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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. Nice, so the VF-25F gets the baby-blue and the VF-25S gets the old DYRL colours. Does Luca get pink now to even it out?
  2. It's also a good time to get a Gnu-Dou with the 1/100s as they are also 65% off and only cost 8$ per toy.
  3. To get a real glossy finish don't forget to polish and wax the clear coat.
  4. Wow, the baby-blue superpack doesn't fit to the military at all. The DYRL super packs had the right color. A nice saturated dark blue-green. At most they could have gone with the German Grey super packs as shown in some custom models, those also look nice.
  5. That Stabilizer locking thing sounds more like the stab jumping out of its guideslot. Doesnt sound very healthy to me.
  6. [edit] Why cant you delete posts anymore.
  7. You could still send your old picture without the stripe to over-drive for a replacement leg.
  8. Hi, I was checking out Mythbusters Season 3 Ep 17 the Jaws special and there they built a robot that had yellow actuators located where the shoulders normally sit. The commentator said: "Those shoulderpads are so 1985". And Robotech was running in that year.
  9. Well, we are already discussing every minutia of Macross science in the forum here so the step to take is small.
  10. What happened to the water that was already in the tube. Did it just get displaced by the beaming progress or is that overlocked.
  11. In your dreams maybe. Thats exactly what Bandai speculates on, that every otaku runs out and buys the revamped version.
  12. I guess the demand for SV-51 wings arent large enough for yamato to send them a batch.
  13. The bright violet color might have tipped him off as well.
  14. It doesn't have a definitive position it locks to in fighter mode so you have to get it positioned right manually. Aka the cockpit not tilted to the front or back. Afterwards it usually holds its position reasonably well. I don't know if that tiny tab that secures the front fuselage doesn't wear down though.
  15. Here is mine: 1/48: VF-1A Max Yamato 1/60: SV-51 Nora VF-0A/Ghost YF-21 YF-19/FP VF-11B VF-1A Hikky/SP VF-1S Roy/SP Tomahawk Defender 1/72: VF-25F/SP VF-25S VF-11B YF-21 GNU: VF-19A -VFX2 VF-11B -VFX2 Revoltech: VF-1A VF-1S VF-1J Max Regult YF-19 YF-21 1/100: Bandai Phalanx And the Klan Klan Banpresto Ichiban figure.
  16. I own a CBR 600 F4I fully kitted out. Pretty much every go-faster thing you can find is mounted on it. If you can name it I probably have it.
  17. Well, if I want to display my fighters in fighter mode and don't want to waste space I just extract the feet and let it stand on them. Works reasonably well. I have to say the way the plastic is matte to semi-glossy and the deep-brilliance of the purple-greyish paint makes the toy look great. It just exudes quality. The canopy has so much of that rainbow paint on it, that it looks more like a mirror. I can barely see the pilot. The same paint on my VF-1 V2s is barely noticeable, here it clearly is overkill.
  18. Btw I didn't use the unique nr. so no harm done.
  19. Am I imagining things or is there a far larger gap between lower intakes and chest area in those pics? That makes it almost look like the 1/72.
  20. But then you risk shearing off more plastic than you want causing a crack in the plastic.
  21. Any relevance? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vajra
  22. At this rate the lottery will be over next year.
  23. I don't think there is anything more behind Guld Works than just an otaku reference to skunkworks and Mac+
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