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Everything posted by GunnerX

  1. Man! Good tip! I guess i was just going too fast then! I just like, smacked right into it by the 3rd shot! Darn!
  2. For those interested, it seems that there's no flightstick bundle this time round for ACZ. BUT, Hori DID release a new FS seperately for the ACZ game, it's called the FlightStick2 R. Pic below, it has a red faceplate this time round. Decided to buy it as i couldn't get my hands on the AC5 one... too ex... All i need to do now, is build mounting brackets for it!
  3. Cool! That's the Falken from Ace combat 5... another AC also had it, was it 2? Heheh.. you can paint it in all 3 schemes then! Any idea who's making this? If only hase made AC kits....
  4. Hmmm.. i think it's just double protection as said previously, physical shields don't stop particle beam weapons and beam shields don't stop projectile weapons.... something like the Dendrobium in 0083? I remember the Dendro taking a beam shot head-on with it's i-field generator, but when a bunch of Zaku's shot at it, it had to dodge like mad... Someone correct me if i'm wrong!
  5. Griffon Labor! I wished Bandai had made a MG Helldiver kit....
  6. My current project.... short of the arms and the flight pack..
  7. Thanks master cheng! Temptation... no..... must... not.... start.... Jolly Rogers... lineup! *sigh* Can't get any F-14 parts over here.. The best i could get were the ejection seats.... or stuff from HLJ... yeah, would be nice to really uber-detail it up! I'll save it for my next 14! Haven't added the missiles yet! Dunno if i should put the sparrow.... does the NAVY/USAF still use those?
  8. .. and finally, from the back!
  9. .. head on...
  10. .. and another...
  11. Hiyaz! Some decent shots....
  12. .. and lastly... Jolly Rogers!
  13. .. finally done! Some shots...
  14. Wow mechleader! Excellent work!
  15. Wow! Thanks David! Exactly what i needed!
  16. Yeah! Hasegawa doesn't give the pilot figures for the F-14! i guess they want you to buy the pilots from their pilot and crew set... i think fujimi has them too? I even had to get the weapons seperately... Oh, on the VF-103 last flight kit, the F-14 had a TARPS pod (am i right?) mounted on the outer right missile pylon, below the sidewinder... anywhere to get this pod? It's not in the kit, and different from the one supplied....
  17. MM - Thanks! Lets see your aestivalis! Mines still sitting in the box! jardann - Yup! Very light shading! I didn't want the cat to be too clean, but then again, not too heavily shaded! I hope i got the right balance... wm cheng - Thks master cheng! I unfortunately couldn't get the resin cockpit set here, only managed to snag the ejection seats from VP. The AOA probe is Fine Molds brass though, i'm saving the other probe for my VF-103 cat! kylwell - Waoh!! Very nice colors! Reminds me of the Viggen's colors! excellent job! More pics please! This f-14 i'm doing now is ust to help me get a feel for building the newer tooling.. a bit too many parts... kinda overkill, but at least i know how the fitting goes for each part now! Hopefully my next F-14 will be better! Right now, i've just added the wheels and canopy... whew! will upload pics when i get the chance!
  18. Yupz! Got mine from HLJ too! Nice kit! It's slightly different from the one above ( the engines) but the decal set is very nice! Hope to see yours when you build it!
  19. 1:72! I've no space for any bigger scales unfortunately.... Need.. more... space!
  20. Thanks Noel!
  21. ... and it's current state! Love the F-14!
  22. Heyaz! Here's what i'm working on! ( and delaying my YF-23 pics.... ) my first try on a Hase F-14...
  23. Sorry for the lack of decent pictures! Haven't had time to take them, but here's one in the meantime.... been busy with my hase F-14!
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