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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. So typed a search for this film, and one link got my attention, and it had this. Some of it is blah, some creepy though... Kennedy and Lincoln connection, 100 years apart. Both were married in their thirties to women in their twenties. Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Lincoln was an unsuccessful candidate for Vice-President in 1856. Kennedy was an unsuccessful candidate for Vice-President in 1956. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Lincoln was elected with less than 50 percent of the vote. Kennedy was elected with less than 50 percent of the vote. Lincoln beat Stephen Douglas, who was born in 1813. Kennedy beat Richard Nixon, who was born in 1913. The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the White House. Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head. Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939. Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are composed of fifteen letters. Lincoln was shot in a theater named 'Ford'. Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln' (made by Ford). Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse. Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater. Lincoln was assassinated just before the Easter holiday. Kennedy was assassinated just before the Thanksgiving holiday. Booth and Oswald were both assassinated before their trials. Both Presidents were forewarned through dreams of their plight within a month of their assassinations. Both Presidents were shot in the presence of their wives.
  2. Just LOL. So basically you're a saint, you never prank on friends, and you're very quick yourself with the prosecution keyboard. (Can the Irony be spelt any louder there?) Anyway, this how my friends and I roll, there's no sensitivity knob between us. I wasn't looking for approval. I just shared a tale how peer pressure can have brony's on the run, and pointing out it was mostly the female gender that had goes instead of guys in that case. Which is common for most of us with wives and girlfriends questioning our plastic addiction... Violated his privacy? We were copying stuff in front of each other, he redded like a giggling lobster when trying to convince me it's dodgy p0rn, so yeah, I opened it, and it was and remains funny thinking it was p0rn but popped up MLP. Even for him it's funny especially how he had to switch off his FB account, and we still laugh about the onslaught from the booby carriers. And he got me back the following week when he switched the numbers and names of my ex to my present girlfriend on my phone. And we laughed from that mess as well over pizza and etc, and that is what a real "Bro"-ny is all about. Outside the humour brackets, I really don't care if grown men want to sleep in pink pony themed beds. I mean, I collect plastic dolls and swoosh plastic planes at my age. So I guess I either missworded my story, should have been detailed, or it was missread from it's actual intented context? Peace. And still Bro-ny love you all.
  3. Even with Hayden back?
  4. True, Kowaru did seemingly prevent it, but the world still twirlled into a greater mess and this picks up from that result.
  5. LOL. I admit I've been pushing it a bit. I'm still very frustrated they've rushed and poorly executed the one license I've been budgetting for a long time. But my intentions are not of a "I hate hot toys", more like I'm very mad with hot toys. Pretty much how this place use to get with the Yamato exploding shoulders, actually worse, it was a warzone, yet then it wasn't considered "I hate yamato." And don't I hate HT, as per my previous posts you will note I'm giving their Joker DX11 a chance, but remain wary till it's out. Also people need to know that the Batman I'm directing all my frustrations out, has a lot of flaws and it isn't the definitive Batman that HT can relax on. And their recent flaws can not be justified for the price they're asking for.
  6. She's just using the sword with basic slash and stab. How else would you use a sword like that if you stumbled upon it?
  7. I've seen regular joes beat the hell out of martial arts winners, and that changed my whole perception that certain skills and strengths have to fit in a fictional world.
  8. When copying stuff from a friend's drive recently, he's a heavy metal head, I noticed he had a folder titled MLP. I didn't know what it stood for, and he refused to answer me, so I cornered him that it was his p0rn. He thought by saying yes, it is p0rn, it would get me off his case, but I open the folder, and played one of the files... I will never look at him the same. Five minutes later I made sure everyone on his FB page knew of these. Next day he switched off his FB account from the onslaught, not as much from his guy friends, but the chick friends that shreaded his page with stuff like horn s3x.
  9. Being Italian and an engine head for most of my life, I've actually lost all interest in cars lately when realizing how they're purposely built to suck more money out of us. Not just petrol, everything from the cheap materials to TV's pressure to upgrade to a facelifted model just to increase your debt. They're all running on a primitive fundation that requires a tarred road and a spare wheel. So stupid the amount of money people spend on Ferraris and Martins, just to go fast on a road, not fly, but drive on a road. They're all BullSh!t. It's nothing but a massive global con.
  10. Not really. Just means old age homes in the future will be fortified by marines.
  11. I agree. But does explain why things on prototypes already don't work, like those elbow pads on Batman.
  12. Well the more people deslike this movie, means the more I'll enjoy it. I've been reading people are struggling with the radical change, well considering the Third Impact happened in the last film, it's obvious everything has changed. Also too many loyalists of the original series were hoping for an upgrade of that, and are struggling to accept this as a whole new take on the story.
  13. Although the day I retire, I don't want a PC, not even a cell phone. Just tranquility on a beach house far from the world.
  14. Nope, me too. Then again the HD and PS3 is connected to my PC as well. LOL
  15. I agree there, but lately they've rushing a lot. Feels like they haven't increased their staff for the amount of licenses they're banging. And they rushed the only license that matters to me! TDKR!
  16. Hot Toys, where QC dive to new lows.
  17. If you were I chick, I would say I love you. But you'll have to suffice for a big thanks!
  18. More images. More spoilers!
  19. A lot happens in Epi 1. It sets the ground talk for the grail war. Highly suggest you find it and download it.
  20. I grew up with model kits and figures, and now I teach PS and 3D as well hand's on sculpturing, so whenever I see rooted hair I feel those artist trades are robbed by something that doesn't even look as good due to the forced scaling down. And it's also too close to real, and yet very frankenstein.
  21. Only thing I liked about Fate Stay, was the battle with Rider. Everything else was too slow and anime cliche. Fate Zero is more of that Canaan unpredictability and ballistic action.
  22. I thought the all black rubber suit was temporary, and later in the film he gets the metal additionals? Still deslike that bare hand. "Hey people, lets make a billion Dollar robot cop that is better than a human, but keep his fleshy hand, yes, the one he aims and shoots with. Well done engineers."
  23. Thanks. Was getting a bit confused as I came across same custom kits that had it holding a gunpod.
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