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Everything posted by recon

  1. Back cover of the box
  2. Here are the pictures, props to the person who posted it on ebay, just in case anyone cant see them. Cheers
  3. I agree, but come to think of it! This may not be the case in 10 years time. Now its the peak time for Macross fans. So buy and splurge while you can..bearing in the mind your budgets. Back to the topic, if i were you wasabi-elephant, i would be in a dilema too! But if given budget contraints and i were to choose one only, that would the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru. But coming to terms wth the demand of the toy market internationally, i would get the 1/48 VF-1J/Fps first then get the VF-1S Hikaru later. I feel that the VF-1J would be pretty much sold out once released cos its a hot item. There are still pretty much of stock of VF-1S Hikaru around in the local market both retailers and ebay. To the design of the box. Ermm ...the front cover isnt really appealing nor attractive. I would have preferred the sky blue box with clouds as the back drop. well cant win them all. Nevetheless, this is a must get. Cheers
  4. Hi Melissa, Its being a long time since last chatted with ya in the beginning, how things going for ya? Back to the topic, i really wanted Hound to be of a Military Humvee or at least a Civilian one. Maybe a black or a dark green approach would look cool. As trueblueeyes mentioned, this is a must get for the alternators line nevetheless. Hopefully the takara version would look better in diecast with a dark green tone. G1 hound still looks better even though it doesnt have much articulation. Cheers
  5. Will someone color it up? Im sure with the wide range of talents, it would turn our to be a beautiful piece of art. Cheers
  6. recon

    1/48 Fast Packs

    Yes when he gets Yamato items way before us. Especially in Hong Kong where it is a toy heaven..prices are affordable and cheap ..abundance of choices or shops and places and choices to pick from. Cheers
  7. Hi Chris, Its being a while since i last chatted with you. How thing's going for ya? Gosh! Correct me if im wrong, Tell me that you aren't having 4 1/48 being customised by our local Mwers, not forgetting the current Armored VF-1 Gerwalk project being done by Fulcy...That will make a total of 5 1/48 Customised series or even more. If you are, do please post pictures once they are done as i would love to see your beautiful collection. Cheers Louis
  8. The FP set already has the markings for the TV armor, including the "kite" symbols for the boosters. I don't use the same sticker paper as Takatoys. The kind I use is from another company and is actually a clear vinyl film. Very thin, very flexible, very adhesive. Me bad! Thanks for the clear up Devin. You the pro in this. Do send me a PM or inform us on the boards when these 1/48 stickers/decals are up for orders. I like what i hear...very thin, very flexible and the most important...very adhesive Here is what i wish to order in advance when you are ready to start processing orders again: 1/48 Sticker sets 1/48 VF-1S Roy: 3 sets 1/48 VF-1S Max: 2 set 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru: 2 set 1/48 Fps : 5 sets 1/72 Decals (Take your time for it) 1/72 Blueroses set 002: 2 sets 1/72 Egnima set: Cancel Cheers
  9. Great foresight Devin! Put me down for one set once you have finalise the design for the 1/48 VF-1J decal/stickers. Will there be another set for the Super Fps for the 1/48 VF-1J/Fps for those who purchased those instead of the 1/48 VF-1J valk by itself. I presume it will just take a little modification for the 1/48 DYRL Fps decals/stickers to change it to the TV series Fps. Devin another question for ya, are the stickers printed on 3M translucent sheet same as those that takatoys uses? Hope to hear from ya soon. Cheers
  10. hey i want some as well, joint orders? Hey izzyfcuk, no probs man. We could join orders and get this batch of awesome 1/48 decals/stickers for our valkyries and Fps. It beats yamato stock stickers anytime as well as gives a better appearance and new definition to the entire look. Perhaps we could consolidate with alftien on how what he wants and how many he needs. Let me start first 1/48 VF-1S Roy: 3 sets 1/48 VF-1S Max: 1 set 1/48 Fps : 3 sets others 1/72 Blueroses 002 set : 2 set 1/72 Egnima set : 1 set Mind me proposing something, we could probably hold off till the 1/48 VF-1J comes in and when devin finishes designing for them and haves them for order, then we could order all of them at one shot. Then again, i dun wish to overburden Devin, we could order the basic sets first. Then order the 1/48 VF-1J set separately again. Any other takers in this deal? Perhaps toonz will be pretty much interested in them too. Hey Devin, i was wondering what happened to the original thread. Glad i was able to locate it here. Cheers
  11. Sorry this maybe out of topic. How do you removed the base paint or the skull insigna from the heat shield? How do you guys remove the weathering patches on the Low vis? Would appreciate if anyone could point me to any of the threads that provide the above information. Thanks alot. Okie back to the topic. Awesome stickers. Low vis never look this good. Is the low vis yours Twinmoons? Cheers
  12. I'm working on it, Louis! Thanks Devin, you the man! Devin do let us know when you will be starting on the 1/48 Stickers/Decals for the valks and Fps so that we could order some for you. Thanks Cheers
  13. Hi Devin, Would the Blueroses set 002 as well as the Enigma be available in the 1/72 scale. I would love some for my hasegawa models. Thanks Cheers
  14. recon

