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Everything posted by Omegablue

  1. Joker was pyschological revenge. Two-Face was gambled revenge. Don't get me started on the Amazing Spiderman as that too all comes down to revenge, like any other heroes and villains cause... Either I'm reading this wrong, or you got your wording mixed up, as this is making no sense...
  2. That's a bit of a miss there.
  3. Well I sold my Hikaru 1S to get the new version with option parts, also for the modified transformation bits and shoulders.
  4. So no option parts?
  5. Yip, You're right. I haven't been playing many games. Last ones were Mass Effect. Speed is fine in the super natural type of games, and for this type of game play. Though not for the original MGS.
  6. Yes, base should be included, as it's needed for the transparent support at the rear. The Kotobukiya rep still hasn't gotten any details on it's spec, but I'll ask her again.
  7. Anyone got nice Hi-res pictures of the original ED-209 by Hot Toys? Initially I thought it was going to be 1/4 scale. As the preview of Hot Toys was in 3D, and miss lead the fans on the page that it looked larger than 1/6. So I was meh, too big, too expensive. Though now I'm with you on this one in 1/6... I'm still hoping for a DX Bane. After watching the film 3 times, I'm totally in love with his character and Catwoman.
  8. Questions and Answer about the general missed out details of The Dark Knight Rises.
  9. Thanks, you're too kind. Well your previous comparisons did come across like that? Anyway, after Avengers came out I had my Twilight fanatic students waving Avenger flags. That's all I'm gonna add to this. I'm done with this conversation. I loved TDKR, and seeing someone of Nolan's proven reputation and all his previous work, I very much doubt he wrote an icon to be so weak considering the evidence of the Trilogy combine, and the actual events of the lat film, and also the still unseen footage of Batman mopping for the entire 2 and half hours.
  10. Got it. It's 1/100. Those figures are very small to paint...
  11. I know your pain. Dark Knight Rises is cruel with it's releases... Figma too... Kotobukiya as well...
  12. Anyone know the scale?
  13. Curious to see the pilot's markings.
  14. I don't care if I'll convince you or not, as you've already decided as per how you want to view it, but not as to how it's intended by the already explained obvious logic. (2 and half hours feeling sorry for himself? What movie did you watch? ) Avengers remains a action comedy. I'll gladly rewatch it for the laugh and for the special effects as credit is due there, but the entire cliche script was aimed as an anti-depressant for kids... and to the much older fanboys.
  15. Yes, wanting to save the world after a comrade died, wait, after one of the other comrades had to smear blood on that comrade's belongings, was emo, as who cares about the obvious threat of millions of innocents about to die. And...
  16. I'm still deciding to watch this series. The first season just dragged on a bit too much for me.
  17. Looks brilliant in plane mode. In batroid I'm just not convinced of it's design.
  18. If it won't have the blood and gore, it will fail.
  19. Strange on the lack of collectables for this film...
  20. Meh, he moves too fast. Would have liked another traditional MGS. Also the blood is overdone. Is the society we live in that trailers have to feature that amount of stupid blood?
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