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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. Ozma= Delta Integrale of course!
  2. You could add your name to the front fairing part holding up the windshield. Sort of like the pilot names on the cockpit. Oh yeah and get an aftermarket numberplate holder because that one on the YZF looks horrible.
  3. Maybe you could simply manhandle the toy for a week, move every joint a bajillion times and transform it endlessly until all the paint that could possible flake off is gone. It's most likely going to look like poo after that, but it's probably not that different from what your son will be doing.
  4. Did you use a rattle can paint that is suitable for plastics so that it is softer and less brittle?
  5. I see some serious pwnage going on there.
  6. A line of good quality 1/100 toys would be sweet. There is just not enough space in my room to display all those random valks in 1/60 size, at least not without staggering them and quickly ending in total chaos. It's cheaper to boot.
  7. Woops, anyway still obvious that it was simple overloading.
  8. Any improvement on the shoulder hinges with the new VF-1A?
  9. Depends on if the macronized Max we saw in DYRL is canon in Universe or not, otherwise we weren't explicitely shown a human being macronized. Besides I bet everyone would have had himself macronized at least once just for fun then.
  10. If you squish 100 fat Otakus into an Elevator designed for max 60 (?) average people something bad is bound to happen. They just need to put a staff guy next to the elevators telling the guys to get the hell out of the elevator. How can it take months to realize that the elevator was pushed way beyond spec, it didn't even crash, it just descended twice as fast because the motor overloaded and the sudden jerk in acceleration caused some to fall down. Though I would have thought that the pressure from all those people would have prevented them from falling.
  11. Here is the pic: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=53109
  12. So how do plug your feet into the now horizontal peg? It's barely good enough for a prone position or maybe kneeling. Quite useless accessory.
  13. What about the APNG format? It supports *obviously* animated PNGs and some of the newer browser supports it aswell. It's still in development right now, but I guess it will offer better compression than the 10 year old GIF format. Anyone have any experience with it? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animated_PNG
  14. And whats the large hole for?
  15. Hi, does anyone know what the black part is? It came with my VF-1S and I have no idea what it could be used for. It's not on the box image either.
  16. Maybe he just shaves his arms everyday.
  17. I present you the Galactic Fairy VF-1 VALKYRIE! *queue Seikan Hikou* (Warning:3mb gif)
  18. He could come back as a near-veggie and then later die on the deathbed, again kicking us in the nuts. But he wouldn't really have any last words left anymore as he has already confessed his love to Klan.
  19. So did he counter the lag with +20 Initiative?
  20. Fufonfia are some weird direct-to-web flash vids that features chibi MacF characters in the production office. It's not that funny really, I guess it's sort of a satirical blog about the woes of coffee making.
  21. Jap version of the rick roll it seems
  22. Still fake, no uploaders. And the youtube link is most likely a rick roll I am going in! Oh no, I have been Code Geassed!
  23. Meh, I got michel's death spoilered in a thread here while it was still in the 12h spoiler bracket.
  24. Guess it's a fake then. Reminds me of the horribleraw release last episode. Get our hopes up and smash them right after.
  25. Yeah, seems like the sniper model only has a better gun than the rest. Could have guessed that it's the CF model, what with having only one laser and VF-0A head.
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