    1/48 Fast Packs

    What? Graham you got your 1/48 VF-1J with Super Fps? Was that is pre-production sample or is it readily available in the local toy market in Hong Kong. If you have received yours, would you kindly do a preview/write up on the VF-1J/Fps if you have the time? Thanks for your time and assistance. Cheers
  15. Maybe Yamato would consider a 1/55 or 1/50 scale for the M+ valks to match up to that of the 1/48 VF-1. Not too big yet not too small for sufficient details to be implemented, not to mentioned improved sculpt and features, given that they have the 1/72 scale as a base design. Would appreciate if they improve on the overall looks of the VF-11B and the YF-21 but not YF-19 as its is currently being re-design. Please include Fps as a set together with the valk as it wouldnt be inpractical to be released as a separate set by itself Cheers
  16. Awesome work moose, considering that it is handpainted, you are still able to produce such a even coat and smooth surface. Cheers
  17. Hey alftien, If you want are ordering from devin, would you like to join orders together with me, that way we can save on the shipping cost. By the way im also interested in the 1/48 Valkyrie as well the 1/48 Fps set..would get 4 of each as well as the blueroses and minmay guard if they are available in 1/72 scale. Cheers
  18. Hi Devin, Besides the 1/48 scale, will the minmay guard decals be done in other scales like 1/60, 1/55 or 1/72. Howbout the Blueroses decals? When would you be offering the 1/48 valkyrie and 1/48 Fps stickers/decals for ordering again? Thanks Cheers
  19. recon

    1/48 VF-1S Reissue!!!

    Damn QC checker....the fate of our toys. Maybe Yamato should take a leaf out of Bandai in regards to QC. Cheers
  20. Those pictures featuring Takatoys toys stickers on the Low Vis are way cool!!! Yamato should take a leaf from our custom stickers makers Devin and Takatoys. I may sound mean, but hey we are paying for an expensive toy which is a top of the line product, shouldnt they at least give us decent stickers? But anyway props to those who doing those sticker/decals, cos they are doing a beautiful job!! Hey Noel, if you could get some of these stickers i would love some, see wether you could order through VE or Takatoys himself. Im sure many of us here in SG would love such quality stickers. Cheers
  21. Beautiful ART work VF-18S hornet!!!! Awesome. Any art form available in battroid mode? Especially VF-1S Hikaru in Strike battroid from the last scene in DRYl with the earth behind him as a back drop would be cool Cheers
  22. Arrgggh, I missed out on them again. Sheesh is there anywhere to get them cheap without forking a price thats equivalent to a 1/48 for them? <_<
  23. Gummi resin pilots looks awesome , can it be eaten? Cheers
  24. recon

    1/48 VF-1S Reissue!!!

    Well, it may just be my undying optimism, but I'm hoping these issues may vary from one Valk to another. There were some issues with the Hikaru 1S (paint on port wing being sloppy, loose air-brake, someone reported a loose canopy) that were not production wide, but limited to a few batches. I'm not wishing a shoddy product on you, just hoping for the best when I get mine. If the gap with the nose gear down and a face seam are the only issues though, I'll live. I still think it's the best VF-1 toy ever. I think sometimes, we get so used to seeing great things from Yamato that when the reality of a QC issue rears its ugly head we feel like our perfect little world has just been shattered. I suppose it stems from paying so much for a toy. Arrgghh..sorry me bad! Forgot to list a problem down. The airbrakes problem that are present on the Hikaru VF-1S are also also present on the VF-1S reissue. I think in other aspects it still locks down better than the VF-1S Hikaru except sometimes it pops out with much shaking or during transformation. If it remains stationary in battroid mode, the airbrakes will stay put. Cheers
  25. recon

    1/48 VF-1S Reissue!!!

    It's bad news that they made improvements? Or do you mean it's bad news that they released a sub-par 1S in the first place? Or are you suggesting that it still isn't "perfect" or something along those lines? Sorry for the misunderstanding. What i meant was that they released a sub-par VF-1S Reissue as compared to the VF-1S Hikaru. The issues that were present in the first VF-1S were only partially corrected according to my observation. Head seam still present on the S head as compared to that of the VF-1S Hikaru. Gap along fuselage area still present as compared to VF-1S Hikaru, which is minimised. The only consolation are the new improvements that were present on the Low Vis, Max and VF-1S Hikaru were also incorporated on the VF-1S reissue. Crooked Skull emblem syndrome on the wings are also corrected. Overall, im ok with it ....still love the VF-1S reissue. Cheers
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