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Everything posted by recon

  1. Hey Graham, I will take a XL. What size is suitable for my fiancee who is around 49 kg but 160 meters? Will it be medium or small? Please do advice Graham. If it is either of the abovementioned sizes, i will take another one for my fiancee. Hey Graham, want to meet up for a beer on thursday nite 8th of January 2004 together with your wife cos i will be arriving in mid noon on that day? Cheers
  2. Hey Guppy, BP international is a nice place with my personal guarantee, with the looks of a 4 star but yet comfortable and affordable. There also a dim sum restaurant just beside it as well as a convenience store and 7-11 opposite. The nearest MTR is within walking distance, on the way there are Mcdonalds, and boutiques and so on. No Burger King here, sorry guys, KFC and Mcdonalds and Spagetthi and Starbucks are the only western eateries there. I will be arriving tentatively on the 8th of August, in so i will contact Graham. Maybe if in the case we are lodging at different hotels, we could probably decide on where to meet...like maybe Mongkok MTR station, at the ticketing booth or one of exits? Cheers
  3. I will be staying at BP international Hotel which is a 3 star hotel. Currently i will be doing my booking through my local travel agency for the air tickets as well as hotel. Unless we are travelling as a group, its hard to obtain any discounts as a package. What we could do is to book for lodging in the same hotel. That way we would be able to stay as a group. Regards to maintaining contact in HK, you could probably get a calling SIM card for local calls in HK, thus reachable via cellphone. I will be using my fiancee cellphone as she is subcribed to a local network there. Cheers
  4. Shouldn't this be in the For Sale or Macross dealer announcements and specials Forum? Cheers
  5. Opps, double post...laggy server. Oh yah, another thing. Graham, hows the T shirts coming along? And how do we pay him? through paypal or in HK dollar in person when we meet? Cheers
  6. Hey Happy belated birthday Sebastian. I was thinking, have you guys make arrangements for your stay in HK from 8th to 11th of November? Like hotel bookings or air tickets? Ermm im assuming you guys will staying at the same hotel that Graham recommend or something? For me i will be staying at BP international, a 3 star hotel, environment and surroundings are not bad, just a walk and a few train stop away from Central especially Mongkok. If that the case, how do we meet, i got Graham's contact number so that i could make arrangements to meet him and the gang on the 9th at a pre-scheduled place. Maybe for those who arent sure, it better to get Graham's number just for convenience. Ermm, its kinda of cold now in Hong Kong, so do bring some warm clothing but not winter wear... . Can't wait for January to come, this time im bringing my something precious and priceless...my fiancee!!! is going back together with me to Singapore after the MW Shopathon. We will be getting married in Feburary or March 2004. Cheers
  7. You can say that again Rune. Cheers
  8. Ermmm....Rob that would be who to petition to? The Almighty one.... or your wife/kids or your boss to give you more free time? hahha
  9. Devin, Why dun you send in your resume to Yamato, im sure with your decals/stickers, it would really make the 1/48 line a masterpiece. Cheers
  10. I seriously doubt Yamato would re-issue the 1/48 Low Vis cos it was a limited item, if i didnt remembered wrongly an estimate of 5000 pieces for produced for worldwide consumption unlike the VF-1S Roy and VF-1A Hikaru. Dun get me wrong, im simply love the low vis but yet got the chance and opportunity to have one in my procession yet. It be nice of Yamato to re-issue the Low Vis but then again it wun a limited item of they do that. Cheers
  11. I hear you too Jessie! Work and family commitments usually are sufficient to wear a guy down, so i do work on my models on fridays nite, saturdays and maybe sundays sometimes. Sometime aint you wish your kids are all grown up and independent and you have retired with substantial savings to live comfortably, its then you can work on your models...kkeke But then again , when im old, would my hands be as steady and stable as now...i kind of doubt it. Hope to see your finish works Jessie. Cheers
  12. That 1/48 Roy is going to stay in its original form. I will be customizing other ones for a few MW members, though. Once I recoup the printer repair costs I might buy another 1S and customize it. I haven't decided yet.... Hi Devin, Hope you will manage to recoup the cost of the printer from the sales of your custom as well as normal sets of decals/sticker. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers
  13. Happy birthday Guppy!! Whats did get for your birthday present? a 1/48 VF-1J? Cheers
  14. Wait till Yamato does a series on the M2 variants. Someone is going on a buying spree again. Beautiful kit Myersjessie and great find. Please show up pictures of the completed kit once you are done with it. Man where you guys find the time and energy for model kits especially those with family obilgations and work commitments. Really envy the energy and drive you have. To me wife and family comes first, toys second, models sad to say last Cheers
  15. All i can say is that simply beautiful, VF-1S Roy never looked so good. By the way Devin are you going to customed that 1/48 VF-1S Roy into a VF-1S Bluerose, cos i know bluerose scheme is one of your favourites Cheers
