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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Oops. You are right that he does say wreck, but it's in the context of altering mankind's DNA as an experiment to dumb people down, while creating a superior specie.
  2. Lego's promo poster.
  3. I really deslike the fabric on such small figures. It makes them look way unrealistic and out of proportion. They should return to sculpted rubber.
  4. He didn't state wreck mankind's DNA. You can't judge Alex Jones' work on a 10 clip, and what the mainstream media says. When you bring down it all, how society works, why 99% of the world is f***ed up, and if you follow the history of the bloodlines, their legacy, their companies that have always made a profit off war... Quite a bit of Mr Jones's work makes more sense than TV and those preaching on a Sunday afternoon. I don't religiously believe everything he says, but a good two thirds has a solid possibility.
  5. It was an okay episode. Neat updated intros to the villians, but the animation just felt weaker than before.
  6. Is this really officially the prequel? Cause I've been thinking that this might pass as if it happened after the Alien saga? And perhaps the Jockey helmet they find, is maybe the one of the original film?
  7. Yip, I have that one too.
  8. What establishes these theories is that through out history, reptillian symbols are present in all the major bloodlines, events and etc worldwide. From Eqypt, to the Romans, to the Asians, and natives. Also if you go deeper to the evolution of langauges, especially the western cultures, even the letter "S" is shaped like a snake, and incidently a snake or serpeant starts with a "S" in most langauges. It's really a interesting read if you've time to waste. Also have you noticed how snake men, or reptiles were heavily present in... just all 80's cartoons. LOL I don't believe it, but neither do I dissmiss it's possibility, yet...
  9. Lol, I do. Didn't know it was a OVA, as I missunderstood it to be a full length series. Okay, already queeing it on the downloads.
  10. I'm not to going argue with regards to the FF Ferrari. Total fail in my view. Double gearbox to lower it by a few inches? WTF. Though the 458 for me is the primus of the modern Ferrari. Sitting in one of those and driving it was almost like a jizzing marathon. And it looks absolutely stunning. This F12, is pretty but doesn't look like it came from the same factory of the 458. And when comparing this F12 to the 550 Maranello, it does looks rather weak. That I will agree. But not about the Korean toys.
  11. Yeah, I know. Meant that with Michoine appearance, the story of the Governor could very well be closer to the comicbook's version.
  12. Guess is that a female (Roomi) will yet again be the sole survival.
  13. Thanks, I'll give it a watch. BTW, what's the reason to slowly release the episodes? It's not very Gundam like?
  14. Nope, with the very first BRS figma in 2010. Awesome OVA, but the series already appears better.
  15. Each to his own. Some like blondes, some brunettes, some red heads, and others even rainbow punk. All good bud. I still remain that those Korean things are just refined Mazdas.
  16. Well at least it avoided how everyone speaks English in the whole universe of the Thor film.
  17. Yip, and I don't mean to sound like an all out ****, but there is something really wrong if you're comparing a Ferrari to that Korean thing that is just a copied Mazda.
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