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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Summed it up beautifully with just this.
  2. And all this time I thought this occurs after the film Legacy... Now I'm confused... Maybe some decent collectables will follow?
  3. Thanks for posting this. Though I'm not too won by the style, I'm still a Tron true geek, so I'll gladly feast on it.
  4. I've already lost most of my friends to Diablo 3. And it's only the second day. Apparently the big thing with this game is the ability to sell gold and items for actual real world cash. Obviously Blizzard is apparently making a cut of each sell? The mining farms that are going to spring from this game is surely going to dent the intelligence of our youth's future. I played some of 2, but honestly got bored and a headache after twenty hours of it. Dungeon Seige 1 was the last dungeon crawler I chewed to the end. Worth it then, but ten years later can't remember a thing of it.
  5. Well, at least we know it won't be as good as comedy as Avengers.
  6. My apologies... But I disagree about Snarf, I think Basara is actually Snarf's bitch-cat. Or the moment he starts with one of his annoying songs, it's Roast Basara for Panthro's dinner.
  7. Without a doubt, it's become the greatest comedy ever! And rightfully as it was very funny.
  8. So anything that slightly resembles a cube, it's automatically a rip off of the Einstein? That's very cheap... If that's the case, then they all ripped off the Pyramid ship from the original Stargate movie, and it before ripped something else. Then again Basara could be a Thundercat... erh, I mean a Pussy-Cat!
  9. This is what mainly put me off The Walking Dead series. Eventhough I still watch it, and have accepted it's an alternative realm, I still facepalm during most scences. The once a month comicbook gets me more excited as it's the original canon.
  10. Now I'm going to avoid the books. I tend to remain loyal to original material, and when stuff like that happens it annoys me, and might put me off the series. Then again the first couple of books were written a while ago, and perhaps the author suggested such changes? Or is HBO completely in charge of the show?
  11. Okay... but you're saying that because you've read the books to compare them with. I haven't, yet. So I'm avoiding to have spoilers revealed by reading the books first.
  12. Add Kate Beckinsale to that delicious catalogue, and I'm in. What I'm saying, I'm already in with a standard model. LOL
  13. Thanks for sharing these. Really enjoyed them. PS, was there ever a sequel to Dead End?
  14. Agreed. I actualy though didn't like Scarlets hairstyle in this film.
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