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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. I think in an atmosphere the onboard reactor superheats the incoming air and propels it out the back, sort of like Project Pluto therefore granting it pretty much unlimited range. In space however the engines have to burn the onboard propellant, where the additional fuel supply on the super and armored packs come to use
  2. For that matter what are those ships seen in ep 9? Space trucks and freighters?
  3. How can the armored VF-25 be capable of flying in an atmosphere? It's wings are completely covered in armor and weapons. No lifting surfaces at all. The superpack could atleast have the chance of achieving enough lift with the remaining wing surface.
  4. Hmm, your room looks a bit like a prison cell, at least the part I can see.
  5. I just noticed that the super VF-25 has it's intakes closed by the armor: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b373/lol...id-fastpack.png Yet we have seen it used in the atmosphere, so I guess it's running on internal propellant mass all the time. Btw, have we seen it actually flying in atmosphere yet or was it always in gerwalk?
  6. Normal Fast pack mini-missile launcher?
  7. Seems like the Leg armor is attached by leather straps: as well as the breast armor which somehow are not visible from the front: The fast packs seem to be supported by a small joint on the missile launchers, and I guess it's computer controlled gimbal to keep her level: How the missile launchers themselve are attached to her shoulders i haven't a clue. Especially as the mount must be strong enough to support a force of 2x1200 kN+ without buckling or slipping. I guess the boosters run on lower power though for this application: How she controls her flight and weapons however is a bigger mistery.
  8. Sweet mother! Too bad I already have most of the 1/60s but 1/100 is perfect for all those random valks and color variations. Now just hope that they come in small boxes.
  9. Massive droopage of the nose there, I hope thats just another case of lousy transformation.
  10. And when they evaporate you have a massive catastrophe coming. Gamma burst ahoy.
  11. I think it's more of a weaponised omnidirectional shield overload. Just have to explain the sucking effect somehow.
  12. Thats not a Fast pack, thats a Stampede Nightmare: http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossga/sdp-...ede-fighter.gif
  13. I don't get it. So they compare school days to Macross? Highly unlikely since school days is far older. The hole right-left, left-right issue is confusing anyway, as it switches around a lot.
  14. i heaven't seen or played School days yet, but knowing that it has quite violent bad endings, is that a decapitated head she is hugging. Ah now I get it, they photoshopped some Macross screens to make them look more similar to School days. I was wondering when we ever saw a bloody ranka. Alto's head is a nice touch there.
  15. Weird sense of Deja Vu here... Anyway yes it's transformable and no you don't have to paint it. For more details please visit http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...c=24361&hl= Do you want to know more?
  16. Can someone do an impromptu translation of the second half?
  17. You could use it's gun barrels as a coat hanger and store your umbrellas in them.
  18. I don't quite get your purple rant. Anyway Nora's valk was purple and I guess they just decided that purple valks signal bogeys.
  19. A revoltech Ex-Gear would be sweat. Hell, Revoltech everything.
  20. I would have severe issues finding a place to actually display it. So, no. Besides its extreme weight would require massive joints and would likely wear them out in no time.
  21. So, how many space whales did it kill already?
  22. Sweeeeet collection! I like the green glass, provides a great background.
  23. I don't think Yamato has the License for the Macross 7 valks, so I guess you will just get your bog-standard Brownie VF-11B. When does Bandais Mac7 license end btw, if ever? Hey Spiff, what model is that btw?
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