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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. Don't have a shipping reply from over-drive yet so I guess they aren't.
  2. I just finished my Alto and I noticed that the stickers actually look better than the decals most of the time. Except when they have to cover a dark surface like on the vertical stabilisers. Decals rule there. The stickers are just so nicely cut and have no excess decal paper. Only problem is that you have only one chance to lay them down and then thats it. If you have to take them off again they will never stick as well again. So the decal positioning on my Ozma is perfect but they got destroyed after first transformation, Alto stickers not so perfect in some difficult places like the shoulders or places with gradients where the stickers wrinkle, but at least they are very durable.
  3. I just found a large crack on the left shoulder of my Roy so I will have to get that replaced. So whats the general concensus? Replace it now or wait a bit longer? Btw how do you replace the shoulders anyway? Do you have to push out a pin to get them in or is it just some screws?
  4. It's 400 m long when it's in ship mode where those huge arms are attached at the top. It's only 280m or so long in battroid mode
  5. The shoulder decals worked relatively fine on mine even though I also wasn't able to put them on perfectly straight and even. All the excess clear was absolutely covered in decal setter so that it can adhere to 90° angles. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v406/rea...pg?t=1237494904 The right shoulder decal was ripped while transforming it from battroid to fighter.
  6. Can it be that the VF-28 is just the VF-27 converted to non-cyborg use? Just as in the YF-21 vs. the VF-22?
  7. The G laser is huge, it's bigger than the F laser. Why the hell did they make them out of PVC? It doesn't make sense. You are more likely to snap off those delicate sniper stabilisers than the laser.
  8. Yeah, her top hat and high heels might throw off the scaling.
  9. Might be, but the moon also isn't just a gigantic chunk of solid space-worthy metals. I doubt there is enough metal in the crust to build the 3000km Satellite. You would probably have to excavate all outer layers of the moon to mine the core directly.
  10. Yeah, trying to hold the thing by the legs with fast packs on always ends in a disaster. Thankfully the fast packs always slipped off before I got it off the ground. So with two magnets they slip off right when its doing a barrel roll a meter above the hard floor.
  11. Honkhet, how did you color the missile covers. Did they include stickers or did you paint them? Are they the same sort of stickers as used on the crotch piece? Still unsure whether to paint mine or sticker them up.
  12. The 3000km factory satellite has about the same volume as the moon. It stands to reason that there are barely enough usable metals on the moon to build even one satellite.
  13. I personally use tamiya acrylics to panel-line and then use cheap airbrush cleaner to wipe it all off. I guess some white spirit would do the same trick. Just keep acetone away from your plastic. It eats polystyrene for breakfast. [qoute]Did the plastic need a gloss coat before I used the marker? As far as I know that's only needed when you try to panel-wash flat paint or generally to protect the underlying layers of paint. A direct application like a marker should work fine, especially on bare plastic.
  14. I wonder how long those stickers will stick to the model. Is there maybe some more permanent solution to this?
  15. Also you would have needed to stripmine several thousand moons to build them.
  16. I guess their train of thought was like this: Is the VF-11 a hero mech? No. -> Will some casual guy buy it? No. -> Will the hardcore collector buy it? Yes -> Will he buy it at any price? Yes -> Rip him off! -> Profit!!
  17. Yeah, in canon the limiter and fly-by-wire probably keeps them from going over max AoA. Sort of like how you have to push a button in the Su-27 to remove the limiter and do a cobra. Seems like we are flying the VFs in space mode in an atmosphere and thats just not efficient.
  18. Yeah, but when you do a flip you instantly go from Mach 5 to 0 in one flip. Which is somewhat annoying losing all speed just because you went one ° over max AoA. Also even with throttle at 0 and in a stall, the vectoring can still somehow flip you around just as if you were afterburning (unless those are simulated verniers working). I guess thats the limitations of YSflight.
  19. Soo, anyone willing to part with their Wave SDF-1 for cheap then?
  20. About the same size as an Appale (sp?) Genki can. [edit]Added smily for extra clarification[/edit]
  21. Great, the closer we get to the source the better. Just think off all the extra translations possible.
  22. I would have to hide that toy everytime I invite someone in. Otherwise they may think I am pedobear incarnate.
  23. Looks like some standard polishing of the clear coat.
  24. Yeah physics are screwed in this release. They stall everytime you get into a few negative g.
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