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Everything posted by recon

  1. All hail eugimon the prophet!! Could you at the same time do more probbing into graham's mind? Tks for the great news graham, as again will wait for the 2nd version before getting it. Think the Gman, did not only see the YF-21, he may have also saw the VF-11*..cough cough
  2. damn, im glad i did preordered it but at the same scared of the potiential problems might come with the 1st version. It was really out of my trend to go for a 1st release (VF-0A Shin is begging for company), then to wait for the 2nd release after reviews. Oh well this sv-51 is going to stay in its fighter mode till all is clear and well.
  3. Heard it would be in next week, a small batch before the actual release date. As for me, will be waiting for the 2nd batch that will come on the release date. Wish me luck as i have preordered it, most to most i shant transform it till graham's demo video. Crosses fingers that there wuld be no problems.
  4. And to think i went ahead and preorder the 1/60 SV-51 without waiting for reviews. Really taking a huge leap of faith banking on the releases of the SV-51, which are so close to each other, faults on either releases would affect the sales of the other drastically. I find the YF-19 (2nd version) is really almost close to a 90% perfect toy with the remaining 10% due to design/stress issues or factory assembled problems. Its on par with the 1/48 and defintely better than that of the 1/60 VF-0S/A
  5. recon


    But whos going to educate or guide them in the proper assembly method of the forearms and shoulders, its like nobody cares anyway.
  6. recon


    The grey ghost would also be released as a separate pack, in so you wouldnt have to fork out the price of the giftset to do up a VF-0S/Ghost or VF-0A Shin/Ghost just like in the M0 anime. The stupid thing is that the attachement for the missile pods add on is done in colors of the VF-0A. Unless you do own the other ghost, which has a attachment piece molded in VF-0S colors, getting the QF-2200D-B ghost is pretty much for the VF-0A only マクロスゼロ 1/60 QF-2200D-B ゴーストブースター 単品(予約) 商品コード GDS-8396 備考 ゴーストブースター単品商品です。 メーカー やまと 発売日 07年10月未定 原作名 マクロスゼロ 解説 VF-0S・VF-0A(別売)に装備可能! 標準小売価格 5,040円(税込) 販売価格 4,278円(税込)  15%オフ! 購入制限 お一人様 3個まで。 (同一住所、あみあみ本店支店合わせての制限数です) On the contrary, i would want to get a VF0S/ghost giftset as i dun own a VF-0S as of yet, but yet im still quite skeptical about buying it due to the problem plaguing the Vf-0S/0A design
  7. Truly mind boggling amazing stuff!
  8. No problems swoosh, think it wouldn't be wise to use a decal setting solution on a sticker, it might help to conform it to irregular surfaces, but who knows what it might do to the sticker.
  9. Really sexy work Erick, now i know where does the insignia (Phoenix or something) goes Still looking for matt black spray can caps to do neck cover as most of the ones here are in semi gloss. ..maybe i should just spray them matt black. Swoosh, maybe you can used white glue to secure the skull emblem onto the Fps, thats if you want it to be permanent.
  10. tks kensei for the demo steps, it actually helps to allevate stress on the hinge joint by following the proper procedures. Just curious, did you ever loosen the screws on the hinge joint for the YF-19 2nd version as i did loosen mine when upon inspection saw some stress marks on the hinge joint?
  11. recon


    It should be Sept 07. since they have the molds. That means there would be two Vf-0S being released 1) VF-0S Reissue 2) VF-0S with Ghost Booster giftset Just wondering did yamato change the base color of the Vf-0S to white cos from the pics it doesnt look beige anymore Graham, if you see this, please we need some confirmation on the releases. tks
  12. recon


