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Everything posted by recon

  1. Hi, and me too sebastian, but it depends on my schedule and when is the gathering going to be held at. I for one would love to meet the rest. Cheers
  2. recon

    Macross Figures

    Did you order online? Or reserved at a local store? I've been looking for those CM's figures all over Singapore. And it seems that none of the store owners down there ever heard of such figures........ All they show me were the Sharpeners. Still waiting for mine, too!! Cheers
  3. recon

    I got them today....

    Hey toonz, Congrats on your purchase, may pop down to rapid culture to have a look see today. Unfortunately, i wun be getting these babes as my funds are tied for 2 sets of 1/48 Fps, 2 sets of 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru, 1 set of 1/48 VF-1J. May consider getting them if they are still available in the market when i make a trip to hong kong again in Jannuary 2004. I may kick myself in the ass for missing out on these releases but then again have to make some sacrifices as im saving up for my wedding. Cheers
  4. No, beacuse my place is a typical tiny HK apartment and my one spare bedroom is full up of cartons of Macross toys, so even though it has a double bed you can't actually see the bed anymore because of all the boxes. Graham Hi Graham, I can understand your feelings, i visited my fiancee flat in HungHom, even though its considered a middle class accomodation, but its relatively small in the size of the rooms, kitchen and living room. I can consider myself lucky and fortunate to be living in singapore whose housing flat and apartments are relatively more affordable as well as bigger and spacious. Graham have you ever consider migrating, if given the chance and opportunity? Cheers
  5. recon

