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Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. You just want them looking good? No problem! Next to kits they are the best out there! In terms of plane or battriod mode.
  2. I can't relieve the VF-11B is looking so plain in plane mode ...but then again I'm loving the battriod more than VF-11B's
  3. I went youtube to watch a few episodes. The main character is some funky guy playing guitar and singing in a VF??? And sound force? Sorry definitely not my cup of tea! Ya I'm with you Omegablue. Each to his own I guess. Either people like it or not, each has their own freedom to voice it out. But I might just get a few M7 valks if they r really nice, cos I just luv VFs
  4. How has the new 1/60 affect me?? Of course my wallet! And the painful decision of which 1/48 I have to keep in the box. I'm one of the few crazy suckers to have bought almost every piece, except the weathered versions. With the Yen not coming down any time soon, I'm paying the price or more of a Roy Fokker with S&S parts (when it is first released) for a new single VF produced almost every month by Yamato now. Ah from your list I can tell the signs of another seriously ill Macross addict, beware! I thought I'm ridiculous to have ordered VF-1D x 3. Are you preparing for a massive diorama or just so happen to buy for you friends as well? So how many VE-1 Elintseekers you be ordering? And where's the Fokker love yo
  5. LOL! Sorry for the confusion...my bad. Actually I'm referring to the Yamato 1/60 YF-19 in fighter mode... Always mixing up YF-19 and YF-21
  6. areaseven: thanks! pretty neat panel lining you got there on your VF-1S Battriod and YF-21 too . ff95gj: Oh I see, so thats the meaning . Comforting to know that its not a very demanding kit on my limited skills as well . Nevertheless can see your effort and time spent in assembling the kit and taking pictures for it. Thanks for all the info! Wish I can get a bigger display to stuff all my 1/48, 1/60 ver 2s AND now the frontier stuff inside too...
  7. Hi I saw your work at Toysdaily too, very impressive Wish I can assemble mine into something like that. May I know what techniques have you applied to it (like panel lines)? Is it a difficult and time consuming kit to assemble? Are you using the water decals or stickers? Thanks ya... Anyway, here is a little part of my collection:
  8. hui

    Wave SDF 1

    How's this for a reference? Pardon me on the noisy quality of this pic since it was taken on an old A80 Powershot. And congrats on getting the v1, it is so rare in the market now. I got the v2 first since it is more available. But after I saw the v1 pictures online, I was like, no way! I must have it! Personally I like the v1 more than the v2, cos the glossy surface on the v1 really makes the toy shiny and stands out, giving it more of a behemoth-in-the-space feel. The movie color or v2 goes for a more realistic feel. It has more paint details on it so its good when you wanna take a closer look at it on a microscopic level (though it is already so tiny )
  9. yup makes you wonder what these guys at Yamato were thinking when they design it Its a downright limited, clumsy and stupid stand. Time for a version 2 Valk stand, Yamato.
  10. hui

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    Sorry, mine is actually a VF-0A. Edited. From all the posts I see, 0A is seriously a 50-50 buy at your own risk kinda thing Does 0As really have more problems than 0Ss? Vermillion 21 - dun think I can just cancel it after putting down some deposit, but most likely to transform it when I get my hands on one of them this month and see if its worthy to keep. Frankly speaking, I pretty disappointed with Yamato's QC, especially when they mass produce all these VFs which were quite similar to one another and yet quality issues still pop out here and there everytime. Just look at Takara's MP StarScream and one can really tell the difference in this area. And thanks for the advice in getting the arm replacements. I didn't know they were available in the market. But is HLJ the only place to get them and do they supply the entire arm? Seems like Silverdragon only has the upper arms. I need the lower bicep joint which has cracked...
  11. hui

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    No. Got my VF-0A 1 to 2 months back. Recently after pasting all the decals I decided to transform it merely into Gerwalk, and it didn't take me long to find out that my right arm plastic gray bicep (holding it on to the upper arm) has cracked partially. The whole arm eventually came off with the bits and pieces of plastic. And it sucks looking at a one arm Gerwalk-er in my display shelf.... I need help to get it repaired by ANY means neccesary! And as if its not enough, I already pre-ordered 2 VF-0S before that....
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