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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Many thank you's. It looks so real!!!
  2. Please, don't missunderstand me that I don't recognize the responsibility of the gunmen. However something clearly went wrong in his lifetime for not giving a damn about those people he killed. That's the problem that needs more attention prevent future mass shooting of incidents. And please spare the BS that we all go hard times, and if we survived so should have he. At the end we're all diffirent, and no one on this planet will ever know what another feels or is ticking in the their mind. So something clearly F***ed-up from the education programming, right into adulthood that spawns such incidents. And our beloved society thinks the solution is prison and execution, but it's solving the circumstances that repeat such incidents. Also your comment might come across as basing itself on the possibilities on "Media suspects". Let's take religious people for example. Most of them are like that because of the upbringing from their parents and the whole Sunday whatever repeated ritual. Sits there forever or until the other side of the brain clicks onto something. What is to say that this guy wasn't brought up in a enviroment where respect for other people was rather pathetically minimal? Or perhaps developed at a later stage when something else had a more emotional impact, that fried something upstairs, maybe mixed with drugs, cults, and etc. Bottom line, he's the weapon that pulled the trigger, but the reality is our F***ed-up society where sport stars get 100 of millions a year to kick a ball, while a surgern is lucky with 80K a year, is what made that weapon. Worse thing people can do in this situation, is compare their own conflicts and achievements with this man, which is all BS to do that as we become more diffirent every second.
  3. Please, bigger picture to fully appreciate it...
  4. Not missing much. Bad guy appears. Good guys become super best friends. City saved from alien invasion and nuclear bomb. The end.
  5. But wait, I have it listed for tonight? Even the creator's tumblr page says next episode this Friday night?
  6. All I've seen next for the MGS line is Solidus and Raiden Rising version.
  7. LOL, nice. So I would have to fly from Johannesburg, to New York, to LA, and finally get my stands. Then fly back...
  8. Great, another Transformer. Robocop is bound to have a Corvette badge, and pop tyres from his feet for those chase scenes!
  9. This series just ended too horribly lame for me. The first half of the season had this nice mystic and grandeur of fantasy touching sci-fi. Then we got that stupid butterfly episode, the Thundertank became a mobile home, and that stupid magic bag of total lameness just completely ruined it.
  10. Recently watched it, and truly a masterpiece. Loved it!!! Brilliant pace, fantastic battle scenes... just wow!!!
  11. I really dislike the knee joints, and the lack of a base with recent releases. As well the cheap hollow plastic and that amount of paint washes makes them look rather over priced. I would pay the same price if they were a bit smaller, didn't have those knee joints, and the paint was crisp Matt finish.
  12. Amiami.com, just order on Sal insured. Will take 2 to more weeks, but I'm paying $230 for Batman, instead of Sideshows $275.
  13. It was 12,490 JPY on Amiami. These days I use there insured Sal, so it would have been a great deal, but already got too much on pre-order this year...
  14. Love this show. Just really annoyed about the lack of collectables.
  15. The gunman isn't the problem. The problem is whatever in his surroundings and upbringing that twisted him. Unfortunately our present form of justice is so stupid these days, that they'll put him in prison, but never investigate and solve whatever turned him. And it will happen again next week.
  16. Perhaps, but oddly enough will never appear in the original Alien films... But Earth has no idea the Jockeys want to destroy us, unless by assumption of Prometheus failed return, or a detour back from the supposedly sequel? Otherwise no. It's pointless wasting resources in hunting a specie, when it's origins can be plucked up with a professional team on LV233, and not some more stupid researchers. The Jockeys really aren't that threatening considering their ships can crash, and the bleed like us. And where does this come from? Did I say they need to announce it to the world like a reality show? First world nations these days go to war to feed their profit machine, and 90% of the world buys it cause they're advertised as the good guys. So perhaps the company could take a similar approuch? Well if this is your point, they advertised to the world that they sent a 3 trillion Dollar mission and it hasn't returned. So yes, as mighty as the company might be, the world will want to know what happened? Regardless of the actual facts released, which they won't know as Prometheus never returned. And the usual accident story won't cut it, because a 3 trillion Dollar mission needs answers, and the company will also want to explore what went wrong. And again, what does announcing their plansto the world , have to do with my view? I stated that the events of Prometheus are too grand to never be hinted in the original Alien films, and still makes no sense for those films to directly tie with Prometheus, unless in the sequel LV-223 gets blown up? What then how? Why? It's just going to dig out more holes in the whole saga. You really got stuck on this rather point... Again, read above... You're thinking like an overnight script filler, instead of putting all five films together, and seeing they can't line up nicely... Like your theory and opinion that the film connects with the others makes perfect sense, especially contrasting with the business potential and present trend to go with alternative stories? And again, please read, even Lindelof said that if a sequel to Prometheus happens, it's going to further tangentialize it AWAY from the first Alien Film! - Lindelof dice incluso de modo que si una secuela de Prometeo, que pasa, que va a más que devaite de línea de tiempo de la primera película de Alien! - リンデレフは言ってもそうだとすればそれであるプロメテウスの続編、意志より第一外国映画のeタイムラインよりも! That's coming from the guy that co-wrote the Prometheus script!!! I'm not inventing a theory. I'm basing a viewpoint directly upon the statement of the film's creators, which explains the missing ties to Alien. So it's not a theory. I fully agree that the script was untidy, Guy Peirce as well looked dreadful. It's will never be an all time favorite of mine, but visually it's worth the Bluray alone. And I did enjoy that it left the auidence to figure out what happened. I enjoy these films more than usual monologue across a script.
