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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. They obviously don't need their fingers to fire the gunpod in fighter mode. Oh yeah and Macross Quarter already went hand-to-hand with a Vajra Gunship in Ep. 7. It even shouldered it's flightdeck
  2. I guess it's nissan saying don't screw around with our car!
  3. Hey I noticed your japanese fan made the Uraga model I was swooning about in another thread, could you maybe ask him if he is still selling those models? If he can understand your website I guess he does understand some english.
  4. Sweet! And not even that expensive, too bad about their extreme rareness. I bet if any of these get resold on ebay or wherever it will cost several hundred $. The Uraga needs to be a tiny bit longer though in my opinion. Looks a bit squished.
  5. You don't have to feed, care for or spend time with an android, you just turn her off. The problem is how perfectly is her body recreated, don't want a terminator skeleton to be under there.
  6. Hi, I love the capship designs in Macross however I have never seen any model for them bar the SDF-01 obviously. So were there ever any models done for the -Bolognese -Uraga -Battle 7 I know there is a Sentinel model out there but for the rest I haven't found anything and I doubt that Bandai will supply us with any non-transforming model.
  7. Fast packs are the worst things I can do to my yf-19.
  8. I think water only does that when demineralised or has a catalyst like salt in it.
  9. Generally look at a real life jetfighter or just your toys and commission some sticker company to print them for you. Like maybe a "Danger intake" around the Ram-Air, "Beware of Blast" on your exhaust endplate (heat resistant one of course), the stickers on the landing gear next to your side stand, and of course an "Armament" sticker right next to your throttle
  10. I managed to fix the sloppy elbow joint I had on my YF-19 FP and the solution is really simple. In some cases like mine the notch that locks the elbow together doesn't have enough pressure because the metal pin it swivels on isn't completely pressed into the plastic. To fix it I just dismantled the arm, took a small pipe wrench (because you can adjust it so the jaws are level with the plastic), wrapped some thread sealing tape around it and pressed that sucker in. Now my elbow is nice and tight again. Now what still needs fixing are my loose knee swivel and shoulder joint.
  11. The release date for ost2 is 08.10.08. It's already on preorder at cdjapan for 2900 yen.
  12. And then the dealers will blame Yamato for ruining their sales because noone will buy the toys they have already paid yamato for.
  13. I guess thats the reason why more modern jets like the YF-19 carry about 40 tons of payload or fuel. Though the VF-1 is no slouch either with 24 tons of weapons and full tanks. The standard take-off weight of 18500kg is for atmospheric combat I guess where you only need the hydrogen fuel for short overboost situations and battroid.
  14. Bandai's VF-0 is a 1/100 partsformer, it's not really comparable to yamato's. How difficult can it be to fix the arms, they already fixed them for the Ghost releases. Just take the vf-0s from those and put em in a no ghost box.
  15. I just noticed that leon must be related to General Mcauliffe. Just look at the hat of his aid. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v406/rea...80905133556.jpg [edit] Oh yeah and why is Grace still wearing her googles when in flight suit and obviously not having to keep up any appearances?[/edit]
  16. The wait for Subs will be hard...
  17. The propellant could work like in Project Helios, the matter/anti-matter reactors (Pair annihilation) they use should be energetic enough to flash vaporize nearly everything.
  18. I don't have the stats at hand right now, but the easiest would be to just go to macross mecha manual and divide all the numbers by 60.
  19. The project pluto link I posted has some info on thermonuclear scramjet propulsion, maybe that's a good place to start.
  20. Turbofans actually generate most of their thrust by the fan up front which is driven by the turbine.
  21. Heh, I have my max in a similar pose right now but with a mike in hand. However it doesn't look as Travoltaish as yours.
  22. So what is the reason that dedicated cooling system doesn't work in an atmosphere, where it is inherently far easier to bleed heat than in space? Did Shoji ever give one or was it just an arbitrary decision by him. Besides with that much heat being dissipated in the heat exchangers they should be glowing white maybe even blue hot. I know they cool rocket engines with liquid nitrogen, so I guess they use that in the valkyries as well. But they should be working in atmosphere, as long as the stores last of course. I guess that is the reason for the limited engine thrust in atmosphere. They can engage overboost but then have the same range limitation as in space as they need constant engine power and cooling to not lose speed, while in space the valks likely travel long distance using stored inertia and only use the engines on demand (at least they should). So they should be able to go full speed in atmosphere but don't do so because it imposes an artificial range limit that is not there at lower speeds. Still it's not that different from a normal afterburner, it should be overridable.
  23. I wonder though how the YF-19 engines are limited IN the atmosphere because of cooling problems. Normally all that extra air flowing around your plane cools better than just radiating it out into space.
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