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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Not even worth the download?
  2. Lol, nope. Certainly not on my side of the world. It came unnoticed, and sadly left unnoticed...
  3. I want this movie to be great. But logic and common sense says it's impossible for me to accept it as the prequel cause of the advanced technology.
  4. Good read here... http://toynewsi.com/...=9&itemid=18724 Film is already on the net.
  5. Imagine if it had a tiny bit of the Avengers' marketing...
  6. Like interactive hologram controls vs the years later biege keyboards, xmas tree lights, and a xerox printer in the Nostromo... Don't care what the producers and director say, NO WAYS IN ANY intelligent dimension is this film the proper prequel as the Prometheus's technology is just way too advance. End of story.
  7. And yeah, it looks there are Raptors or F-23 flying into Gotham!
  8. Another new TV spot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=imE3EaitaHk
  9. Are the aliens like once more lizard like? Does Rihanna at least sink with a ship?
  10. I have the Kosmos from this line. It is without a doubt the only toy that is identical to the prototype images. And the quality and finishing, well it gives a lesson to all other toy makers. You'll love it.
  11. Omegablue

    SCOOP thread!

    What about all the other Vf-1's...
  12. New TV spot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kOR7bE5AdTQ
  13. I don't think initially it had anything to do with 3D. The figures are out. It's a few weeks from release... Something is not right to decide a 3D conversion so late. Unless they saw the Dollars racked up by Avengers and got really greedy.
  14. I'm actually looking forward to it.
  15. Watching Fate Zero. Nice.
  16. When the Japanese langauge can be downloaded directly into me.
  17. Kotobukiya's remains the best! http://i.toynewsi.com/g/index.php?mode=view&album=Kotobukiya%2FDark_Knight_Rises_ArtFX&pic=525489_460204833995918_137679822915089_1939325_1959568445_n.jpg&dispsize=600&start=0
  18. The only reason to re-watch Fronteir... that is if they get the cast right.
  19. Does this mean a dubbed version as well?
  20. Well, the Lambo driver either was high on drugs, or the actually really did lose control when wheel spinning the tyres over the painted road markings.
  21. Watched it twice, loved it that much. And yes, totally agree that obviously Tron before Legacy was recaptured, and that's how the series will most likely end? Though I'm questioning if this was a double episode special pilot, or if the rest of the episodes will also be this long?
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