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Everything posted by pud333

  1. The 30th anniversary sticker is a very nice touch. This is going to be awesome!
  2. Order stop on Ozma at HLJ.
  3. Really? Cool.
  4. Where have you been? It's been sold out for months.
  5. Pretty much this. When I watched the movie, I was like, "Really? That was it? Some valk dancing?" I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I think Bandai will reissue the 29 as a bundle, now that the super packs are out. It makes sense.
  6. This was my problem with the 29 as well. I wanted other stuff more, and I didn't care for the valk in the movie. Yeah, it was cool when it ejected the super parts and then fired the missles, but that was about it. I really didn't think the movie was all that great. No regrets on selling it, except maybe I should have waited an extra couple months to sell it for more money.
  7. WTF is wrong with people?
  8. Those sneaky bastards. Ah well, it's no different than Amiami and others restocking the VF-25F at nearly full MSRP. Probably the best people are gonna be able to do.
  9. I assume the paint will not change much from the most recent photos posted. So if those disappointed you, then I don't know what to tell you. Personally, I cannot wait. He's gonna look stunning next to Alto.
  10. Glad I decided not to wait for a D.
  11. I've seen enough. I love the look of this thing. At first I was all "Ugh." But now after many months, it has grown on me, and I've gone ahead and ordered one for myself. Now to save up for the 4.
  12. I agree. I love my renewal VF-25F. Just love it. It's had more off-shelf time than any other valk this year. HOWEVER, the 19 is in a league of its own. Yamato wins 2011 with the 19.
  13. Photos: I prefer the color scheme of the 11C.
  14. The YF-29 is nice, but not $400 nice. That's more than the SDF-1, and that is a far superior toy IMO.
  15. 1) Issues of broken parts with the renewal VF-25's are exhaggerated. I only know of a couple instances where the metal hip bar broke, but the majority of people have no issues. 2) Paint is a bit iffy. Some people like myself are fine with the paint job, but others have indicated Bandai didn't do their best job, such as the white gaps you see in fighter mode where Bandai should have painted. 3) The only widespread problem you will encounter, will be loose joints. It uses the same ball joints as the YF-29 and eventually, the shoulders and legs will go loose. But you can fix that problem with a bit of super glue on the joints. There's a video in the YF-29 thread showing you how to tighten the joints. Works like a charm. But this really is a fantastic toy. Just gorgeous, and Bandai's best effort so far. (Besides maybe the Hi-Metals. Those were pretty good).
  16. I disagree somewhat. His review is dead on if you look at the Boosters as a stand alone toy. But they're not. They're an accessory - albeit expensive one - to the VF-19. It makes it look badass. but I agree, they overengineered the crap out of it. It should have been $50-$70 at most. I would still recommend the buy since it makes an amazing display piece.
  17. Just a joke. Nothing was meant by it. Just playing off stereotypes. You know, the stereotype that black men have big units, asians have small ones, etc. As a self-deprecating Asian dude myself, I'll all say is, if you're confident, doesn't matter how big it is.
  18. When are these supposed to be released?
  19. Yeah. I think my estimate is probably on the conservative side if this is going to be a completed toy.
  20. I expect the 19S to be dropped in price with a second run as well. Same with the 17. That's why I am waiting until a deal can be found.
  21. The 19 is a giant red robot. Chances are, the hardcores all bought and now, months after the first release, the discount is necessary to entice other collectors. I personally waited for a discount. I wasn't going to pay the original price. I don't find the price drop unusual at all. I expected it to happen.
  22. Considering the latest price points for the 19 and 17, I wouldn't be surprised if this is $300+ especially if it is a toy and not a kit. I will wait for more information. The VF-4 isn't something I really ever wanted, so we'll see how it looks.
  23. I got my 11C after I got the 19. While I like the 11C, it does feel cheaper than the 19. I figure if I got the 11C first, I would like that one more than I do now. Still, great valk. Just shows how far Yamato has come.
  24. I love mine. Looks great with the VF100's. (Though I have my VF100's on hold for a buyer now. No room).
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