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Everything posted by recon

  1. Tks for the demo vids graham! the arms looks a bit difficult to lock them in place when transforming from battroid to fighter but i guess one would get the hang of it once you have fiddled around with it a couple of times. Boy you really handled it roughly, which proves its durability and strength of its joints and plastic Just a question, is the transformation of 1/60 YF19 the same as that of the 1/72 version as i never owned the 1/72 version? It makes me wonder if the cockpit is tucked in the backpack slot which is near the thrusters, would the cockpit be able to withstand the intense heat radiated by that of the thrusters? Feel weird that the pilot is navigating the battroid facing upwards, although i imagined it would be rotated forward, guess it would impossible to achieve that in the 1/60 version due to space contraints, nevertheless im happy to own a masterpiece with ingenuity and engineering incorporated into it Cheers
  2. Tks for the review graham! Very detailed and informative ..especially when you took the trouble to explore the tightness and content of the joints. Everything looks sturdy and beautiful except the misalignment of the gunpod thingy. Guess i could wait for the reissue version with the minor fixes done as im on a tight budget this month. Graham, issit possible to provide a step by step transformation illustration of the elbows when transformed from fighter to battroid and battroid to fighter cos couldnt quite figure out how they twist and turn except for the bicep sliding up/down thingy (provision of locking mechanism). Tks PS: Hows the negotiations going with yamato in rgds to releasing a super nova YF19? Any positive feedback?Tks
  3. Lucky b#$tid!!. Quick sebastian, give us a short of review of the workmanship, paint job and lastly the joints, wether are they rigid or loose in battroid, valkyrie and gerwalk? Tks Hope to receive mine sometime this week or next.
  4. Hi Graham, Would you be picking up a mass release piece? Hope you could do a comparision between that of the mass released ver and that of the prototype version you have in your hands, so as to verify any discrepancies..especially the joints area, workmanship, paintjob or any areas. Tks Cheers
  5. I really agree that the boxart for the YF19 deserves better artwork..something seen on that of the hasegawa ver..oh well nevertheless its still a sought after item which involves breakthrough design and engineering to produce such a beautiful masterpiece. Btw graham, just a question..how are the joints especially the knees/legs/elbows/shoulders, canards and other transforming parts holding up? I guess everyone would feel some sort of worried abt floppiness in the joints or weak parts. PS: hope you are still prodding yamato to do the super nova schemes for the YF-19..best if the sponsored markings are tempo on. Tks
  6. recon

    Hope For The Future!

    My guess would be that it would be in the region of M+ and M0 variants, probably VFX2 series namely: 1) VF-0D 2) SV-51 3) YF-19 Super Nova 4) YF-21 5) VF-11 B/C 5) VF-5000B 6) VF-17 S/D Hopefully yamato redo the 1/60 VF-1 (DYRL or TV) with perfect transformation for some of the popular variants like VF-1S Roy/Hikaru, VF-1J Max/Millia, VT-1 SO and VE-1 Elintseeker
  7. This i agree with graham, it does look proportion and nicely balanced in the fighter in terms of looks even with the Fps...still unable to accept the dildo looking thing though.
  8. Ideally the VF0A shin variant should have being a greyish blue scheme with the most of the dark parts replaced by either white or a lighter grey..with reference to the hasegawa paint scheme. Really hope yamato does make the extra effort in making these subtle changes so as to differentiate the VF0A CF from the Shin ver. Cheers
  9. Thats good!...please do try your best to convince yamato to do them. Having this two added to the M+ YF19 would the icing on the cake. As for the rights, i believe its either the modellers who came out with the initial scheme or hasegawa.
  10. Frankly saying, i couldnt care less for the Fold booster..maybe only interested in the Fps cos the YF19 already looks good enough on its own. Really hoping for a super nova paint scheme as one of the repaints for the YF19 instead of the YF19A paint scheme. Cheers
  11. Graham, any news on wether the grey ghost together with the arnaments and missile pods would be released together with VF0A Shin variant as a giftset or as a separate add on set? PS: Really thinking of selling away my CF VF0A now..dun wish to have two planes of the same color scheme with only differences in the stripes and pilot
  12. Im actually wondering abt Shin VF0A colors..cos i remembered from the anime that it is suppose to grey white with white stripes, but not that of the CF colors. Maybe someone can verify on this matter? tks hasegawa 1/72 VF0A with Ghost
  13. Another pic upclose of the ghost with VF0A Notice the pilot is different, could it be shin? Cheers
  14. Some pics of the YF19 with Fps and Fold booster at a hobby festival credits to gitsac of sgcollect and moeyo
  15. Some pics of the ghost with the VF0A at a hobby festival..credit to moeyo!
  16. Yups, would love to see the YF-19 in super nova schemes or even a low vis scheme. YF19A looks kinda of kiddish in my opinion Cheers
  17. Dun think a YF19 applies to you kensei...should multiple YF19 in a humongous EMS carton...haha Would be getting one piece first..still quite skeptical abt the qst product versions..will get another piece if it was reissued sometime later Btw graham, anyway of convicing yamato to do a super nova version with all the sponsors marking tempo..blue/white and orange/white..would love to have those.
  18. You can say that again Erick, truly a masterpiece work of art. Btw would you be doing stickers for this baby as well as VF0A? im sure they would do well with some awesome stickers Some concerns of mine: Removable head piece: Hope that is a locking mechanism to hold it in place Gaps near the fuselage area and chest piece Looseness of shoulder and elbow joints Lastly hopefully yamato would reconsider tempoing the kite logo on the fuselage area Cheers
  19. issit me or the red looks abit pinkish, would have prefer them to be a darker red. The additional gimmick looks like foldable intake covers from the looks of the pics posted. Cheers
  20. Think i will skip this due to its size and price..and maybe cos yamato would do a bigger/better detailed version for e.g. 1/2500 ..not forgetting more EX! Maybe the Gman knows abt this already..haha Cheers
  21. think it should be around the height when displayed in battroid (erm did i get that wrong) along side that of the 1/48 VF-1 (w/o Fps), 1/60 Vf0 and 1/60 YF19.
  22. or it could be on a heated surface for e.g. CPU, TV Monitor, Hifi etc Cheers
  23. Now the question due to the statement that its a model, so do we have to paint it or does it come prepainted. If its prepainted, taking into consideration that it's of diecast and abs construction, then i would say the price is just about right for me. Cheers
  24. And Ex too! Izzyfcuk, never show pics of your customed cabinet filled with 1/55s, 1/48s and carebears etc. Cheers
  25. my guess is that the yf21 and vf11b are probably in the works, and so does many variants that we dunnoe of, but only graham holds the key to the them all.
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