  17. Kids these days also only understand Facebook on their phones, or playing gangster or Bieber. Very little of our youth really appreaciates the simplicity of animation shows...
  18. Nope. It's more of the fact that there's too many idiots that can only enjoy stupid reality shows...
  19. Here's another explaination of Prometheus. Those that know the Sumeriam tales, might appreaciate the film a bit more... http://www.prometheus-movie.com/community/forums/topic/7436
  20. New Joker 2.0 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/review?scode=FIG-KAI-4064&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Djoker%24pagemax%3D100%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  21. Already into episode 4. Pretty cool, even though the character development is becoming predictable, but the personalities are remaining solid.
  22. So you're saying only your opinion is right. And that's it? Lindelof even said so that if a sequel to Prometheus happens, it's going to further devaite it from the first Alien film's timeline! Must it be typed in Spanish or Japanese for you to understand that? And yes it makes more sense on a business plan, which what this industry is all about, to have it as a alternative Universe or setting it up as a potential remake, cause it means more films, more money. MONEY. This is what it's all about. And yes, again, the events in Prometheus are too GRAND to never be mentioned in the original Alien films, which clearly means diffirent timeline. Think about it. In the orginal Alien films it's all about the company finding the Xenomorphs. Great, fantastic. But would it not MAKE more sense to have gone straight to source where Prometheus landed? By going directly to LV-223, makes more sense than have these secret little missions covertly monitored by a random android on some towing ship? Right? And say it's stand alone stories... then it's really a fanboy watering it down... And yes, I'm taking this film like a prequel, or better yet, a beginning to the Alien Mythos. Not a direct prequel to the original Alien film, as logically, already from the technology, and the sudden disappearance of the historic events of Prometheus from the supposedly next four films, makes zero sense when all five scripts lined up together. And yes, should there be a sequel to Prometheus, which Ridley already said will take off right from it's ending, and if it does well from Blurays to collectables, it makes logical and financial sense to ultimately remake Alien to tie it properly, and sell new Bluray box sets. Why? More money. I understand the loyality the Alien fans have devoted towards this franchise, and it is because of that love, that most of them are struggling to see that Prometheus is a prequel to the Alien mythology, not directly to the original film. As for the one member that said he doesn't give a sh!t, well as I already said, I treat others how they want to be treated, so I didn't give a sh!t about replying to him.
  23. First model kit I'll be building in years...
  24. Losing interest in this show. Loved it, but episodes with Lucy the giant butterfy, and the Cats ongoing clumsiness to begin the plot is annoying me.
  25. Kanedas bike There's no need to come across as emotional by stating to me "just stop". At the end your "opinion" has as much value as everyone else's "opinion". Secondly please read a person's entire string of comments before half replying to them. I based my view on what Ridley Scott said, that the expected sequel to Prometheus will further deviate it from Alien. Both from the same Universe, both on different sequence of events. For starters Prometheus lands on Lv223, and the ending heads off to a new unexplored possibility. Evantaully this "might" lead to Alien remade for an alternative universe? Also the Nostromo isn't a mining vessel, it's a towing ship. Finally yes, most of the negative reviews are from fanboys, as they mention and compare Prometheus to their praised Alien. Enough proof there. And while most of these critics are saying Prometheus doesn't set a bar like Alien did, I'm asking what bar? Aside from Giger's vision, Alien is structured off a teen hacker slash film, but set in space with the teens replaced by adults, and a guy in a rubber suit doing what the physchopath with a knife does, kill. Great during it's time when anything neatly directed set a bar in a industry that was still developing standards. In my view Prometheus has its flaws, like every other film, but it was never meant to be a slow horror or a first person shooter spree. It's about the driving relantionship between Shaw and David, which highlights humanity's need to know and create, while conflicted by personal perspectives just like the Engineers that created us. That is the story. Peace and later.
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