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Everything posted by recon

  1. Dunnoe whether you guys notice this pic..the fuselage is detachable!! And could be mounted to the forearm..VF-1D fuselage mounted to VF-1S reenactment in TV series More pics of Fps Looks like the skull emblem is tampoed on?
  2. Damn it looks real good, The looks compartment has a mixture of hasegawa like battroid/fighter similarities. Defintely considering a VF-1S Roy/Hikaru, VF-1J Max/Millia, VE-1 Elintseeker and VF-1 Super Ostrich, maybe a VF-1J GPB if any was ever made. With yamato going into the 1/60 scale, i do hope they give us a VF-4G as well
  3. recon


    The SV-51 did got reissued, some of the fixes were: 1) Correct hinge joint for left/right wings 2) tighter joints for wings/legs/arms and pegs where the payload and arnaments get fixed to 3) Clear canopy as compared to the first version which is abit foggy.
  4. Tks swoosh for the pics! Always awesome shots as usual. Would be getting mine when its reissued...afterall im skeptical about first releases by yamato.
  5. If you guys take reference to the recent GFF metal composite series, i would say its does really hold up well in terms of design, sculpt, details and stability as well has a solid/beautiful paint job.
  6. Boy im really glad i sold away my 1/48s, ever since Yamato started doing the M0 and M+, in the hope that one day Yamato would redo the DYRL line in 1/60, with perfect transformation, features/gimmicks same as that of 1/48 or even better. Im really looking foward to this release as well future releases such as destroids. Btw graham, is the skull symbol tampoed onto the heatshield or was there a sticker provided as shown in the promo shots.
  7. tks to Gman and Saverobotech for the pics, it looks really good even when unpainted. A definte must get for me
  8. Graham, Is there any way of convincing Yamato to tampo the skull emblem onto the heatshield instead of providing a sticker for it? Another request would be to make some twikings to the Fps color such that its more anime accurate blue. Please help to pass this request to Yamato for attention, other than that the 1/60 VF-1s Strike is beautiful
  9. Pictures of the 1/60 Strike VF-1S Courtesy of http://www.ota-suke.jp
  10. Erm Graham, Is there any way of convincing Yamato to change the Fps color to a more DYRL accurate 'Bluish' tint than the green that was used in the 1/48 Fps?
  11. The only thing im concerned is that with the new 1/60 VF-1S, hopefully the crooked skull syndrome would be eradicated. It would best if the heat shields are of matt finish instead of glossy, to stand up to transformations and rough handling. Lastly any diecast, plastics or rubber used in joints/connectors should be able to withstand transformations without cracking or breaking. Graham, hope you highlight these concerns to Yamato
  12. Really could kiss you Graham Those were the best news i heard since the upcoming release of YF-21 Being hoping for this to happen even since the revolution of 1/60 VF-0, followed by SV-51 and YF-19. Now i have no regrets in selling my 1/48's previously. Would definitely be getting 2 of each my favourite characters like VF-1S Roy/Hikaru, VF-1J Max/Millia, VE-1 Elintseeker and VT-1 SO if they were done, maybe also a 1/60 VF-1S/J in GPB.
  13. Same here, will wait for reviews and 2nd release. The fighter mode looks slick. Wonders if the first release is a FP version
  14. recon

    SV-51 CF!!!

    a woodlands camo scheme would have suited it more than a tan color scheme
  15. damn those sure look good. sighs if only it were a scale bigger...say 1/60..they would look beautiful beside the 1/60 VF-0 and SV-51
  16. It is a confirmed Custom piece using the 1st ver of SDF-1 from wave, with details added. I dun think wave would go to the trouble of doing up new molds to include the additional details, the movie accurate version is just a repaint in DYRL colors. But i still hope that wave would surprise me though it is very unlikely
  17. shucks, you maybe right, from the looks of it, it seems to be a custom. arggh..i preorder it.
  18. Some pictures which prompted me to preorder this piece this version has more details and is in movie color as compared to ver 1
  19. shucks wet blanket!! All the info that you have G-Man, how can you possibly sleep in peace, knowing thousands of souls out there are wailing "Tell me..Tell me!!" Probably he does sleep in peace, cos he is a sadist! :ph34r: Suspects list 1) 1/60 YF-21 and YF-21/Fps/Fold Booster 2) 1/60 VF-11B (probably year end) 3) 1/60 YF-19 SuperNova or YF-19A 4) 1/60 VF-0D (Single Seater) 5) 1/60 SV-51 CF 6) 1/60 VF-1 (Hopefully)
  20. I think another request not question could be highlighted by Gman to the Yamato representatives, namely: 1) More stringent checks on the design and materials used to avoid another disaster like that of the VF-0S/A 2) More stringent checks and enforcement by that of the QC department and to stop the released of any mass produced products if any potential problems were spotted for e.g. duplicated right hinge joints in SV-51, crooked gunpod in YF-19, broken shoulders in VF-0A/S.
  21. My questions are as follows: 1) 1/60 YF-19 in Super Nova colors 2) 1/60 YF-21, will there be a giftset version that comes with Fps 3) 1/60 VF-11B? 4) Will yamato be doing a scaled down 1/60 VF-1 but incorporating all the features and perfect transformation of 1/48 5) Another version of VF-0S in greyish white as the current version in beige white looks too plasticky? 6) 1/60 VF-0D? Tks
  22. recon

    Graham's Sig

    i have a feeling that its a 1/60 VF-1S/A/J, the 1/48 version was 'great' while the former 1/60 version was a joke. ..so saying maybe the new 1/60 is a perfect version
  23. Still looks pretty plasticky in my opinion especially on the pink area, yamato should have choose a darker pink with metallic flakes to match the gold stripes. I kinda doubt the actual product looks as good as those seen in the shots.
  24. Actually i wouldnt care much for the YF-19A color scheme, if M7 and VF-X2 licenses are unclear at the moment, surely yamato can do a super nova blue/white or orange/white in the meantime rite while they sort things out with the licenses.
  25. From what i observed, the shoulder ball joints are grey in the actual product, but in some of the pics posted, they are white?
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