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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. Yeah, but unfortunately she never was a passenger in a VF. She would be my first choice as she can actually take over the job of flying the VF, as I obviously know jack poo about how to fly it in a RL situation, and also in contrast to Edgar she is a girl with a super hot meltran mode and I would love to replay the Basara:Emilia scene in M7: the movie. Even though it would probably be ultra awkward in a RL situation. Now I can't decide between Edgar or Mylene. Meh, I take Mylene she's a girl.
  2. That's why I already have it on pre-order. I think the robot damashi Q-Rea is enough. It doesn't need the DX treatment as there isn't a lot of detail to replicate and it's not transformable anyway. There should be a model kit though.
  3. The Movie version VF-25 in the background also has the baby blue superpacks. Unfortunately that really seems to be the movie paintwork. I guess in contrast to DYRL, the movie version looks less serious than the TV version.
  4. I took KiriK's idea of the two detolf cases and made my own, I additionally lacquered them gloss black though. As I screwed up the sawing portion of it, I lost a few days puttying and sanding the whole thing. In the end, it didn't turn out very well as lack of time forced me to cut corners. The macross frontier section is still a bit empty but I am awaiting delivery of my armoured VF-25S, and got Alto Ex-Gear on preorder. But thats some time off.
  5. Liberal use of acetone should clean all the acrylics away and with some scrubbing enamel as well.
  6. How can your airbrush go dead? Afaik there are no parts that could break in it. Just dismantle it, put everything in solvent, use an airbrush cleaning brush (look like pipe brushes) to get old hard paint out and maybe adjust the needle again. Should be good to go after that.
  7. Your image makes me want to transform my SV-51 back to fighter mode for the first time in a year.
  8. One of my rear landing gear broke and now when I turn it into storage configuration I can pull it clear off the leg. When its in extended configuration it holds well though. I guess some nub in there broke. Will try to get Over-drive to replace it.
  9. Are you sure these are glue-fixed in fighter mode? The nacelles on the VF-25S exhibit the same problem my unglued VF-25G has, namely that one nacelle sits snuggly between the back plate while the second one is pushed out by the arms and sits under the backplate. If they glued these things together they should both be between the nacelles as in the (cg?) promo pictures.
  10. Maybe it's not perfect transformation but you can still switch modes, unlike the GNU which is stuck in Battroid.
  11. Sense, your post makes none.
  12. I just got my VF-25G from HLJ. Is it normal that the head laser pops off at the slightest touch in battroid mode? I do like the included Gallia speaker wings though.
  13. So whats the target audience? If it's designed as a kids show then it's ok. I wouldn't want to watch the Barney show but damn if it isn't profitable.
  14. Sounds Eco-themed. Not interested.
  15. Damn, HLJ still doesn't have it. Let's see what Monday brings.
  16. I think the show might actually turn many people pro-whalers instead of the intended effect. The way they all (nearly) start to cry when they got the whale was epic.
  17. I hope the irony is strong in your post, because the only indication is the cool guy smilie up top.
  18. Of course it's not straight, it's pink! I wonder how they went from red with pink highlights to pink with beige highlights.
  19. I think it looks more like a VT-1.
  20. That firing effect on the Macross looks really great. Good job. The textures on it are top notch as well. You could try getting in contact with the guy that did those excellent models of the Macross Frontier and Galaxy. He seems to be able to churn out extremely detailed models in mere hours.
  21. Wow, they are really milking everything they can find.
  22. DarkReaper

    1:18th Valk?

    A transforming 1/18 YF-19 would have to have a proper aluminium frame and proper industrial joints. I can so imagine a nice CNC milled skeleton with variable pressure brakepads as joints. Of course it would probably cost as much as a small car. Such large amounts of custom cnc milled aluminium doesn't come cheap, and you would probably need a forklift to move it around.
  23. The VF-25G looks more like it flew through a flock of pigeons and they emptied their cloacas in fear.
  24. So how many parts do you have to partsform now? 100?
  25. I like the fact that he used a crashed Macross Galaxy as the enemy base, it's a nice touch. Btw what happened to the separate halves of the Galaxy after ep. 25 anyway? Did it just burn up or did the reactor go critical?
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