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Everything posted by recon
I was thinking about that too, either are they simply lazy to list down the parts composition or maybe the parts aren't also made of pom? One thing for sure, is either hlj or someone is being given false information? We do really need graham to come forward and clear things up
think i just paste whats being describe on the yamato website on the materials used in the construction of the 1/60 VF-0A Shin With ghost booster. As it can be seen, there is no mentioned of POM plastic being used in the manufacture of the shoulders
Hi Erick, would you be doing a combo set for the 1/60 VF-0A Shin with Ghost Booster or the upcoming YF-19 with Fps and Fold Booster? tks
Hi Wmcheng, Glad to hear that it helped. The tips that i highlighted doesnt really entirely resolved the droopy syndrome of the fuselage area (bad design), but sort of just improves the looks by minimising the gaps, and reducing the dropping of the fuselage by 50%. It still does droop abit if you were to lift it up, its no where as near as the firmness and sturdiness seen in that of the 1/48 VF-1. Agree with your points, the VF-0 in my opnion, is defintely a beauty for display but not for playing.
This is really getting annoying! why the contradictory in the information released, one says the VF-0A shin has pom replacements for its shoulders and other other say it doesnt, just regular ABS. If its the latter, this does to show that yamato has previously used inferior quality plastic for the VF-0A CF and VF-0S shoudlers, then rectify the problem with the regular ABS treatment. I dun understand why is there such a great difference in the customer service and quality of design/parts used as compared to other companies like takara, bandai or even the newer companies like CMS, especially when we are paying a premium price for macross stuff. It really seems that yamato nowadays is going the direction of t*yn@mi.
Did loosen mine both biceps and shoulders area as a precaution. But before doing that, did now observe any stress marks as shown by Mowe..crosses fingers. Mowe, think you should not have to worry too much about it as the stress marks are probably cause by over tightening of screws by over enthusiatic yamato workers or mishandling by them. Remember the mp starscream by takara did have stress marks here and there but so far no cracks or broken pieces. If the shoulders start to crack, then maybe yamato should give us a proper answer
Really hope that yamato would consider changing the color of the VF-0S to greyish/white instead of beige white as its fits the scheme more, and to also include the fixes that were incorporated in the VF-0A Shin version.
Chrome plated would be nice for the gunpod of the VF-11B, with a press, the bayonet flicks out. Oh wait that would be asking for problem, maybe just a simple push/slide gimmick would do I would love for yamato to slow down after the release of the SV-51 Nora, maybe a Super Nova Yf-19 or Raven scheme, and use this time to concentrate on their designs and fixing the problems before releasing it for mass production for possible future releases e.g. YF-21, VF-11B etc. It seems from the short span of time between the SV-51 Nora and SV-51 Ivanov releases, yamato seems pretty confident that the SV-51 would have no or minimal problems. Crosses fingers lets hope they are right
The updates provided by graham are of course wonderful news, but what im puzzled is why hasn't yamato provided any updates on the neck hinge problem since there has been quite a number of breakages or stress areas. Shouldnt this part be at least change to pom or diecast as its any area which undergo alot of stress and movement during transformation?
Hi Wmcheng, Nopes, i did not take pics of the problem areas, but i could show some illustration with the help of swoosh pictures here to highlight how to solve the fuselage drooping problem, Tks swoosh! As for the legs..cant doo much about that area, unless one is willing to thicken the horizontal tab with pla plates, to get a nice and tight fit with the backpack. As for the landing gears, i use the end tip of a paint brush to dig the gears out or you could use a paper clip as they are quite tough to take out...also minimal risk of paint chip when using a blunt object
Yups the legs do not lock securely to the backpack when in fighter mode, as the holes on the backpack for insertion of the horizontal tabs locking mechanism are slightly bigger. Arms on the other hand lock quite tightly together to the legs with the user of circular tabs. As for the fuselage area, did some experimenting. Notice by forcing the chest halves to close to the minimal, the fuselage/cockpit is able to lock securely without drooping down. But the new subsitute parts for mounting the micro missile pods on the chest area sort of deters the proper closing of the chest halves thus the fuselage drooping syndrome. The original ones dun have this problem as they are slightly shorter.
Hi guys, Did noticed something, was observing that the replacement parts for mounting the micro missile pods on the top of the fighter seems abit longer than usual thus causing the two halves of the chest area not to close fully, thus leaving a gap. Didnt have this issue with the original parts where in fighter mode the two halves of the chest close fully, leaving no gap. I had to force the two halves of the chest section to close fully, thus making the replacement part budge out abit. Wonder if this is an isolated incident
Graham, Just a query, is hlj is the only authorized distributor for the replacement parts? is there a possibility that we could order from yamato directly? Would yamato reissue the VF-0S and VF-0A (CF) in the near future with the improved parts? On a side note, could you hint to yamato to change the base color of the VF-0S from beige white to greyish white instead, and maybe package it as a giftset with the ghost booster aka anime accurate version?
From the boxart of the hasegawa, nopes the anti glare of the VF-0A with ghost booster isnt painted..so no QC problem on this one. My only gripes is that the base color of grey should be closer to that of the secondary grey. Other than that, its a beautiful specimen to own..adding to that the lightning stripes on pilot's helmet is more detailed and nicer
Kensei bro, let me know how it goes! May have to get Rob to get the replacement parts for us in SG as none of the retailers here are willing or just waiting for news of an order to come in before they would commit.
got mine! lovely piece i must say...shoulders are nice and tight...but wouldnt dare risking twisting and turning it too much even though it is pom and nothing is certain as of yet
New pics of the VF-0A Shin Variant with Ghost Booster boxart and contents, would have to say that a better boxart could have been done, instead its just the same as that of the VF-0A boxart with different graphics. Hopefully the improvements are being done especially on the shoulders and forearms by reinforcing them in pom..meanwhile enjoy..
Great news, glad that i preorder the YF-19 with fold booster!
Great news! Graham, would yamato do a reissue of the VF-0S, preferably with ghost booster?
Attached are the new pics of the 1/144 Super HCM pro RX-78-2 and its packaging. Nice!! And more pics from the following link: http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/46shizuoka/05/index.html
As the joint is made of diecast, im more concern with the circular joint that is connected to the diecast module, unless that is made of pom, im not sure whether would it be able to withstand the stress caused during transformation. Remember the similar shoulder problem seen in the VF-0S/A
Some additional pics from yamato blog: Interesting way to display the fighter..reminds me of one scene in MO when the SV51 are preparing for launch
Do agree with some points. Currently, yamato is the only company churning out highly detailed and beautiful transformable toys, which i must say its a remarkable and incredible feat of engineering. However many a times, i feel let down by the quality issues and design problems, which should have been rectified and scrutinize throughly before releasing the toy for mass production, especially when its a high end and expensive product. Bandai do also incorporate complex transformations in their line of soc combiners, but never once do their products have quality or design issues except for some loose joints. Same goes for takara transformers, both normal and masterpiece lines, at times do experience stress marks or loose joints but never plastic breakages. I just wish to say that as much as im willing to pay for a beautifully crafted, transformable toy designed by yamato, but i do hope that they would really put in the needed effort into examining the design and taking watever measures to reduce part/joint breakages, loose joints/fits etc than rushing to release a defective toy into the market.
Hi Graham, do please find out asap from yamato in rdgs to the fixes for the YF-19 giftset. tks
The last thing i need is a flashing, light up dildo. Actually the only thing im interested in the package are the FPS, otherwise i would be more than satisfied with a QC free YF-19. Noticed the stand for the SV-51 is quite similar to that which was bundled with ltd Zeta model kit