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Everything posted by Lobizon

  1. Starship Troopers: Invasion Video Trailer Streamed. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2012-03-17/cg-starship-troopers/invasion-film-trailer-streamed
  2. Awesome! Well detailed blog posts with M3 imagery and stuff and friendly reading, keep it up! Thanks for sharing!
  3. Prometheus - Official Full HD Trailer. Edit: + Ridley Scott and Damon Lindeloff Q&A like Exo said above and Weyland Industries viral video. http://www.livestream.com/prometheus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54EWIk5qZAs
  4. bad quality WonderCon Imax Prometheus new full trailer. We have space jockey!
  5. IIRC blackconvoy_D01 did it. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32804&view=findpost&p=876244
  6. nah, just the regular purge... http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=33518
  7. Brooklyn Decker and Rihanna <3
  8. 5 more days for the new trailer here a teaser.
  9. we need some scar love! nice build.
  10. http://www.macrosswo...ndpost&p=910707
  11. +1 you show off...I saw that video you posted a few months back...
  12. +1 and post them here!
  13. http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=36242
  14. http://www.bbb-bike.com/mospeada/
  15. Here---> http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=32047
  16. https://www.facebook...361483070541650 http://www.bleedingc...ed-away-aged-82 R.I.P Mr. McQuarrie.
  17. McNell Douglar F203 Dragon II Fighter http://www.macross2....ss/dragonii.htm
  18. to add Ron's work: http://www.macrosswo...llery&album=109
  19. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33616&hl
  20. Weyland Corp "official" site https://www.weylandindustries.com/
  21. IIRC that was an adaptacion of Macross Plus, sure sketchley explain it better than me.
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