Transformers. Let's be honest. If Macross were to ever be made into a live action film by an intelligent director, it sadly wouldn't be making as much Dollar as a Bay abortion. Humans more easily entertained with explosions and gore. Hence why it was easy for the Roman Empire to rule it's people through the arenas.
  14. Please, lets keep the Macross cancer out of this thread.
  15. I loved this movie. Was a near perfect well paced and balanced epic movie. A hot chicks in armour with swords is always a plus for me.
  16. So how many endings are there in ME3? I read somewhere that one of the endings can only be unlocked by playing all the MP side missions? Is this valid for the PS3 version as well?
  17. Until Bay nears Macross or Metal Gear Solid, I really don't care. Actually, let him reboot StarWars. Shia as Vader will shadow Hayden's attempt.
  18. I really loved it how he highlight that the whole season's purpose was... to leave the farm.
  19. Well obviously Lori is typically confused. And in a world where death creeps up on you every second, she probably wanted all the protection she could have for her family? As for her break down, could have been due to the truth that the kid is Shane's. Eitherway in the comics... But yeah, that infinity ammo and magic reloads was a bit too much. Would it have been so hard for the director to keep count of the bullets, and have a scene here and there of them taking cover while reloading? Nope, instead we got Hirschel with a ultimate cheat. Still feel that a bit of the series was edited out to recycle for season 3. Remember the first trailer had a clear close up shot of the prison during daylight? Something changed there in the script? As for Machione... It's about time! It would have been tragic if she was omitted from the series. Now bring on Tyreese, Axel, and Abraham!
  20. WIN! Well I noticing a pattern that at towards the end of each season they introduce a new villian, but really never gets any conclusion in the following season. Also it's annoying how the mini story arcs appear to not follow each other. As if they all got a seperate timeline within each season. Other than that it really wasn't a great season, and the appearance of Maul salvaged some fanboy fantasies.
  21. I've glimpsed through the supposedly leaked script. If it's real then the movie will be awesome until the last coupe of minutes...
  22. I recently got ME2 on the PES3. When I started playing it at midnight for the first time, I decided to stop when I felt tired... which was 10:00am and didn't notice the sun was already up, nor heard the morning traffic or birds... Horribly addictive. Had to stop and will resume that and then ME3 a few months later after I get various work projects done. Good game though.
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