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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. Some other models they made. http://homepage2.nifty.com/manman/research.htm Guess you would have to pay a good 1000$ to get one of those as there only exist a few hundred of them.
  2. VF-27 Claymore VF-27 Bastard sword VF-27 Pike (Well, the gun is rather long and not very well suited for close combat. What with all the nuking cappabilities it has. Besides the fish is very fast predator aswell.)
  3. I just noticed how bad the Spaceliner in the end was textured. Looks like someone painted it in 5 minutes in microsoft paint. Otherwise very nice character-driven episode. Though I don't know if they should have revealed so many plot points at once, what with the VF-27, the government and Grace.
  4. I found this VF-5000 toy from Studio Half-Eye on the net. http://homepage2.nifty.com/manman/VF5000.htm Is that thing real and where can I get it?
  5. You do realize that his head has to fit in there somewhere? I think it is a very well made Valkyrie mockup. The attention to detail and overall proportions is great.
  6. The English Dub just simply has more oomph in the sounds than the OVA The Movie version however has better sounds than the english version. What I noticed in the jap OVA is that some sounds are actually missing and there is silence instead. Often when they are shooting at eachother.
  7. http://www.supercavitation.com/DeepAngel.mov Download this movie and look at the Sub when they show the close ups. Seems like the zentraedi have gone underwater
  8. Also, the backpack isn't folded. Looks weird.
  9. Damn, this episode sucked. The flying totem thing was very strange, and it has child porn for christs sake. I hope #5 is better, but at least the cliffhanger seemed good.
  10. http://anime.mircx.com/download/eec68e9edb...73b6aa1adcef1c6 Macross Zero 04 raw
  11. One word: Animefriends(sp?)
  12. Well, thats why the laser isn't anti-valk weaponry, it is just there to shoot down missiles and to cut open doors
  13. A flame thrower in space?? Now thats just as bad as sonic disruptors in space.
  14. It wasnt propellers or anything. It didnt move underwater using its engines, it was swimming in battroid mode. Guess it was operating on batteries or something.
  15. Is that the F-15 from Patlabor 2??
  16. Quicktime??? Can quicktime even play divx and AC3 movies??? I don't think so. I personally recommend Media Player Classic for watching movies.
  17. Did you accidentally set them to spdif output? If you did and you have a lot of noise on any speakers suddenly, try changing its settings to like 5.1 or something.
  18. It works for me.
  19. The reason for cell-animated scenes is quite simple. Do you know how much work it is to model damage that looks good on a 3d model? So instead of having to build a dynamical damageable model for 15 seconds of footage, they just cel-animated the scene. Saves time and money better spent on releasing the next macross sequels on time besides pleasing the cel-fans.
  20. Did you notice that the Anti-Un Destroids operate on Diesels? In the last scene when the women(Nora?) steps out of the Destroid, you can hear a diesel engine in the background. At least I think it sounds like a truck.
  21. Who knows, it could be the backside of the Ghost while Taxing or something.
  22. I think it looks a little like a gundam with its "skirt". And the arms seem a bit too skinny, looks as if they would fall off every moment with the added weigth. But the rest is kickass.
  23. The link doesnt work http://firefox.web1000.com/wallpaperm.htm
  24. Well, I think that Maxl is a short form of Maximum Lift. Mylene maxl costum as far as I know has some sort of delta wings, so it probably means increased wing size.
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