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Everything posted by recon

  1. Vostok 7 Me like that too...but i think that would be more suited as a chase figure as only hardcore collectors will buy the complete set along with the chase figure whereas the normal figures will still be available to kids who want them. Cheers
  2. recon


    Hey bmax, awesome collection but your links arent working. Could you please look into it as i so want to see those wonderful collections of yours. Cheers
  3. And just how exactly is Lobster boy supposed to move around in his robot mode.....hop? Graham Hey graham, ROFLMAO, you really make my day, almost got choke by the gum that i was chewing. Lobster boy...haha. Alot of TFs that were manufactured in the olden days lack the articulation and details that the present line presents. But hey i still love them all expecially G1, Masterforce and Victory series and not forgetting Macross cos they were a part of my childhood. Cheers
  4. Hey izzyfcuk, You can get get it at hobbypoint tiong bahru in SG, but wait till i check cos i seem to have a spare set. Will notify you about it if i do have one spare set to give it to ya. Cheers
  5. WM Cheng, may i know what i the model for the tri-tools microsaw? i did a search on HLJ and found that there r several ones, i could really use that microsaw.. thanks in advance I think the ones that Wmcheng uses are from the hasegawa series, in which i would highly recommend it as the set gives a wide range and variety of saw suited for different jobs and purposes. You should be able to get it in the local stores here quite easily. Cheers
  6. Hey WMcheng, Awesome job once again. Hope to see the finished model soon. Cheers
  7. Yucks, not to get this for sure. Another case of puny head same as that of the 1/60 scale. Cheers
  8. Yes please Graham, I would die if yamato come out with another exclusive, Minmay Guard Variant. Just crossing my fingers. Maybe Graham you could also forward the link containing kurt's and Mike Egnima customs too. Hey Devin, so that whats being keeping you bust besides decals. Awesome job!! are you going to do one for yourself too? Maybe a Blueroses Strike? Cheers
  9. Hey mslz22, Beautiful custom, you got there for min. Do take care of your finger. Like what Chris said, that camera doesnt do justice to your custom, maybe its high time you get a new and good one Mike with the payment for your custom. Maybe im interested in getting you to customise one for me in the future, do pm with regards to the details. Cheers
  10. Hey Graham, Maybe we should seriously considering upgrading one of the moderators to the post of system administrator to help shawn maintain the server..that is if there are any volunteers who have any knowledge of networking/database management/server admin. Do hope shawn is doing fine as its being along time since we heard from him. Cheers
  11. My prized collection: Hmm lets see Macross related: 1/48 VF-1S Roy & Hikaru 1/48 VF-1J 1/48 Low Vis 1/72 Hasegawa macross models Non Macross related (Takara TF): Black Fireconvoy and the TF2000 series Jafcon Prime, Diaclone Magnus ..so on and G1 series Nuclear convoy Ehobby exclusives MPC Prime Personally i feel the Blackfireconvoy and Jafcon prime are my holy grail items but macross wise the 1/48 are my holy grail items. Cheers
  12. Hey Neova, Great Write up!! Nice meeting ya too as well as the rest of the gang. Gosh Sebastian and Guppy are just such jokers, they keep cracking me up time and again..boy you two have really a wondeful haul during this trip. Hey Graham, thanks for sparing us your time in giving a splendid and wonderful tour of the toy shops in HK, it really gives me new found knowledge and experience in regards to the wide range of toys shops available in the local market. Hey Xtoys, its being great knowing ya, hope to see your awesome collection sometime in the future. Hey Neova, you are really a cool guy, no worries about the TF, i can get time the next time im in HK. Hey lazyman, nice meeting, thanks for the hospitality and assistance offered. Thanks to you and Neova in coming back for me when i was lost in the midst of the Sat crowd. Hey Deadzone, its being swell to meet you even though i didnt get much of a chance and opportunity to chat with ya. These are great memories that i will hold in me for a long time as it aint every time that a bunch of crazy toy MWers get togather together to talk, eat, drink about toys. Hope to see such an event being organised again in the near future..hmm maybe japan? Cheers
  13. Hey sebastian, looks like you are having a great time there in HK. Btw that convoy is an hasbro version...yucky..shucks you should have told me earlier, my friend's shop addtional takara convoy for sale. I could have brought it with me to HK for you to pass it to eternaD. Well its too late now..shucks i better get some sleep before my morning flight. Btw i will be arriving in HK in the afternoon, leave me a message if you are looking for me at Ramada. Cheers
  14. recon

