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Everything posted by recon

  1. Nope for me till i have confirmation that their exploding shoulders are fixed. To be frank i rather have the regular cf ver
  2. The same applies to me with having to go the NY route to avoid custom taxes since amiami and hlj declare the full value Sorry to hear abt the issues mommar and kicker, as much as im looking forward to getting mine, i do at the same time feel abit queasy about the isolated issues and am praying and hoping that mine will be free from any issues
  3. Man why arcadia didn't tampo print the grey details on the body like the yamato ver?
  4. Preorders are up for the tornado parts for vf25f/g at nippon yasan
  5. Thats the point of preorders, you place an order early and the retailer gives you a discount off the retail price as part of the early bird special. NY however does the opposite knowing full well that certain hero series and exclusives are limited
  6. Secure myself a piece as its only a 10usd difference from retail price. Sorry for saying this but i feel NY could have release both the first, second and third preorders at retail price but decided to play mind games as always to gauge the demand and hike up the prices As of now...19 pcs left
  7. 46 pieces at the new pre-order price of 19500 yen
  8. Yup I did but still not fast enough. Had the item in my cart and selected shipping and when I was about to click next Poof item was no longer available WTF!
  9. I don't mind paying retail or slightly inflated prices. The thing with NY is that the preorders numbers and quantities are small and limited for each window. Why can't they just decide on a price then allow the buyers to decide whether to purchase them. It's really crazy having to monitor my mails and status windows trying to secure a piece when I'm shuttling in between meetings
  10. NY really passes me off sometimes. What's the point of preorders if you want to jack up the prices!
  11. Being thinking of whether to add a vf17s/do and vf19s/d to add to my collection. Should I take the plunge or wait for arcadia to come up with a new and improved ver?
  12. Thou shall not see no evil and hear no evil. Im contented with my Alto ver
  13. Just opened my Arcadia VF-1S Roy on Xmas day itself. Everything is great about it and the skull emblems on the tail fins are straight. Hope to see DYRL VF-1S Max, TV VF-1S Roy, VF-1J Hikaru and Max/Millia released sometime in the future as well as VE-1 Elint Seeker and VT-1 Super Ostrich. Anyways Merry Xmas guys and more macross goodies in the year of 2014
  14. Chill guys. I think the rationale of raising this issue was to highlight the crooked skull insigna and other small issues which were not captured or addressed with this release and are mostly likely a cause of Factory QC and Manufacturing issues. Afterall this toy have seen several revisions over the past decade and we are paying a slightly higher price for this release thus expectations are slightly higher. That in all, i would say its a pretty good release in terms of improved pilot sculpts, detailed hud, more anime accurate base color as well as the provision of a stand. Anyways have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!
  15. It seems that the slanted skull emblem is also prevalent on the VF-1S Roy cos i could have sworn i have seen some pics of the VF-1S Roy having the same issue Some reference pics from nipponya188 from toysdaily
  16. Guys, those who have the new arcadia VF-1S Roy, could you check if your piece have the slanted skull syndrome on the tail fin? Thanks i could have sworn i saw some pics of the slanted skull emblem for the VF-1S Roy Reference pics credits to nipponya188 from toysdaily
  17. hi guys, just a quick question, does the BD disc only play on PS3 or can they be played on bluray players. sorry to ask this as i dont wish to make the mistake of getting something which cant be played on my BD player. Thanks
  18. hmm tough choice but i would base my vote on anime design not the current toy versions VF-1S YF-19 VF-29
  19. Thanks F18 for the review pics. Really hope the issue on VF-1S Hikaru isn't wide spread but a isolated case. Have you talk to the distributor about an exchange for the defective piece?
  20. VF-1S Minmay Guard and Paris Moon Act, i would buy multiples of these. Not forgetting M2 VF-2SS and Metal Siren
  21. I would think that the cause of the increase in toy prices are probably link to increase in manufacturing cost, labor cost and inflation but the sad thing is that our pay has not increase much during the past decade to keep up with the cost of living and expenses. Well you guys know the demand and supply theory, as long there is a demand, manufacturers and distributors alike can priced their items in any way they like but people will still buy them unless the pricing is horrendous and ridiculous
  22. The update pics looks great. Now do a super nova YF-19 too but with a minimal payload and at a cheaper price
  23. Thanks VA for the comparision pics. From the closeup shot on the wings, we can see the white on the Arcadia VF-1S is not really a pure white, but that of a slight greyish white tint as compared to the pure white on the TV VF-1S. I really prefer this tone as compared to the beige white that DYRL has. Now if Arcadia could fine tune the DYRL Strike and Super packs to have a more blueish green tint tone to it, that would be perfect
  24. Thanks guys for the advise provided
  25. Hi guys, As i'm rather new to the frontier line, may i check how do you attached the super packs or armor packs onto the VF-25s Ver 2? Do you have to partially transformed it before attaching them or could they be attached to the VF-25 Ver 2 in fighter mode? thanks
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