    1/48 Line

    Yes, I simply adore that scheme, its looks sexy and mean!!! It would be the next thing closest to my heart besides the VF-1S Strike Hikaru. Cheers
  6. Nods Nods, me too Say Shawn, since Graham has so many valks in his collection, would he noticed any missing pieces if some of us manage to make away with a couple without him finding out. I for sure am interested in his 1/48s Just j/king! Would love to meet up with the rest of ya guys B) Cheers
  7. You know you canĀ“t resist the urge to buy both You must not resist You must not resist You must not resist You must not resist You must not resist Hahaha, trying very hard to resist them. Im doing up my Hasegawa VE-1T and VT-1 SuperO, so thats some form of consolation. But i will probably kick myself in the ass for not getting these yamato versions much later in the future. Anyways i only love these two valks becos of their unique appearance and looks in the fighter mode. Maybe i will get them when i pop by Hong Kong next year in Jannuary. For now its the upcoming 2 1/48 Fps and 2 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru and 1 1/48 VF-1J. Thats what im saving for. Cheers
  8. Looking better by the minute, boy it would be hard to resist those babies. Arrgghh!! Must focussed on what i have saved up for. Cheers
  9. Hi, Lovely and beautiful, seems that the boxes are close to that of a 1/48 boxes. Cheak out the little minmei in the backseat of the 1/60 VT-1 Super Ostrich, wonder how she looks. Might have to pop by the local stores to check them out before consider buying them as most of funds aside from savings are allocated to the 2 sets of 1/48 Fps and 2 sets of 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru (October) Cheers
  10. Hi Graham, No problems about that, your wife and my fiancee who is a Hong Kong chinese can have their women's talk while we talk about toys and have beers and get drunk. Looking forward to meet ya, maybe i can try persuade other Mwers from Singapore on a trip to HongKong if possible. Hey Noel are you listening, ..hint..hint you can come visit your gf here as well as do a bit of sightseeing and shopping... Cheers
  11. Hey Rob, Happy Birthday!!!. Yes we are getting old, but in our hearts we are forever young cos we love toys!!! Cheers
  12. Hiya Graham, Hey you work in Kowloon, My fiancee lives there. Maybe we can meet up when im back in Hong Kong next Jannuary, maybe we could meet up together with your wife and have some dinner, then some drinks later perhaps? Cheers
  13. Toonz and his obcession with dipping canopies....Hey toonz have you tried dipping the 1/48 canopies in future floor polish? Please remember dun take your valks to the loo when you are doing some business, least the valk nor its parts wun fell into the toliet bowl by accident. Cheers
  14. Whats a sock monkey?
  15. Hiya, Im interested, but i could only make it at the end of January, to visit my fiancee as well as celebrate Chinese New Year with her family. Besides that, i would be visiting the local toy shops to stock up on Macross goodies and other stuff. By the way, may i recommend, a hotel which i find their service, accomodation and standard quite up to par to that of 4 stars, rates are quite relatively cheap and inexpensive too. The hotel is BP International, forgot the street name, but base on its location makes it easily accessible to central parts like Mongkok, Causeway Bay and so on. I always stay there when im in hongkong. Cheers
  16. Hiya guys, Im from singapore, can testify for sure the 1/60 VE-1T and VT-1 Super Ostrich isnt out in the local market here as of yet. If they were out, most of the local shops here would have stocks of them not to mentioned especially the toy retailers in HK who directly gets their stocks from the factories. As what you said, it maybe true in a sense, that the local retailers have received news that the shipment would be arriving end of this week to early of next. This gives plenty of time for the seller to process orders and shipped them out. Whats saddens me is that such local people resort to such methods to win sales before the market is saturated with the release of these valks. <_< Sorry to say i do not support nor encourage such acts to promote sales even if it was for a valid reason. Sorry guys if this created any unpleasantness or displeasure in anticipation of this release. Cheers
  17. Hi, Not to be a wet blanket, but building a GPB armor for the 1/48 VF-1J or 1S would be a major feat, considering the width of the 1/48 chest plate as well as the complications in the fit and joints. Please Yamato show me you could surpass my expectations and give me a GPB sculpt fit for a king..erm rather the 1/48 VF-1J/1S. . Cheers
  18. Hi, I got mine from RapidCulture, Wondershowcase (Noel's shop), Toyscollector in Singapore. When i go to HongKong to visit my fiancee, its usually the toys shops in CTMA, Sino Centre and CausewayBay (Sugar street)...Animate, Kanto Hobby are the few shops i always keep in mine. Cheers
  19. Hi, Mine are the 1/72 Hasegawa super and strike valks as well as battroids, no price could be worth the effort, time and work put in to build those model kits. Next in line would be the toys category, first are the 1/48 range followed by the 1/72 scale all from Yamato, sorry no bandais in the Macross category. . Lastly would be followed by the non Macross range is my SOC range, Mazinger, Grendizer, Evangelion and so on. Cheers
  20. Sorry me bad, lapse in memory there, must be getting old. The helmet is estimated around $1300. Cheers
  21. The YF-19 maybe that of the 1/72 Hasegawa range, but if you look closely at whos beside the 1/48 VF-1J, its the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru!!! I wouldn't mind closeups of the babe, as im gonna to purchase 2 sets of the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru. And adding to that 2 sets of Fps, to equip my VF-1A Max and VF-1S Hikaru. Back to the topic, the helmet looks beautiful and awesome but too rich for my blood, as i work out before its roughly around the price of USD$1500. I would get it if i win the big sweep. , only in my dreams. Meanwhile i would just focus my attention of the 1/72 and 1/48 scale. Cheers
  22. Hi Graham, Thanks for the pictures. Graham, will this 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru be molded in a grey/white sculpt, as of the VF-1A Max or would it be the beige/white version of the VF-1S Roy. If you noticed carefully there is a difference between the base color between the VF-1S Roy and VF-1A Max. Im hoping for the former as well a deep tone in the red stripes as in contrast to the first version. Anyways i would be getting 2 of these babies as well as 2 1/48 Fps. Graham, another question is regarding the 1/48 VF-1J, would it be coupled with Fps? If no i maybe to get another Fp to equip it with. Any ideas when will the VF-1J will be released. Thanks for the help and assistance and time. Cheers
  23. Hiya, Patience my friends, this is just the icing on the cake. We have yet to see what surprises yamato can dish out. The quality , beauty and sculpt of the 1/48 1/72 and 1/60 is so far the best as compared to its counterparts bandai, toynami, atlas sometimes undesirable QC problems are present during the production runs. We have yet to see what they can do with the M0, M2 and maybe M7 line if bandai gives the license for it. As for now, Yamato is fairly a new growing company whose main line of products lies in Macross. We could be seeing plentiful from them in years to come. Ok back to the topic, i maybe getting 2 1/48 Fp sets, maybe another 1/48 Fps and VF-1S Hikaru when im in Hong Kong next Janurary 2004. Cheers Cheers
  24. Agree totally. Thats why initially skipped out on the first few 1/48 releases and got myself a low vis and max VF-1A after the improvements were implemented. Its a sort of market strategy to switch between product lines by altenating their frequency of releases to create sufficient interest in the local and overseas market. If they would to release the whole complete range at one go, probably you wouldnt see the 1/48 or 1/60, 1/72 scale doing so well. Im restricting my options to the 1/72 and 1/48 scale at the moment, probably a few 1/60s destroids or zentradi units in the future Cheers
  25. Nods Nods Same sentiments as imode. Thats why i sold away my 1/60s. Now only concentrating on the 1/72 scale from M0 and M+ as well as the 1/48 series from the Dyrl or TV series. Cheers
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