    Hi, I am new here

    Hey sci70716, welcome to MW world!! Enjoy your stay here!! Hey are you are a member of SGC? im a member there too. If you need addresses of the local shops in HK, no problems..i can get the name cards for ya, in addition i have a street directory of the shops location too. Namely since you are looking for macross related items or TF, i have a few to recommend, Sino Centre (Animate, Kanto Hobby), CTMA centre (Lots of vintage as well as present stuff), Trendy plaza, as well as Causeway bay (Another Animate branch there as well as a few toy shops). I will be heading to HK on the 8th for the MW Shopathon, so cya when im back. My personal opinion on which are the must get: 1) 1/48 VF-1S Roy (Re-issue) 2) 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru 3) 1/48 Low Vis VF-1A 4) 1/48 VF-1J (Non Fps version..why? Wait for Yamato to release a GPB ) Not forgetting, 1/48 Fps set for each of the mention above. It would probably be wise to get a box from the hotel, as well as some personal bubble packing to pack/protect your 1/48 boxes, then send it back by EMS or Air mail as i foresee that it would a great problem in carrying the huge boxes back. Cheers
  15. Hey Tony, Sorry to hear that, but anyways i will be meeting guppy at Ramada hotel lobby at 1040am, so that we have enough time to make our way to Kowloon hotel slowly. Anyways if you fail to see me at the depicted time, just give me a holler, my name is Louis Ang. Cheers
  16. recon


