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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. Nah, make it in scale with myself.
  2. Besides you just know that every sam and jet will try to take out those nice slow AWACS in the first engagement of the war. Russia has the range advantage on the US. I mean their bog standard R-27ER has a range of 130km, far more than AMRAAM or even the R-77M with a range of 175km and fire-and-forget capability. I mean just load some Mig-31s with those and spam the AWACS with missiles. The high speed of the migs and the long range of the missiles will prevent effective countermeasures. Ah just read that Russia has designed a special anti-AWACS missile 'K-100' with a range of up to 400km and air-launched.
  3. Weird, Yamato has lousy plastics and Bandai has lousy steel.
  4. So anyone ask the creator of those fine cap ship models if they sell overseas yet? I think Mr.March had his website address.
  5. Btw do they need a proof of purchase?
  6. General Gomez recognized Marge's rapid leap in his Sharon AI as a separate yet coincidental event to them developing the Ghost AI though. I guess Marge was just the lead AI developer for Sharon and was frustrated about his AI not maturing further than the limits imposed by needing Myung. So through some contacts he got some leads about that new chip created for the ghost and he just bought it on the black market. Also I reckon Marge sent a PR update to the UN Spacy with news about their final iteration of the Sharon Apple AI (UNS didn't know about Myung). So they try to capitalize on the similarities between the Ghost and Sharon by humanizing their now AI-controlled fighter force with the help of Sharon entertaining the masses. Trying to show that the chip designed to kill can also show a humane side. At least that's what they hoped. Instead they got a homicidal (maybe even genocidal) chip with no regards for human life. Pure speculation of course.
  7. What? He killed the bearded guy because he found out the chip are installed in Sharon not the Ghost. What would a music producer have to do with Spacy's new toy. After all he payed the guy that smuggled those chips out of the labs.
  8. Fighter mode looks good to me, plastic seems fine but thats hard to tell from just pictures. So when does Wizartar or CollectionDX make a movie review? Interesting to see how it transforms.
  9. They should have made them out of the same plastic the GNUs are made off. That plastic feels really nice and durable.
  10. I think short-haired Leon looks more like the male Grace.
  11. Looking at those JHMCS pics I found this pic of the F-18. It has a similar canopy to the VF-25, and if it works for them it works for the VF-25 as well. The rest are scaling issues.
  12. In the show the cockpit view shows them looking under the frame. Anime magic FTW. You couldn't see anything through that tiny slit it leaves you.
  13. They all look like women. Brera with his plushy fur coat and neckband look extra-metro/homo. And Michel looks like he was supposed to be a women at first but then got a sex-change midway. Luca looks like an 8-year old as always. Thank god they didn't go with butt-length labrador ears on ranka. Can't find Klan anywhere.
  14. According to ANN Kiss Dum has mechanical designs by Kawamori, so no wonder they look like out of macross.
  15. Yeah they are flares, but they look remarkably like the little solid archive valks.
  16. I know this isn't on-topic, but SWEET ITANO CIRCUS!!
  17. Hell they even built and sold cars on the SDF, no idea how they managed to do that without the machinery needed for such a task.
  18. You could still request your name to be acknowledged for the work you made, maybe even squeeze the Url in there. The surge in hosting costs and the fact that most japanese suck at english might hamper that though. The pretty pictures are worth it though.
  19. Very likely as japanese tends to reverse sentence structure compared to english.
  20. Hmm, if I compare the two there aren't that many parts that could be reused. Especially as a lot of parts are likely to be grouped together like in the model kits. So if one part is changed you have to make entire new molds. Or at least make a new mold for all the changed parts and throw away the extras. About the only parts that seem unchanged are the legs, shoulder area and maybe arms. Though that YF-24 lineart looks to have been slapped together very quickly. Just look at those ugly rear stabilizers. So I guess they will correct the line-art to look a bit more like the VF-25 and just mount some different wings on it. Also the VF-27 shares nearly no common parts with the VF-25. They are superficially similar but every part actually has a slightly different form. You can at most save a bit on the time necessary to perfect the transformation.
  21. Well, according to the line art, the rifle shouldn't stick out much further heightwise than the standard gunpod. Looks to be nearly level with the shins. With the super long gears of the plamo it better fit.
  22. Yeah, it is. Still the part you circled is just the upper intake that sticks out.
  23. Well, at least we now know how NUNS came about. So it's more like a confederation of loose colony states, instead of the previous centralized government. Yeah I doubt the authenticity of that statement. At most the USAF asked the Israeli government if they could send some engineers over to check the long-term effects of constant engagements on old aircraft frames.
  24. I don't see where the wings would transform on that one. It may end up in a YF-21 style transformation.
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