Hi all! Ok, i've been following the board for a LONGGGG... time, but never actually posted, so this is my first!
Anywayz, i saw WM CHENG's hasegawa Valks and man, was i blown away! That REALLY spurred me on to build my VF-1J!
It's coming on quite ok now, probably not up to standard, but it's my 1st try at a Valk kit! Hopefully i can upload the pix soon and have your expert comments!
Thanks a lot for looking!
Update : 7-10-2003
For those who've just read this, maybe i can help a little more by giving a list
of materials i use for my work!
Badger Model 200 Airbrush - Fine/Medium heads/needles
Badger Compressor - Very old stuff!
The usual range of brushes
Gunze Sangyo Acrylic Paints and Thinner
Tamiya Acrylic paint (metallic grey / sky grey)
Tamiya Enamel Paint and Enamel thinner (X series for washes)
Tamiya Putty
Tamiya Polishing Compound 1000 (Canopy polishing)
Master Modellers Polishing Compound 2000 (Canopy polishing)
MicroSET/SOL - (for decals)
Gunze Mr Cement Deluxe ( Careful! This melts styrene very fast!)
Tamiya thin cement
Testors Canopy glue <- Avoid this, too thick, i think microscale also makes a
canopy glue, might be better.
Tamiya masking tape - various widths
FUTURE FLOOR POLISH! (for that canopy shine!)