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Everything posted by pud333

  1. I need family members in Japan and China. Clearly. No kidding. They completely bypassed the marketing stage and right to, Boom! Here it is! Preorders in three days... That said, I am convinced Yamato is holding back. They've got something they're not telling us. They might pull a Bandai too and just release something completely done. However, knowing Yamato, there should be enough stock...
  2. I have no problem with Bandai's pricing. Places like Amiami and Anime-Export give you 20-27% off. What's killing us is A) the exchange rate. B) The armour and super packs being Tamashii web exclusives. C) Because they are web exclusives, we have to pay a third party a big premium in order to get them shipped to us. You compare their prices to the Yamato prices and it's night and day. And you still get a stand. The Yamato valks lately don't come with stands and you have to buy the accessories separately. You have to remember we're not their target audience. And Bandai can't bring Macross over here domestically to sell thanks to those evil bastards at HG. Bluefin is bringing over lots of Tamashii web exclusives from other lines over to the US as wide domestic releases, but they can't bring over Macross. HG needs to be killed. With Fire.
  3. The only problem with a reissue is if the same thing happens to the 171 that happened to the 29 reissue. The 29 reissue lasted maybe five-ten minutes at amiami before it sold out again. These preorder windows aren't a case of "oh, I have a few hours to get them in." You literally have to be at the page refreshing and somehow manage to get an order in while the website keeps stalling due to everyone and their dog pressing F5.
  4. That's all you'll really get until the item is out. Check your account there. It should be listed there.
  5. I think us Western Macross fans live inside our own little bubble. Every once in a while we need to poke our heads out to see that, oh yeah, other people buy these too! People have been asking why did this secondary valk sell out so fast. It's Alto's 171, that's why, and it's freaking bada$$. It's been a while since a Macross show has been this popular. Also, I am happy that Amiami is monitoring the limits. I wish more companies would do this.
  6. This is the best explanation and most plausible that I have seen so far. Thanks; puts things into perspective. It's the nature of the beast. Scalpers lurk these sites like crazy. Actually, if a scalper was on their game, they would know approximately what times these stores post their preorders. I suppose certain sections of the boards would be made so it is closed off to anyone who doesn't have X number of posts - that way you force people to at least make an effort to post before they have access to certain parts of the forum where members would place "sightings," but that would unfortunately punish any collectors who lurk, cause not all collectors take part in forum discussions... That said, I do know some sites that won't let you put up a sales thread unless you have X number of posts.
  7. That would suck. - Alto flew it. - There's an important scene with Alto and Ozma conflict. - CF's are probably not covetted by casual fans. Bandai probably knows this. Putting out a CF 171 is a bit of a risk, but an Alto one isn't. It's like putting out a pair of sneakers, vs putting out the same pair of sneakers but branding it with a recognizable face. - This thing looks awesome.
  8. I've been lucky. Managed to preorder the 25F, 25S, 29, and 171 with no issues from amiami. Did I say lucky? I meant beer fueled skill.
  9. Doubt it. Either they have not sold their allotment yet or they are very confident in their abilities to fill orders.
  10. What browser do you use? I use Chrome, and I have never had any problems putting an order though. Yes, once or twice I get some big delays, but it works fine for me.
  11. Here's my take: I understand creating a frenzy, but this isn't an SDCC exclusive or anything where the whole point of it is to cause controversy, get attention to the brand and the toy line. This is an entire toy line they're doing like this. What it tells me is that Bandai is risk averse. Risk management is necessary in anything you do, but risk avoidance is unhealthy. Companies need to take advantage of the opportunities as they arise, and this is a big money making opportunity for Bandai. Not capitalizing on opportunities can hurt a business, just as much as terrible business decisions. It's not enough to keep the company afloat, you have to make it profitable enough to grow. If the company isn't growing year after year, it's going backwards. Why? Because your overhead continues to grow. Inflation, wage increases, etc: Simple as that. Believe it or not, some risk is good. I invest money for a living for a financial institution, so I know what not taking any risk at all does. (Not taking any risk is a risk in and of itself, just a different kind of risk.) But what do I know? Bandai has Gundam so whatever. I just think if they are so worried about overstock, etc., then they should make Macross made-to-order. Keep the order window open until a certain time, then make only what was ordered, and a few extra.
  12. Unfortunately I don't think companies like Bandai or Hasbro care about scalpers. At the end of the day, a unit sold is a unit sold, whether it's to a scalper or a fanboy. They would only care if the goods were stolen, then sold.
  13. This is why I register with every major online store. Always be prepared.
  14. 20 minutes or so it was open I believe. The site got wasted by people so it looked like it was almost going to crash or something. Did you get one? Or did you get kicked out like others did?
  15. Site is being hammered right now due to all the refreshing.
  16. You gotta pay up front though. It's been up for at least five minutes, so it's the longest open preorder so far, lol!
  17. Yeah, Yamato wins hands down in the fan friendly department. It's not even close. Makes me want to support them more. As for future releases, I think it's a good bet that for Michel and Luca's valks, we're going to have to go through the same thing again.
  18. Maybe Anime King had their source go scoop up all the shelfwarming 25F renewals in Japan and China. They seem to be the only game in town with any decent stock.
  19. Yes. There's probably more to the story than what it seems, but maybe there isn't. The 29 reissue sold out just as quickly. It is being released in May, so we'll find out then if more stock pops up or not. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd almost be willing to pay a reasonable premium if it meant I was guaranteed an order. That way at least I could sleep and not worry. I've actually been very fortunate with my orders. I got the 25F, 25S, 29 and now the 171 all from Amiami. Hopefully I can keep my streak going. I think it helps that a) I am on the west coast, so I don't have to stay up all night, b) I tell my girlfriend beforehand not to expect me to even look her way between such and such a time on the day of preorder, and c) beer. Beer gives me strength to persevere! Thanks for that.
  20. $250 shipped is a pretty good deal at this point. Sell your 2nd born.
  21. I posted this on another forum, so Ima gonna copy past here... I woke up his morning with a smile on my face knowing I got a preorder in. Then that smile soon faded as I realized I am going to have to go through this gong show every-single-time going forward with any of Bandai's Frontier releases. It was absolutely crazy last night. And from the looks of the comments after I went to bed, it doesn't seem like it got any better. It got even crazier in fact. Say what you want about Yamato: at least you know that if it sells well, there will be a reissue within a few months. Then another reissue after that. And another. So long as it keeps selling well, Yamato will keep producing. With Bandai, it sells well, then there is nothing. For months and months and months. And if there is a reissue, it's gone in a flash. Just look at how long it took to reissue the YF-29. It makes me a little depressed. It's like trying to score SDCC exclusives on HTS. Only instead of once a year, this is going to happen several times a year with each release. I gotta seriously consider if I want to continue with this BS, or just wait until Yamato has access to the Frontier license - if ever. The only advantage I had was the fact that I was on the west coast. It was 11:08 PM PST that I got mine, so I didn't have to stay up too late...
  22. Keep checking. When Amiami went up, it said sold out at first. Few minutes later it opened up. Might be same case for HLJ. I've been checking. I don't think it actually opened up, just a place holder.
  23. Unfortunately, yes really.
  24. Got my preorder in with Amiami when it first opened. Literally open for a couple minutes, sold out, then opened again, then sold out immediately. Maybe up for less than five minutes total.
  25. Why don't you do ebay? As a buyer, it's not bad since it's geared towards protecting the buyer.
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