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Everything posted by recon

  1. recon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Not really. If the errors are not corrected during release, maybe i shall sent it to my modeller friend to remove and respray those areas. Looking back at the comparision pics, arcadia definitely excel in the battroid department but falls short in the fighter mode as compared to bandai
  2. recon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Damn. Didnt notice the chest stripe. Hope that bandai corrects these glaring errors
  3. recon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Whoo yeah. The final one to add to my collection then im done
  4. Found another video on how to rotate the backpack safely https://youtu.be/GqBjKv8rc3g
  5. The best is try to glue back the hinge joint using epoxy or gorilla glue. Now im scared to even transform my PF VF-1J millia ver. Is there any guide on how to properly rotate the backpack?
  6. recon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Somebody should show this to bandai on the wrong order of leg fins color
  7. Yeah i received the same notice too. Somewhat looking forward to the Max VF-1J PF. Am hoping that a PF VF-1J GBP in PF format will be next followed by elint seeker and super ostrich. At 1/60, its a scale that is fine by me as its in scale with the rest of my collection and a space saver too. I did own 1/48s before thus not getting the DX VF-1J is not really a bummer for me
  8. recon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Me. I guess a YF-21/VF-22 is in the works as they could milk this along with the VF-19 for M7 line, along with some changes. What i really hope is that bandai will do an improved rendition of the VF-17S/D But before these, i would love for a YF-19 super nova version to be released too
  9. recon

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Close up of DX YF-19
  10. Never got any as i was stuck in a meeting the whole afternoon. Maybe its a good thing afterall
  11. It should be 2nd Lt or ass Lt ;). Whats up with the frosty canopy nowadays
  12. Most likely im not going for this which is a surprise for me as i prefer my valks to be of roughly the same scale. However if this was a super detailed ver with removable panels and in 1/24 scale. Might considering getting it as a main display piece in fighter mode with ordinance, fast packs everything laid out
  13. Most probably is option 1 based on bandai past history. But you forgot option 3 which is a GBP armor set
  14. recon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Of cos roy and ozama. Arad kinda took a back seat in delta
  15. recon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Better scan of the VF-31S full armor
  16. Psyching myself with the same reasons. Thou shall not be tempted to get this...wait my hands and wallet have a mind on its own....down boys down boys
  17. Preorder date is this friday 1600hrs japan time while released date is in december
  18. Other detailed info
  19. First limited release box art and contents. Guess it will be a mad rush for this release
  20. Question on the DX VF-1J. Why it has TV pilot when it has dyrl hands? Damn tempted to get this and i want the centre stand. Then again am afraid bandai may pull a stunt and release another variant in 1/60 or 1/55 scale
  21. One thing for sure, bandai did eliminated the short neck syndrome and oversized chest piece in battroid mode and check out those forearms. I thought that this VF-1J is a TV ver cos i remembered something about the difference dyrl and tv forearms but when i look at the hands...dyrl
  22. recon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not sure man. There were some members prompting others in local macrosssg community to check their pieces cos there were some paint issues. Details are sketchy atm
  23. recon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Anybody checks their VF-31S cos there are rumors flying around on some paint issues?
  24. More pics from the mag. Sad to say i would be passing on this if it was 1/48
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