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Everything posted by pud333

  1. There's an auction on ebay right now that's at about $100 currently that you can bid on. Depending on what you bid and who you bid against, you might be able to snag it for a decent price. It's worth a shot anyway. Also, BBTS still has them in stock, but for about $214. I seriously doubt anyone will sell for less than that unless they are feeling very generous.
  2. I'd much have preferred a clear base also. They could still color in the SMS if they want, but I would have much preferred it all clear. That stand is so ugly, and in fighter, it covers up a lot of the gunpod, etc. Clear would have been boss. I dunno. I hope soon. I thought they would have issued the announcement for a release of it by now, but Bandai seems to be doing things at the beat of their own bi-polar drum
  3. Meh, it's their money, so they can do as they please. Personally, I am VERY happy with mine. And I guess it's better they cancel their preorders and let someone else have a chance to get them, since there is no guarantee we will see another release with the way Bandai has been playing things so close to the chest. No. The valk alone MSRPs for more than that. The date of release is the same date the standalone armour is relesed. If there is to be a bundle, it certainly would be announced by Bandai on their site first, and not a store's site, and it definitely wouldn't be announced before the armour pack is released, since that would just sink their sales for the armour packs. But feel free to order them and let us know.
  4. Yes. Oh, yes. The QC on mine is excellent, better than the VF-25F. Everything feels tighter. Paint is better. Only problem is one of the wings is really loose right out of the box. Not a huge deal, but it will be interesting to see how it takes the armour.
  5. Nice review. Normally I can't stand long reviews, but your reviews are the only ones where I'll sit through 30 minutes for. The state of your v1 is hilarious. You are incredibly kind with your comments towards Bandai. I understand, but man, I would certainly be pissed about the money.
  6. Took me about half an hour to transform the first time, but that's because a) I was paranoid I'd break something, which is how I always am with every Valk I buy, and b) because I was paranoid, it took me 15 minutes to pull the chest part up. Now, it takes me about 10 minutes to transform from Fighter to Battroid and vice versa. The 19 and Bandai's VF-25 renewals are so much easier to transform right out of the box.
  7. Anybody else have that problem posted earlier on their 25S where the paint on the skull's horns is coming off due to the transformation of the wings being swept back?
  8. I thought the exchange rate was dictated by the institution that the payment is done through. eg: If you pay by paypal, paypal has their own conversion rate which has a premium built in that is their cut. Or the credit card company does the same thing, etc. As a result, the currency conversion will never be as good as the official conversion rates. HLJ only sets the price of the merchandise. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. At any rate, I hope my 25S is here tomorrow. Maybe Thursday at latest, but I hope tomorrow! Also can't wait to see what Yamato is going to do. Graham's cryptic musings has my curiosity peaked.
  9. Yeah, I could see that. With the 30th anniversary, I would have thought they'd have planned multiple releases spread out through the year. I guess not. Unless they're keeping stuff from us, which is pretty likely.
  10. Why did you? Of all the ones to skip, I figured Ozma would NOT be one of them. I can see skipping Alto. He's such a wuss sometimes.
  11. I'm in Vancouver, and it takes about 1 week to up to 4. Depends on when seller ships it out, and how long customs holds it. EMS, on the other hand, is only a few days.
  12. 4? How'd you manage to snag 4? The closest I've seen to an eBay dealer selling a VF-25 even close to HLJ prices, was the VF-25F renewal, the cheapest of which was within the first couple weeks of release at $189. Now they're way higher. (Although I did just check and there are a couple auctions for less than that, though who knows what the final price will be). I think in general though, his point still stands: buying VF's from eBay isn't the best way to go, at least I wouldn't do it, unless you know you are getting one of the valks that have been out for a while and you know there are no major QC issues with it.
  13. Jeebus. Just checked eBay out of curiosity, and people are already asking BIN $290+. Of course, asking for it and getting it are two different things...
  14. I have a feeling it won't be possible. The sniper rifle is too big, and the landing gear, while lengthened for the regular gunpods, won't be long enough to house the gun underneath.
  15. Those that ordered from HLJ should be seeing a payment request soon, if you haven't received one already.
  16. Same here. Much like the extra Alto that came with the 25F, I would have preferred Ozma in his Ex Gear in some sort of shooting action pose, but I'm glad we get a Ranka with all her limbs.
  17. Exactly. While lately I've taken more business to Amiami, I've started to come back to HLJ. An extra day or two wait for an item isn't going to kill me. Yeah, I think you are unfortunately one of the few that have had terrible experiences, but I understand. My friends and I used to go to this bar we loved for years. One day the owner offended me so badly, that I refuse to go there. My friends still go there, in fact they are having a birthday party there next weekend, but I just apologized to the birthday girl and said I wouldn't go. I absolutely REFUSE to give them a single cent of my hard earned money. So I get it.
  18. Dang that black gunpod is sexy, as is the head sculpt. So cool.
  19. That's actually what I thought too.
  20. That looks very nice Graham. Thanks for the pictures. The colors on it look fantastic, though I am puzzled why the gunpod is a different color. Not a big deal though, since I actually prefer that to the purple one. I know the armor pack hides most of the valk's designs, but to me, it's a must have piece. I skipped out on Ozma's super pack since I knew he doesn't wear it often, just like Alto doesn't have the armor on very often in favor of the super pack. Ozma is seem mostly with the armor on, so I'll be displaying him in battroid armed to the gills.
  21. But a lot of people have Alto now. I know some people don't, but it is what it is. Web exclusives. I doubt you'll see a bundled set announced until at least after all the additional super and armor sets are released. Since the armored set isn't coming out until summer, you'll be waiting a while. But then, Bandai does some strange stuff. There should have been a re-release of the 29 by now, but there hasn't. The 29 super pack came out, but still no announcement on a re-release or bundle. Who knows if they'll ever even do a bundle? Seems like an obviously easy way to make money, but like I said, Bandai is making some odd business decisions.
  22. 8,190 yen huh? Well that's just great.
  23. No kidding. That's easy, easy money. Easy. Maybe Bandai hates money. It's the only reason for why there is no reissue of the 29.
  24. Exactly. I don't mind paying for quality. My 17 just shipped! YEAH BABY!
  25. That's one of my grail pieces. 171 is gonna happen this year I think, and I'm gonna buy at least two, if not three of them, depending on how it turns out. Regardless, I WILL own it. While I'd like to get Michel and Luca's valks, I wouldn't mind at all if they announced the 171 before those two.
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