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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. That really does look nice. I also like the background sections that it's standing on.
  2. Excellent news. Finally a game that's worth considering buying a PS3 for...
  3. Hi all, I know that I'm extremely late to the party but I've only just picked up a copy of MAF for my PSP. I remember seeing someone post an image here (of menu's with english translations) many moons ago, and would appreciate if someone could repost them in this thread. I'm currently playing the game from the beginning every time I fire up the PSP because I don't know where the save option is.
  4. Mmm. ARMD's = yummy!
  5. that looks bloody awesome....
  6. Most definately....a 1/48 yammie is now $100 more @ HLJ (closing in on the $400 mark). Sorry, but thats too high a price for me. I'm out.
  7. I think he'll choose Bobby the bridge queen.
  8. Mmmm... yummy! Thanks for the heads-up.
  9. Is there any SW material that is based AFTER RotJ?
  10. Ok, thanks guys.... I'll pick up one of these new one's as well when it comes out...
  11. jenius, anytime soon = you'll be waiting for another 10 years. yes/no?
  12. ...is now a discontinued line at HLJ. Can someone tell me what the chances are of yamato re-releasing it in the future?
  13. I'm quite sure there's a crusty old F14 pilot by the name of 'hoser' that would disagree with you...
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