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Everything posted by GunnerX

  1. Here's another... engine yanked out!!! Poor baby..
  2. Ooooo! Very nice!!! Anyone knows where tp d/l clips/movies/documentaries on the YF-23? Truthfully, as much as i love the plane, i've never seen it in action...
  3. ... and after!!! Actually grayson, i've seen your models and they look way better than mine!
  4. Thanks all! Lotsa decals missing still tho', will update with newer pictures! I've somehow always preferred the 23 to the 22.. but the raptor is slowly growing on me... Heya grayson! Actually, not much panel lining on this kit, most of it all is raised surfaces for details! the only things that were engraved on the kits body are the flaps! For panel lining, the way i do it is that i apply the acrylic coat 1st, then another clear coat of acrylic on top. After which i use Tamiya enamel paint thinned down (black or dark gray) so that the paint is 'pulled' into the panel line (capillary action). Dun worry about the paint oveflowing or such, as you can just wipe it off with ENAMEL thinner, which won't eat away the acrylic layer! Here's a sample... before...
  5. Heyaz! Long time no post.... Well, have some free time on my hands, and a YF-23 kit lying around, so i decided to up and build it! (finally...) Very simple kit to make, just that the moulding is not perfect, some errors in the kit ( intakes wrong) and also wrong instructions!!!! This is the Tamiya kit, although the Italeri one also has the same errors... (well, the tamiya is a repackage after all!). But i'm in love with the YF-23.. love it's design! But as they say, 'it's way ahead of it's time... ' Anyway, i placed VF-1J at the side as a comparison... and MAN! Is the 1J small!!!! The VF-0S is almost the same length..
  6. Finally! Yeah, let's see a hygog next.. All these weird zeon MS need some lovin'! I HAVE been waiting a while for this!
  7. OMG! A pregnant Gripen! Heehee.. well, the Rafale-B also has the bulges on the back... extra fuel/avionics?
  8. Aw man! That's so cool! Is this what the re-worked YF-23 that was pulled out of storage to go against the FB-22 looks like? NEwayz, i think the lastest issue of Air International has some info on the FB-22... nothing we haven't seen before tho'
  9. The scans are from "Combat Aircraft" magazine, tink it was the previous 1 or 2 issues about india buying a russian carrier 2nd hand and a complement of the MiG-29K's. Lotsa nice MiG-29K pics inside too.
  10. Wow! Brand new euipment! Very nice, keep it up!
  11. Very interesting! Active camo... for jets?!?! http://www.aviationnow.com/avnow/news/chan...ws/11294wna.xml
  12. Some info on the FB-22... should it even be here? I don't want men in black suits knocking at my door... http://www.fas.org/man/crs/RS21848.pdf and another... http://www.air-attack.com/page.php?pid=26
  13. "The YF-23A "Black Widow II" PAV-2 (S/N 87-801) is on display at the Western Museum of Flight in Hawthorne, California, on long term loan from NASA. YF-23A "Black Widow II" PAV-1 (S/N 87-800) is currently at the USAF Test Center Museum at Edwards Air Force Base, California. " Hehe, i guess they refurbished the museum piece! If i remember correctly, PAV-2's callsign is "spider" and PAV-1's is "Grey ghost", pretty darned cool!
  14. "Northrop Grumman's long-abandoned YF-23A advanced tactical fighter (ATF) leaves museum and could be heading for bomber contest on which we reported last week. The company recently retrieved the second of the two YF-23A "Black Widow II" prototypes from the Western Museum of Flight in Hathorne, California. Officially the aircraft will be used for a air fair in August. However, the restoration is also thought to include several changes, including new cockpit displays and other possible cosmetic modifications. Northrop Grumman confirms restoration is taking place, but declines to comment on whether the revived YF-23A is linked to any USAF proposal. But sources close to the studies, say Northrop Grumman now includes a YF-23-based "regional" bomber concept among its raft of proposals. The distinctive, rhomboid-winged YF-23A lost out to Lockheed Martin's YF-22 in the ATF competition in 1991, but proved a valuable technology testbed for Northrop Grumman, which gave it all-aspect stealth. The company says it "drew upon a wide range of experience for its response to the interim bomber RFI, and the YF-23 is one". WhhheEeeeee! But this WAS reported July this year.. can't seem to find any updates. Hmmm.. i guess we know what they did with the recovered 23. "The air force has put out a RFP (request for proposal) for a multi role strike bomber that has stealthy features. Lockhead submitted a variant of the F-22, now in production. Northrop supprised everyone by submitting a modifyed yf-23, PAV-2 is being modified for the RFP." I think the F-22 'bomber' variant is also seen in Ace Combat 5? Correct me if i'm wrong....
  15. "Northrop Grumman's long-abandoned YF-23A advanced tactical fighter (ATF) leaves museum and could be heading for bomber contest on which we reported last week. The company recently retrieved the second of the two YF-23A "Black Widow II" prototypes from the Western Museum of Flight in Hathorne, California. Officially the aircraft will be used for a air fair in August. However, the restoration is also thought to include several changes, including new cockpit displays and other possible cosmetic modifications. Northrop Grumman confirms restoration is taking place, but declines to comment on whether the revived YF-23A is linked to any USAF proposal. But sources close to the studies, say Northrop Grumman now includes a YF-23-based "regional" bomber concept among its raft of proposals. The distinctive, rhomboid-winged YF-23A lost out to Lockheed Martin's YF-22 in the ATF competition in 1991, but proved a valuable technology testbed for Northrop Grumman, which gave it all-aspect stealth. The company says it "drew upon a wide range of experience for its response to the interim bomber RFI, and the YF-23 is one". WhhheEeeeee! But this WAS reported July this year.. can't seem to find any updates.
  16. Thanks! Anyone know which Hase F-14 kits have swing wings and which don't? I assume that they all are movable, but just to be sure...
  17. Hey! That's the F-14 i was looking at! How is the quality hellohikaru? They do give some photoetched pieces rite?
  18. Thanks master cheng! Larger F-stop, got that! Same for me, really looking for some good tips on photography! I'm looking at the Fujimi 1/72 Hi-vis jolly rogers, i just saw it yesterday at $39 and it comes with rubber tires and one photoetched part for the canopy (i think). But Hase is also releasing another F-14 kit ( "Tarsiers"?) so i gotta see that 1st! C'mon all! Let's see your kits!
  19. Congrats LTSO!
  20. You're too kind! My works really pales in comparison to some masterpieces here, but i wanna keep building and hopefully get better along the way!
  21. One more before i sign off! I really wanna build a F-14 next, but i just got my PG Strike.... dilemma... dilemma....
  22. ... and finally, a recent one, the VF-0S!
  23. Thanks Noel! Yeah... it's been fixed... My work can't compare to yours.... Here's my VF-19A....
  24. May i join in? Here's my VF-1J....
  25. Hey, thanks all! That F-14 looks sweet! I'll probably have to look into getting replacement seats though! Cheers!
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