    On the contrary, something much expected would be released in sept 07 9月發售: 1:60 完全變形 Macross Zero VF-0S 連 Ghost Booster 19,800Yen credits to freedomkira of toysdaily.com PS: Frankly saying, i dun think this would do the sales any good especially with the recent incidents pertaining to VF-0A Shin and replacement parts
  13. Yups we do have some isolated cases of socs breaking, bearing in mind the materials used for diecast parts are usually of cheap or mixed alloy materials and maybe even aluminium? who knows? But in comparision with the recent products )YF-19, VF0A, VF0S) of yamato, their breakages are few in numbers. Its true designs play a part in the stress factor in which the toy is put through especially at the joints, transformation parts, thats why its is extremely important to reinforce these very parts...poor design leads to numerous problems (sometimes it aint just the plastic problem)
  14. Tks for the pics Swoosh, think the main fundamental flaw in the neck/fuselage design is that the screws are placed too close to the edge of the hinge which stressed/weakened the area around it. Another thing, are the mismatch grooves for the transformation part, which puts additional stress on the hinge part again. Other than that, i would rate the Yf-19 to be above that of the Vf-0A Shin, why? less problems, but certainly not no problems.
  15. To be precise, a certain company's toy line should be compared to another company's toy line, not models. Take for e.g. bandai SOC or 1/55 macross line, the same ABS plastics are actually alot more firmer and stronger than what was offered by bandai. Never really hear a soc or 1/55 VF-1 broke
  16. Got yamatoed, so much so i would like to make tomato paste of those idiots
  17. Im still not really convinced that the the neck/fuselage hinge part has been rectified and replaced with one that has a stronger materials and correct "hole" size to accomodate the hinge. Really need confirmation and pictures on that area, but other than that im quite happy with the fixes done namely: 1) Crooked gunpod fixed 2) Rear left landing gear inability to extend fully fixed 3) Gap at the fuselage area minimised Ohter problems which are not confirmed or are still existent are: 1) Loose shoulder flaps? 2) Reinforced neck hinge? Lastly, what im really displeased abt are those idiot trigger happy yamato factory workers, who enjoy applying excess glues on watsoever areas which pleases them.
  18. Really feel for you man! Those idiots at yamato, i really wonder what are they doing, allowing such shoddy stuff to pass QC inspections.
  19. What does it say on the left hand side of the image (something abt transformation or joints) posted by graham? anyone care to translate?
  20. Thats sucks man! really feel for you odr78 having paid a substantial amount to get the replacement "POM" parts for the VF-0S but the end result is still the same. These defintely dun feel like pom even for the VF-0A shin, more like they are just regular ABS or maybe worse, inferior quality ABS, which i dun doubt so especially when cost cutting measures are being employed in the toy industries nowadays. On a side note: perhaps this should come with a warning like: 1) Transform at your own risk!! 2) Do no attempt 3 or more transformations!!
  21. nah no, please no automorph feature in the SV-51, that would increase the risk of future QC problems given yamato's bad history.
  22. I feel that graham has not deliberately withheld information from us in regards to the VF-0A Shin, maybe he has been preoccupied with family/work commitments lately. Even if he did, the truth will be sooner be out due to shoulders breakage as a result of wrong materials usage and stress factors, which does not warrant him to hide this important information from us On the contrary, i rather believe its the guys at yamato or hlj that foul up, knowing that they can't even handle a simple request or question. If thats the case, i must say im very disappointed and disgusted at their lack of professionalism, especially when this is a 3rd release.
  23. Im cool about it as i always trust and appreciate graham for the good work he has put in. Its the people at yamato and hlj that i dun trust.
  24. Hearing this, i feel glad and yet at the same time angry. Looks like would have to order some arms just in case as a precaution even though when my VF-0A Shin is suppose to have the so called "pom" shoulders
  25. Tks OE for the confirmation! Now that really su@ks big time! Firstly, the 1/60 VF-0A Shin does not come with pom shoulders as informed. Secondly, we would have to buy the "new" pom shoulders from hlj if ours were to break. Thats really great! now comes to big question, since the shoulders for the VF-0A Shin, Vf-0S and VF-0A CF are made of ABS, why is there such a drastic difference in the quality of parts? My guess is that sub standard ABS were used for the shoulders of VF-0A CF and VF-0S, while the Vf-0A Shin has the regular ABS. We have to be the one to bear the cost of their "mistakes". This really like a kick in the nuts! This makes me even doubt wether the YF-19 does possess pom parts as claimed or maybe just ABS.
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