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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Hope there's going to be an issue where the relatives of the thousands of dogs and cats eaten and skinned everyday alive in China, form the super mutant league and eat Captian China.
  2. And what's your definition of a terrorist act? True.
  3. So can we expect DYRL Vf-1S with these extra pieces?
  4. How are they linked with terrorists?
  5. The one tiger chick in the back was a beaut herself as well.
  6. Can someone please explain to me the purpose of the live action scenes?
  7. Curious to see Neca's figures for this film.
  8. True. But jedi... Ewoks... Jabba's palace. No thank you. The original in the original cut is more than enough for me.
  9. Interesting. Now I want to borrow my friend's Blu-Ray set to watch this version. I still feel for the third film Hix should have remained in the lead role. The whole Ripley thing coming back, especially in resurrection, really annoyed me. Just as for me Starwars begins and ends with a New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, I'm one of those that the Alien franchise ends at Aliens. So here's hoping for Prometheus.
  10. Is the novel of Aliens 3 based on the final film, or on the orginal intended script where Hix survived?
  11. Guilty Crown. Just got the first episode. Read numerous bad reviews, but I'm giving it a bash as animation wise it looks fantastic. How is the story?
  12. Ah, thank you. I've never read any of the books PKD. So basically this film is going to more about the reliability of memory, than the struggle between the rich and the poor? I also wonder if mutants will feature in this one?
  13. I don't like Colin Farrell's acting. It's always overly dramatic with those eyebrows that move on their own. Though I will watch this film for three reasons. Kate Beckinsale. Those cool looking Ceberus troops. And Kate Beckinsale again. With that said, I thought the plot of Total Recall was about the politics in reforming Mars? But without Mars, how will this remake work? Also this film's trailer reminded me strongly of Deux EX Machina, Johnny Mmemonic, and a lot of Minority Report. Blade Runner would have been the last thing to came to mind.
  14. Well I'm very happy so far with the whole series. Really wish though in this new season that the clashes on the battlefield will be shown. I know it's about production costs, but would be great if it's added.
  15. Finally, someone that can see beyond opinions! I like. But yeah, back on Prometheus. 66 days to go to release!
  16. And all this time I thought the Macross love was about a F-14 transforming into Gerwalk mode during battle, while the chicks are always hot no matter where in the galaxy. Guess I'll remain untouched by the Basara lust... and thankfully. A unrealistic spastic that controls a plane with a guitar that shoots music at aliens, is, remains, forever will be, the stupidest moment in Anime history, regardless of whatever unproven scientific facts can be presented of other moments in whatever other animes.
  17. Well hopefully this mini story arc will mature up Lion-o. It does open up to the Thundercats having to retrieve the sword. After they do that, Tigra takes on role of king, then Lion-o returns, and the two fight out to the death, and Cheetara becomes a lesbian.
  18. There's believable fiction with possibility. And then there's non believable fiction with zero possibility, like a guy flying a plane with a guitar and firing speakers at his enemies. One is stupid, like smoking dope stupid, and the other isn't. There's a diffirence.
  19. Like the guys that believe their vote makes a difference?
  20. The way I see it, is that Frontier was an attempt to resurrect the original characters, and modernize it for our present very emo like youth. And in between, lots of Aqaurion cheese. Really, that finale battle of Frontier series was beyond lame. Stupid giant projections of singing girls in between a galatic space battle and space lobsters, and of course with the most predictable ending of every cliche anime. Just as I thought Macross 7's acid raping of a space opera couldn't be toppled, Frontier came along. And undoubtedly Alto is the combo of Edward and Kristen Stewart from Twilight. Confused and unrealistic. Regardless, I still love it, and remain loyal to the franchise for having delievered the original, Zero and Plus. And all the Valk's look awesome, even from Frontier and seven.
  21. Really like it. But I'll pass. It's only a third into the year and already got too many pre-orders. If it was a fantasy take with Ozma's colours, or the canon fodder, then maybe. Oh well, still going to enjoy the review pics this place floods us with.
  22. Of course I have it. Here you go. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=galleryℑ=6643 And here's a couple more you might like. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=galleryℑ=6642 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=galleryℑ=6641 If you guys want some awesome-o wallpapers I've recently fitted into HD, here you go. Plenty of Anime and Fantastico Macross in between. http://www.comicbookjunkyblog.com/wallpapers/anime-wallpapers-2/ Want some comicbook heroes and villians. Then check these out. http://www.comicbookjunkyblog.com/wallpapers/comic-wallpapers/ Enjoy. More to come.
  23. Omegablue

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