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Everything posted by recon
Guys lets just be contented that yamato has brought the skeleton out of the closet and brought the YF19 back to life. As much as i would have love to see some of the corrections/features as suggested by david being implemented. Im still gratified that a better designed YF19 being done as compared to its predessor, 1/72 ver. Judging from the silhouhettes, of that the battroid mode as compared to the anime, the thighs/arms/head/hips look kinda of skinny, but im still hoping that the actual product might look better. Cheers
Second that notion, to me be it a YF or VF variant, they must look good in all 3 modes, especially battroid and fighter for me. Damn look at the silhouhettes makes me want to get 3 instead of two to display it in all 3 modes. Cheers
Hi GM, Just curious what would be the helment contructed of? Tks. Any plans to do the DYRL version, as im more interested in the deep space version? Cheers
Opps edited, what i meant is that his works never fail to amaze me>
would love to have a SDF-1, but graham has already indicated yamato has no current plans to do one as of yet. Maybe we could put in under the list of variants wanted by the community here like: 1) SDF-1 2) VT-1 Super Ostrich 3) VE-1 Elintseeker etc Cheers
First of all, what i feel yamato should improve/include on its products: 1) Do a FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) on all new products for strength, durability for a period of one month as well as take this time to rectify/correct problems to the existing molds before mass releasing/producing the toys. 2) Provide better QC and conduct rigourous checks on mass production pieces, offer an exchange in the case indentical or damaged, missing parts 3) Provide an accessories set for both DYRL and TV such that it includes hands, side covers 4) Provide tempo printing or decal markings on future releases , if bandai could do that for their gundam fixes, yamato should be able to cater that kind of servide for a high end product .Another alternative would be to provide higher sticker quality with translucent/clear backing, strong adhesive strength and flexibility to conform to irregular surfaces. They should take a leaf from the stuff that Devin and Erick are producing. 5) Lastly, do a survey not only on the jp market but also international market to gauge the popularity and demand of certain figures before deciding what should/could be done Cheers
Just the ones i like for e.g. VF-1S Roy/Hikaru/Max(if yamato does it), VF-1S Hikaru/Max/Millia, VF-1S Super Stealth. Future purchases for e.g. VE-1 Elintseeker, Super Ostrich if these two were to be done and M+ variants like YF-19, YF-21, VF-11B Cheers
Looking at the block of wood and schematic drawings of the phalanx posted earlier, i really wonder how can such a simple piece of wood was conjured to produce such a work of art. Its really amazing. Great and beautiful work as usual cap, you never fail to amaze me with your talent/skills
Thats a very detailed explanation David, well if yamato does a Super Nova I/II as an alternate paint scheme, i would be most contented. Being said that there isnt much color schemes that could be churn for the YF19 mold unless its a custom and unique scheme Cheers
Beautiful work HWRMKII!! always impressed with the realism you guys bring to your kits.
eugimon..haha ok that rules out M7 variants. So most likely we will be seeing lesser paint schemes from the YF19 molds.
Wouldnt mind a super nova scheme or an angelbirds scheme. Think if yamato were to fully utilize the molds, a YF19A and with a bit of twitching to the molds, M7 variants would be possible. But the question is does yamato have the M7 license. Btw graham, with yamato releasing so many variants with such short breaks in bwt, do they not fear some stuff would be stuck on the shelve? OT: im a sandwich man myself, healthier with greens and small proportions of meat like tuna, ham or chicken. Cheap and easy to prepare Cheers
Wow mike awesome collection, can see that you have many exclusive stuff especially the MR lightsabers and Code 3 replicas. Btw where did you get those replica helmets especially the clone and storm troopers? Tks
Aye graham, just teasing us everytime! but i have a feeling it would a good year for this 2006 and 2007 for MW collectors..hopefully we will see YF-21 VF-11B and Elintseeker and SO next year.
Ding Ding! cash registers ringing and Echos from the hollowness of the wallet
Its milking time!..heard a cow 'MooOOoOoO" in the background and yamato's cash registers ringing" Ding Ding" Frankly saying im most probably going to give this a miss cos 4 variants in the month of september is really too much, cant be buying everything that yamato churns out..will just concentrate on the VF-1A Max, Angelbirds or VF-0A. Wun be surprised if yamato releases a 1/48 VF-1S Max a few months down the road. Cheers
Looks awesome..love the streamline of the YF-19 in fighter mode. The CAD pics doesnt really do it justice. For the musculine looks of the exhaust/hips..looks quite close to that of the anime..instead of the skinny thigh/legs syndrome seen in the cad pics. Arms/shoulders look quite proportion as well. Notice that yamato is using clear red plastic for the optics lens embedded in the nose area same as the VF-0S, wonder the visor in the head is of clear plastic green as well. Graham, is this the exact color that is going to be used on the mass produced version, love the light beige/white on the prototype as compared to the 1/72 which has a dark beige color. If all goes well, this could the macross release of the year.
Yamato is really fast and furious with all these releases with only a few months break in between. Hopefully, they would really do a Elintseeker or SO in the future if possible a Minmay guard strike to finish off the DYRL line. Man would have to decide which is on my list of must gets...so many things like VF-1A Max, VF-0A, VF-1A Angelbirds..so little time and money. Cheers
Would be getting the stealth Fps as well as the VF-1A Max, even though wish that yamato would release a 1/48 VF-1S Max instead. Cheers
a 1/48 Minmay Guard would be swell not forgetting..bring in the 2 seaters Elintseeker and SO
Thats a big fat cat which came out of the bag!! Some reassurance and morale boosting words from the man himself, the word "new" is enough for me at this moment, i have a feeling the cad drawings were of the initial ver rather than the latest ver. Surely graham knows something we dont, all we can do now it wait for the prototype pics of the actual 1/60 YF-19 to be out. Cheers
Tkls for the detailed description graham. What i would love to see, optics/mechanics behind the visor of the head piece. And of cos tempo printed markings on it as that of the VF0S, no need for stickers. Hopefully yamato does take the hint and lengthen the wings abit Am i asking too much?
The leg area looks fine to me, but the belly below the cockpit area looks abit fat. Anyway of lengthening the wing span? Btw will there be other schemes or repaints for this bird given YF-19A is one of the possibilities. Any add on like Fps, missiles or Fold booster? What would i really like to see after the YF19 are the YF21, VF11..and hell yeah a VF-17 !
Graham, have you had first hand experience with the prototype yet? Hopefully yamato has corrected some of the problems, fragile parts found in the previous 1/72 by reinforcing them with diecast or more durable parts. Whats the likehood of repaints for this 1/60 YF-19? Cheers
Fierce! nice job takatoys! Just a question takatoys, did you replace the skull emblems on the tails fins with that of the blueroses? If yes, could we have some pics of it. Tks Cheers