    Hmm interesting, Hopefully Guppy, Sebastian, me and the gang will get to see it during our MW HK shopathon, best if its available in the local toy stores there. But if it aint available, maybe we can pop by Graham's house to have a peep at it and maybe fondle/play with it. Hmm does it sound right...fondle/play? kekek. Well im definitely for this Qrau, but ill be getting the normal production version of Qrau, be it the DYRL scheme or the TV scheme, easier on my pockets. Waiting to see if there is any problems with the 1st version which would be later improved/corrected in the later subsequent releases. But touch wood...we wouldnt want anything to be wrong with the first version rite? I think for this first release as a Millia Qrau, it shouldnt have any major issues as its a non transforming version. Cheers
  17. Hiya guys, As you know its two more days to the actual event, looking forward to see you guys there. Ill be there on the 8th of Jan 2004 at 12pm, as for that day, i will be settling some of my personal matters. Wingcommander and Guppy, please be at the Ramada hotel lobby at 1040am sharp before proceeding to Kowloon hotel on foot to meet the others. From there, we could either take the shuttle bus or the MTR to our first destination Mongkok. Cheers Latest Update! Confirmed Members: Graham Parkes. (his house) Wingcomander. (Ramada Hotel) Guppy. (Daniel Gustafson, Ramada Hotel) Recon. (Louis Ang, Ramada Hotel) Lazyman. (his house) Deadzone. (His house) Xtoys (Tony Yao, Kowloon Hotel). Neova (Anthony, his house) Sebastian Poli Lauzon (Kowloon Hotel). 9 confirmed members, 3 wifes and one Baby.
  18. Latest Update! Confirmed Members: Graham Parkes. (his house) Wingcomander. (Ramada Hotel) Guppy. (Daniel Gustafson, Ramada Hotel) DemonPlay. (Parents home) Recon. (Louis, Ramada Hotel) Lazyman. (his house) Deadzone. (His house) Xtoys (Tony Yao, Kowloon Hotel). Neova (Anthony, his house) Sebastian Poli Lauzon (Kowloon Hotel). So we have 10 confirmed members, 3 wifes and one Baby. Hiya guys, Okie as you know its 4 more days to the big event. I would be arriving on the 8th of Jan in HK. With regards to the meeting on the 9th of Jan, 2004, for those staying at Ramada Hotel including myself, Guppy and Wingcommander, could we meet up at the hotel lobby at 10:40am sharp before proceeding to Kowloon hotel to meetup with Sebastian and others? Its roughly a 10 to 15 mins walk to Kowloon hotel from Ramada. Wingcommander, whats your real name btw? Need it so that you could be contacted in case of emergencies. Cheers
  19. Hey Sebastian, Im sure she does, afterall everytime im in HK, she always accompany me for my toy hunts, sometimes she feels that i love my toys more than her, which is of course not. No problems, me and my wife can bring you guys around to sample the local delicacies in HK, dun worry we wun bring you guys to eat weird or strange stuff, cos im rather squrmish about such thing even though im a chinese. With regards to western cuisines and pubs, im sure Graham knows of more places than i do. Cheers
  20. Hey guppy, No problems with that, you wun be lost with me and my wife around. Anyways, there is alot of cool eating places and nice food around, so guys try to abstain from burgers/fries or pizza/spagetthi unless necessary. Hey guppy dun stay at the beach too much, we dun wish to have you for roast beef or ham. Just j/king. Cheers
  21. Hey adrainx, I just went to Noel's shop, i must admit this batch of VF-1S Re-issues are simply disappointing and discouraging given that they are reissued for the 3rd time round. Why do i say that?. Its because the first Re-issue i got (Box came with vecro tabs), has all the improvements such as skull logo straight, fuselage seam minimised, head seam still there but minimised, curved pilot head rest, paint job was near perfect and flawless. I was intending to get another 1/48 VF-1S Roy (Box without vecro tabs)to be sealed up in a MISB condition, but the paint job on it leaves much to be desired on all the pieces.....there were paint smudges, lines aint straight sometimes overspray, scratches on some of the black stripes. Damn QC, are you guys sleeping or slacking on the job? <_< I just dun understand that for such a fine product, why cant they put a bit more effort in ensuring every product that goes out of the factory are in satisfactory condition and prime condition. <_<. I dun see that kind of problem with Takara TF products given that their molds are alot more complicated in transformation wise, or that of bandai reissues both producing top of the notch paint jobs. Sorry guys for my rant. I love macross and im grateful to yamato for producing such wonderful toys to us, but i cant simply put down the fact that they for the 3rd time running, they never made an effort to give us a product that we can be proud of in terms of quality and beauty. Cheers
  22. Hiya Neova, Yaps quite true thats why i proposed a number of options of meeting up. Again meeting at the Tsim Sha Tsui can be quite problematic and difficult as we dunnoe the crowd traffic at pre-arranged time. I guess meeting up at Kowloon Hotel would be the best. Cheers
  23. Hey Sabastian, My full name is Louis Ang. Hey sebastian, we really have to go to Kowloon hotel to meet you guys? Im ok with that but not so sure about Guppy and Wingcommander. Either we could make our way separately to mongkok sino centre or maybe arrange to meet up at tsim sha tsui MTR before proceeding to Mongkok or just meet up at Kowloon hotel as Graham suggested. Cheers
  24. Hiya guys, Let you in on a secret, somebody (no it aint yamato) is making a resin kit of it that is compatible the current 1/72 Hasegawa kit, which will involve slight modifications to the hasegawa kit itself. The prototype even though a scratch build piece was a beauty to behold, i was totally amazed and astounded at the size of it. Sorry guys, all will be known in due time as the person is still perfecting and finishing the sculpt for it. Sorry mods if my post is off topic. Cheers
  25. Hey Sebastian, Thanks for the update on the iternary for the 2 days itself. Unfortunately, i wun be able to join you guys for dinner/drinks on one of the days, as it is reserved for a farewell/reunion dinner for my wife with her family and friends before she departs for singapore together with me on the 11th. Cant wait for the day to approach. Hey Graham, could i recommend another place which is along the way for iternary for the first day? Taht would be CTMA centre, another good place for vintage as well as current toys. PS: Could we have a final update on who is coming to the MW HK Shopathon? Real names and place of lodging would be nice as well. For those who stay at Ramada hotel, we could arrange to meet up at the lobby together with Sebastian, before proceeding to Sino centre. Thanks. I shall start first: Recon (Name: Louis) (Place of lodging: Ramada Hotel)
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