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About recon

  • Birthday 04/22/1973

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Bridge Bunny

Bridge Bunny (7/15)



  1. Sighs. They could have at least tempo the SDF minus the weathering and glow in the dark effects and it will still sell. The same applies for VF-0A
  2. Not me. I preordered on amazon.jp but my credit card payment have issues with paying for a preordered item thats backdated several months back thus i have to give it up
  3. Tks graham. Was confused when i saw others order coming in frm cdjapan showing a different poster
  4. Hi guys Anyone got a pic of the posters that come eith the amazon.jp and cdjapan release? Are these B2 sized posters?
  5. Please do share where to find these two posters from? Tks
  6. Wow. Where did you get the cyber security posters from?
  7. Hi all May i check if this is the correct limited ver that comes with poster to purchase from amazon jp as my initial preorder had some problems processing https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/aw/d/B0DDSXWB1F?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image
  8. Someone pls message SK on twitter echoing that we want a PF VF-0A with ghost/booster pack but with no weathering or panel lining please
  9. As well as redo the YF-21 and please give me a remake of VF-17S/D and VF-19F/S
  10. Oh well. Here is to hoping they will release PF version of VF-0A with ghost in the near future. Cos it will be weird if i get this when i have a PF VF-0S already unless i want an interim filler
  11. Is this a premium format VF-0A or just a regular ver?
  12. This. I would love to have both emerald and diamond force variants and i will be more or less one with macross unless they release M2 variants
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