  16. Why does the visor on the J head has a tranlucent light green, thought it was suppose to be dark green? Hmm upon seeing the pictures, i start to have have 2nd thoughts about getting it. Nevertheless, i will get cos "cough..cough" hoping yamato will release a 1/48 GPB armor. Will be getting the non Fp version though. Cheers
  17. By the way just received news that 1/48 VF-1J/Non-Fps is available in the local toy market Wanchai, HK for a retail price of USD 105 to 115. Im not so sure about the exact price as the buyer just gave an approximation of HKD$8xx for the 1/48 VF-1J he bought. The funny thing is they mentioned it cost around 114 newspaper for the non fp version and 166 newspaper for the fp version. I guess its the cost of each newpaper multiply by the mentioned factors will give the price for each version. How much does one set of newpaper cost in HK? Pray that this Yamato edition doesnt sell out like hot cakes for those who are interested in getting it during the MW HK Shopathon Cheers
  18. I may decide to auction the bubble type hands once i get my VF-1J. Dun really like the look of it. But i shant speak too early till i saw one in person. Nice pictures btw neova Cheers
  19. All of the sets I have made will be available within a few days, which includes ones like the 1/48 FAST Packs. I'm still working on that 1/72 BR set for you. Hey Devin, Awesome news, i have been waiting for these a long time. Do let me know when you are ready. Cheers
  20. Recon. I see Toonz is a good friend of you, but reality is the Sithlord was only using Toonz abilities for the Shopathon and his own interests. Let's say Toonz reward is serving the cause. Sorry but we need money for Girlie Bars, and that is the real reason for selling those punny T-Shirts. Recon. Are you sure? Sucks to be you hevangel2 But you can still buy some T-Shirts and help Us to finance the Girlie Bars! Dan... Actually sucks to be YOU more! You prefer the Machu Pichu and the LLamas over US! We will hate you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and... and ever-ever! Sorry vf1max But we will Clean EVERY Shop in HK!!! There will be NO STOCK of ANY Macross related merchandise in HK after Jan 9. About We buying stuff for you, I dont think It will be possible , we will spend all our money and will keep all the stocks for ourselfs, but dont worry, we will be auctioning all our unnecesary toys purchases on eBay after Jan 15. Prices will be a bit expensive due to the HK lack of stocks. I strongly recommend you to change you plane tickets.. it is only a few days early!! Think about all the money you will safe not bidding on eBay Hey Sebastian, No toonz is just a good friend of mine in MW, but in real life we are just accquaintance. Back to the topic of rewarding toonz with a T-shirt, i just feel it just a gesture for his time and effort in designing the logo for the MW HK Shopathon. Maybe i can bring it back for him if he is interested. Erm sebastian, you sure your wife will let you visit those girlie bars? Yes of course, i would be delighted to meet all of ya especially you and Guppy? Why? cos you both seem to be a fun going cheerful bunch of people. Okie count me in, i will be arriving on the 8th or 9th of January!! Hey Graham, could up my T shirt size to 44 collar black model? By the way, i wun be lodging together with ya guys as i have my own lodging. But i could meet ya guys early in the morning. So could Graham, please pm me with your contact number, so that i can reach you if i cant manage to locate or find you guys. Hmm since im coming on the 8th, maybe i will clear out the toy stores..kekek Just joking, i probably have few things to buy, maybe just one or two occasional items provided the prices seem attractive enough. Boy...you guys must try the food in HK especially the desserts and snacks along the way. Cheers
  21. Hello Devin, When will the normal 1/48 as well the Fps stickers/decals will be ready again for pre-order as im interested in some. Not forgetting the 1/72 Blueroses set 002 decals for the hasegawa battroid series, which i have requested as a commissioned job for me. Do let me know as well the others when you can begin taking orders for these decals/stickers sets. Take your time to finish your customs and previous orders first, its no rush as i can wait. Great job by the way on the custom sets. Cheers
  22. Okie some clearer pictures not mine but is from the exhibition. It shows how nice the TV Fps are, Blueish-Grey Tone. Cheers
  23. extra gundam bundle????? hmmmmmm Hey Noel, Dun you know nowadays Denki Hobby comes with a small plastic figure encased in a cardboard box ..either Gundam or something else. Cheers
  24. Can't wait to meet all of you guys especially guppy and sebastian, not forgetting the sithlord himself, Graham if i could make it. It would so fun and interesting. Up to now i can say its only 70% confirmed Ermm..10am, aint it a bit early, most shops especially toys opened around 11am to 1pm. Perhaps we could have breakfast first and chit chat about macross and stuff while waiting for the shops to open, before unleashing ourselves to a massive buying spree. Cheers
  25. No problem guys just confirm you want a T and send Graham the sizes and I will pick them up for you Hey Noel, What was our chest sizes again? Was it 42? i think i may wish to up it to 44 just in case. Cheers
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